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A member registered Apr 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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possible but in the meantime, you can use the axe animations

cool =D !

(2 edits)

Parce ce qu'une vidéo vaut 1000 images et qu'une image vaut 1000 mots, voici une vidéo du gameplay du jeu !

valensole village landscape =D !

I've just tested your game, it's nice but there are several problems. the command menu is too well hidden, it needs to be made more visible. then I had a bug where allied and enemy soldiers were above the water and could continue to shoot and lastly you could add the possibility of having the commands in ZQSD? thank you.

loading the game freezes near the end of the bar for me.

I've just tested it, it's nice, but I find the gravity too weak and we lose a lot of time in the air. I think that if the character were heavier, it would give a more dynamic gameplay.

bonito pero con comandos ZQSD o moviendose con las flechas y poniendo el disparo en otra tecla seria mejor creo yo.

nice little game. too easy, maybe you should put checkpoints with timers because you just need to brake to dodge the trees more easily, so you can play almost endlessly.

Maybe increase the maximum speed?

The character moves too slowly compared to the zombies, and there's also a bug where if you shoot the zombie too quickly, the damage isn't counted. You have to wait a few seconds between each shot for the damage from the next bullet to be taken into account. it's a shame because I'm sure I could spend some time on your game


c'est trop bieng!

dans le rôle des sfx de la marche du personnage principal,  voici 

jean michel  trucage 

il n'y a pas d'épinards dedans!

pourquoi tant de haine avec mes cousins les pingouins ='(.

c'est de la bombe bébé .

ça fait peur =O !

(1 edit)

the game does not scale well in 1366*768 resolution. the information window is cut off at the edges and the object bar overflows the information window.

so I can't read the hints properly.

the problem is only on browser

(1 edit)

Simple et efficace, j'adore la mécanique de jeu, c'est addictif, je pense que tu devrais aller plus loin dans le développement !

trop bien !

cool =)

parfait !

papapapapapa papapapap  papapapapapa pa papapa papapap papapaa XD

ok =)

it's very clean, especially the movement of the weapons. for the enemies i think you could use this zombie. it would be more fun than capsules =P Animated Zombie by LeVraiCoinCoin (


a ranking system would have been welcome to know who has the biggest XD

cooool =) !

intéressant comme mécanique, il y a moyen de se faire quelques soirées sympa entre potes =).

stro biin BG!

j'aime ce jeu !

I tested your game because I like ducks. I find that we don't have enough resources between rounds. I did wave 8 and I'm still short of resources.

otherwise it's cool, you should polish your game

sympa ton jeu, c'est rare de voir un jeu fait avec upbge .

oui aussi ^^