What a journey! It kept getting surprising and beautiful all the way long.
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Le concept est plutôt solide, et le jeu suit bien ! :) C'est assez satisfaisant de faire du air-control avec l'arme, et il y a de plutôt bons feedback visuels et sonores. Le level-design est aussi très cool, avec de la variété et des obstacles intéressants. J'ai préféré jouer avec des armes à fréquence rapide et tir précis. Un trop long délai donne autrement l'impression que le tir est quasi secondaire.
Le jeu n'est par contre pas toujours lisible. Particulièrement au niveau des ennemis, que j'ai eu du mal à distinguer du décor. L'UI est aussi assez "brute de décoffrage", avec essentiellement du texte, dur à comprendre sans avoir fait plusieurs run. (et je suis pas non plus très fan de désigner une des options par "noob") J'ai eu du mal à cerner quand j'allait avoir un prochain power-up, à quoi ils correspondent, si ça concerne l'attaque ou le pouvoir spécial, leurs qualité et défaut... Y a peu d'on-boarding, et de symboles ou couleurs distinctives. Egalement pas toujours clair quand je vais assez vite pour éliminer les ennemis, et quand je prends un dégât. Je trouve d'ailleurs dommage que le power-up comme le game-over met subitement le jeu en pause sans animation.
Ca reste une réalisation vraiment top ! Y a clairement du potentiel pour itérer et faire progresser l'idée. :) Et niveau DA c'est un super boulot.
That migh have been a bit too ambitious for a jam!^^' The combat doesn't feel responsive, and is mostly laborious. I didn't have the patience for beating the boss. I like the idea of playing Simon Says during a boss fight though. I think it could even go further and ask for more constraining tasks (like no attacking or never stop running for example). But I think it's be easier to iterate on the idea with a simpler game like a 2D one. Still congrats for finishing it in time!
Nice pixel-art! Although it can be difficult to see what is interactable or not. While for the item it participate in the "hidden object" game-design, for other things like the recipe book or the cauldron it makes it confusing to not realize they can be clicked. I also spent a lot of time trying to find what is "the bottling station", and only found it by accident.
Another small problem I had was the perspective of the broom. I didn't seem clear to me where I should drop an item so that it lands in the cauldron (and not behind). But otherwise, it was satisfying to spot the ingredients and prepare each potions. nd I like how smooth the movement is! I guess the game could get challenging with time limits in the vein of Overcooked. Congrats for releasing this!
That was a pretty sweet slice of life experience. :) I like the 3D environments. Their minimalist abstractions and color palette make them compelling. And the camera movement following the cursor make them more immersive than most visual novel.
Also great work on the music! In term of pace, it's strange that second half of the game consists only in lestening a playlist. But the songs are pleasant to hear. In the end, the lack of narrative cohesion or conclusion made me feel like I was just witnessing a nice day in someone's life. It's kinda soothing. Congrats for releasing this game!
This was sweet! I'm not sure what the basket ball and the red card were for, throwing them didn't seem to have an effect. But otherwise it's a nice mini-game. I like that the aiming is not accurate, and become challenging with the distance. Also turning the class into a competitive field was satisfying. Well done!
Woah, I see I wasn't the only one who made a level editor! Congrats! It's pretty intuitive to use, and quickly gives satisfying results.
I really like the space this game create. Combined with the color evolution across levels, it's kinda hypnotic to fly through them. I always enjoy spaces without clear up and down. The movement felt nice, although I regret that bumping walls can be very punitive and discourage from going too fast. But overall I had a very pleasant time with the game!
Very hard to win. But I managed to do it once!^^ The trickier part was to get all necessary parts. Most of the time I'm missing one or two elements to get to the second part. Got also some issues with the drag'n drop of the hairs. Globally I like that the controls are chaotics (so that I can't predict easily what the face will look like), but they could be more responsive.
