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A member registered Sep 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I wanted to continue it, but after a discussion with the guy I made the game for, I decided not to finish V2 of it...

admito que aunque este juego es re trucho, me da gracia lo impresionantemente bien hecho que esta en cuestion de codigo

sale xd, eso sucedera en la V2


hey yes, I remember you, you were the one from the Jam, sorry for not being able to present games in your jam, I had been busy with my classes, but now I can try to program one, now I was going to make a game called "Carmisson Chaser", I hope everything goes well...

2 things:

1_solo I deleted the project, I was completely alone in this and couldn't schedule it...

2_iba it was going to be in Spanish but I was going to get an English version (I don't really speak English, I only speak Spanish)

I have a question and an interesting idea:


It would be nice if you could make a "custom character", that you could put one of the It's to the test, that there were options with functions, and that you could upload an image or a GIF to put your own characters. This would make the fangame extremely good.


What are the new events? I still can't download the game so I can't see what they are.

emm... later XD

Context XD?

I love this game and the rest of your games, but I died in round 5 because the big die rolled my last card, and I was only 3 points short of winning DX

I never saw the notification, I'm sorry... but if you're interested, I've opened a new Jam too, I want at least this year one or two people to join xD Five Webs At Jammer's


I've made a Jam for them to make their own Five Nights At Freddy's games, I'll sort by graphics, gameplay, characters, and if possible, by story. Here's the link:

Five Webs At Jammer's


He hecho una Jam para que hagan sus propios juegos de Five Nights At Freddy's, clasificare por gráficos, jugabilidad, personajes, y si es posible, por historia. Aquí tienen el Link:

Five Webs At Jammer's

XD oks... aunque ese comentario ya es demasiado viejo...

I won't be able to be at the jam, but the next time you do, let me know and I'll join

I forgot about the jam, I was busy, forgive me DX

oh, okey

I'll join, tomorrow I'll start early with the game, I don't think it's easy to make a game in 3 days, BUT IT WILL BE WORTH MOVING FORWARD! (I already have experience in 2 game jams, one where I got the date wrong and ruined it XD, and another where I came out in 6th place (at least it wasn't 8th XD))

The game is very cool, but they should make it playable on the phone, today I wanted to play on a call with 2 friends of mine, them on the phone and me on PC, and in the end the most they could do was stay still during the whole game

i'found an easter egg when i'write "911" in the phone

Short but very good



noup ahi lo veo (perdon si no contesto, es q desde q acepte los terminos de uso de las discuciones, solo me llegan notificaciones de eso y no se como desactivarlas DX)

tranquilo, algunos amigos (antes que yo publique el juego, se lo mostre a unos amigos) tambien les salto eso, es porque se me olvido poner quien era el autor (osea yo), por lo tanto windows defender lo ve como un virus por ser de autor desconocido, lo mismo pasa con uno de mis juegos actuales llamado W&B Land, pero no se preocupe, y en caso de que le salte un codigo en vez de juego (porque eso paso en una ocacion), aviseme que lo resuelvo de inmediato

Wtf it's so epic XD

fino señores

Hey, I really like your games, but 2 things, 1_como you make your Baldi's Basics fangames? because I wanted to create one of my own. 2_Why don't you try to create one of those fangames but completely unique? So if it's not Baldi or the original characters, just your own and your story, that would be very interesting (=

Anyway, could you try to leave me a mini review of my Argentina Catalogue series? The characters were made by my community but there were some piola left, something is something

oye, se ve interesante, despues lo probare (=

hey, me agrada mucho los sprites que haces para juegos, probablemente cree un juego con algunos de estos activos, obviamente dare creditos

Oye, arreglé el proyecto hace unos días, ¿pudiste jugarlo? Porque otros me dijeron que podían


i'cant play

em... en este momento ninguna, pero tengo varios proyecto que ire presentando, entre ellos: Dust Fight, Argentina Catalogue (ya tiene pagina oficial de sway y proximamente pasare el link) o mis juegos mas grandes: Devil's adventure y Haunted

Simple, tengo una idea, la comparto aqui (=

it's too melancholy D=> good game but I couldn't make the old man happy and they forced me to move up ),=> Huh? I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING! I'M JUST SWEATING FROM MY EYES!

i'love too much this game =D (sorry for my bad english, i'talk spanish)

aunque probablemente lo mejore en algun futuro despues de esta jam (=

realmente, me gusta crear juegos pero... es el primer juego que publico con ClickTeam Fusion 2.5, y se que soy malo haciendo mapas de juegos de plataformas pero en ese creador de juegos es lo mas simple pero mejor que puedo hacer... lo siento mucho

Corto pero bueno