Man this was a FATAL choice indeed. Poor girl juat wanted something to eat...this is why we own Refrigerators. Too bad she'll never be able to buy one
B.A.D Gaming
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The story and twist were cool. The gameplay, however, was tedious. I appreciate wanting the character to slowly realize he messed up, but going back and forth chasing keys wasnt it. If there was a better gameplay loop or even just another entity that wasnt us, this game could have hit a different level.
I had a fun time playing this one! The jumpscares (really, one in particular) nearly put me 6 feet deep. The fact that the books strewn throughout the home have a connection to the situation (trying not to be spoiler-y) thus rewarding the player for searching was great.
I'm looking forward to your next game!
Whew! This game didn't disappoint!
I knew this was gonna be fire after playing the demo a few months ago but I wasn't expecting the story that unfolded. I was able to find two of the endings on video (and the final one off) and I would encourage anyone who decides to play this to do the same! Hell, I even cleared all the achievements on steam I was so invested.
Gravel Road put a ton of love and care into this title and I cant wait to see what game they cook up next!
I just played the demo about two weeks ago so I was super excited to play this game on launch. This was one of the most uneasy, violent, disgusting, funny, and amazing gameplay experiences I've ever had.
The way this game's carefree energy slowly disintegrates as the massacre is approaching was *chefs kiss*. Then came the "shoe drop" of the massacre it's self...whew boy i wasn't expecting the level of carnage.
One of the best games this year and worth every penny!
The atmosphere was good in this game. It really made the walk feel uneasy. The initial sighting of the shadow guy was cool as well. For me, I'm not sure the ending stuck. Kinda felt rushed and didn't make much sense. Despite that, I am looking forward to seeing where you take this idea and trying the full release.
I feel like this game took a bit to get started and by the time it did, the game was done. There was alot that could have been done to tie some of the occurrences throughout the night to build on top of each other instead of random outages and appearances from people.
The final "standoff" failure sending you back to delivery was a choice. On top of that, why did we need to mash a button to win when we had a gun?
The actual gameplay had minimal if and any bugs, but the story and design decisions left me feeling disconnected from the game.
I look forward to seeing where you go from here!
The only title I played of yours was "The Final Pin", and I thought it was one of the best indie games I had played...until I hopped on this game. The tension and unease, sprinkle in some jumpscares, and an overarching story that will make you feel for all those involved. I say it in the video, this game is my favorite game I have played this year! Thank you for the incredible time!