Then remembering which pieces I picked was a challenge, but a fun one! And it was rewarding to eventually get the victory.^^ I like the idea, and even if the execution has flaws, it's short enough to be fun. :)
Neat concept! It feels a bit like writing a regex. The generated monsters are also charming!
However accessibility-wise, as a colorblind I had trouble playing it. ^^' I couldn't distinguish the read aura from the green ones, especially on top of a blue background with alpha. Fortunately I eventually noticed that the green ones are marked with stars (which is a really nice solution). But it wasn't enough, because then I had difficulty telling the colors of the body parts... ^^' I could differentiate them, meaning that when seeing one I could point where it was used elsewhere and tell it apart from the other. But giving them labels like "blue", "purple", "orange"… That was really challenging, and I failed because of that. ^^' For example Some eyes felt yellow to me, and some body looked grey, but those weren't options, so I guess I was wrong. :p And reciprocally when I was choosing "Purple", I couldn't know before validating what "purple-looking" color it would match. ^^' So yeah I really enjoy the concept, but the UI could be improved to be more accessible. :)
I like that aesthetic! It's minimalist, but works very well. The physics are a bit finicky. Sometime I wasn't sure if I had the right solution for a puzzle. Also the high mouse sensitivity made it a bit hard to navigate. But overall it was still doable. I had a nice time discovering the different powers. Good job!
Great work on the visuals and music! I particularly appreciate how the tracks transitions from the title screen to game , and reciprocally.^^
The game is really hard though. I could only complete the first level. It's not the first time I see that concept in a game, and to be fair it's a challenging one. But one feature that works well is to preview the trajectory of the ship. It reduces the fastidious repetition of trial and error, and allow to manipulate faster the configurations. However I have no idea how this kind of UI is implemented (it's still magic to me!). But I could see it work well for this game. :)
That was interesting! I first I wasn't sure how it was fitting the theme, maybe the horizontal warping. But after several attempts the "special" bubbles started to appear, and it was like the game was cheating by adding new rules! ^^ I also wondered why sometime the screen was getting almost empty, but then I figured out the invisible rule of how the bubbles were repeating, and I was able to use that to strategically eliminate them so that I was able to spawn the next wave while being in the middle of the screen. In the end it was a nice experience of trying to outsmart the game by retro-engineering its rules, while dealing with the rules breaking of the game itself with the colored bubble. This is pretty clever! And it was fun to play.
I'm not good at those games, but they always end up fun. This was no exception! I didn't see the "twist" coming, it really add something cool. Each new power ask for new strategies, making the game more interesting than just "find the longest word". I actually want to play it again to test new configurations. Great job on the concept and execution!
Uh, I actually didn't know Snakes and Ladder!^^' Not sure if I still do in fact. Now I'm wondering how the original game actually works. :P Moving the pieces seems like a natural element of the game-design, it's what's making it interesting.^^ Although it might need some more restrictions, because I guess it could be too easy to just spam falls on the opponent.
It took me time to understand that I had to click on the black circle to move a piece. I initially thought it was drag'n drop.^^' It would be nice to have a hover status to indicate that they can be interacted with. I was also wondering if I had to throw dices first, what the number next to the faces mean, which one was player 1... But I get that there was limited time in the jam.^^' To be honest, I think it would actually work like a charm as a physical board game!
There's a lot of complexity, but the concept is pretty interesting. I like how bold and radical it is. But it also makes the game a bit too unforgivable. I like the idea of planning carefully, but less being out of option when facing a threat and knowing I'm facing a certain doom. Perhaps there lack a "last resort panic" mechanic to be able to reacts to a threat (for a great cost or as a risky maneuver). Also the size of the map makes the guard moves pretty unpredictable, making it hard to determine when I'll need to hide or escape.
But it was still fun to try beating it! The UI is clean and fast to use once you understand it. And each card explains itself very well (except maybe the diversion)! Great work also on the art and music, the game looks nice and has good feedback.