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A member registered Aug 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Game is the epitome of entertainment

Germ you have yet to steer me wrong, once again you have me anxiously waiting for the next project. One of a kind Indie Dev with a one of kind talent! Awesome job and here's to hoping for continued success!!! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


Awesome game

Was thoroughly entertained from beginning to end. Can't say enough good things but if I had one gripe, it would be that you HAVE to pick up the gun before the ammo otherwise the ammo is gone forever if you do it the other way around. Other than that, this experience was stupid fun and I'm certainly excited to see more projects from you in the future. Definitely earned my follow!!

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive

Merry Christmas 


What a terrifying ride!!

I know this is PT inspired but I really enjoy the little pieces that were from your imagination and creative box. The flavor you added to the mix was awesome and I'd love to see what else you could do with more time and resources. Keep up the great work and look forward to seein what kind of scares you have for us in the future! 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love 


Incredibly fun game

Should really consider making more horror because you have a knack for making the player feel uneasy. The battle of the unknown really creates a tension that a lot of horror games can only hope to match. Biggest downside to this game was that it was a terribly short experience, WE MOST CERTAINLY WANT MOREEEEEE!!! I encourage you to please keep making horror or games in general because you have the talent just gotta keep refining your craft and building on your successes. Sky is the limit!!!!!

Earned a follower in me, can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the future

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


I got quite a kick out of this one

I loved how this game didn't take itself too seriously, it took that oldschool slasher vibe and ran with it. I loved the story aspect, most little indie games don't have much of a story especially ones in the horror genre so to have a story to follow is always appreciated. I think you guys have a lot of good things to look forward to in the horror space but based on this game, I'd look forward to any game you guys made regardless of the genre. Very well done!!!

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


I never thought in a million years I'd be scared of a game with Garfield in it but here we are...

The pacing and atmosphere of this game was superb. I'm eagerly waiting for a full installment because

this little nugget has some potential!! Here's to hoping for not to long of a wait because I NEED TO KNOW what kinda shit garfield got himself into lol

Video : 0:00 - 8:37

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive



You have a knack for creating some damn good horror! 

Now I know I'm not exactly the best litmus test for showing whether or not you have a good game, but I think I can comfortably say that you created something pretty unique. I also think this was genuinely terrifying plus add in the small puzzle element and BOOM you have yourself a nice little gem of an experience. Bravo...earned my follow, CAN'T WAIT to see what you got up your sleeve for future games and projects!

Video : 8:38 - end

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


This was perhaps one of the best horror experiences I've had in awhile

You're feel for creating tension is unmatched, you don't plague the player with jumpscare after jumpscare to create the atmosphere. Your pacing was great and the story was unsettling!!

Awesome job and honestly that was the best 2 bucks I've spent 

Can't wait for more from you in the future!!!!

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


Fantastic Game 

I'm hoping in future projects you expand on your story telling. I know making games is no easy task and I certainly applaud any project you Devs put out for us to try and enjoy but I really would like to see some more stuff from ya that has some layers because I think the your potential is through the roof!! Awesome job and here's to hoping for more spooky experiences soon or just games in general. 

Earned my follow

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


This one was a lot of fun and definitely had it's scary moments!

Also i definitely enjoyed the premise of this game, because as a kid these damn ball pits scared the hell out of me!!!

Would love to see more fun wonkey scary games from you!!! I'll be keepin an eye out for more stuff from you definitely see you producing some little gems in the future!!

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


I'm lovin the idea of this bein a game, bravo on you for bringin it to life!! Please tell me you are workin on the next installment or a full version OR SOMETHIN because I NEEEEED MOREE!!! Very well made and game was absolutely terrifying. You've most certainly earned my follow, I'll be watchin carefully to see if you drop any more projects

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


What an awesome experience this game was

I'd seriously recommend expanding on this world/premise!!! This game was so well made and it honestly felt like a chapter to a much bigger experience. Keep up the great work and I'll be keeping my eye out for future projects and maybe even new chapters or sequels to this game!!

Also I'd like to say I really like the music to this game, not too sure why but I thought it really fit the game.

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


Awesome game 

It really had me on edge from start to finish, whether or not you intended for the game to be dark even with set the tone for the entire experience! I'd love to see you flesh out more of your style in another project because I believe this game shows only a FRACTION OF YOUR TRUE POWER lol!!! In all seriousness, you and everyone working on this...have some talent and I hope you make more games to showcase what you can do. I thoroughly enjoyed, only gripe is that I wanted MOREEEEEEE!!!

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 



What a ride this game was! Such a terrifying experience while also being fun. I think where your game shines best is the style of your scares and the setup. I personally think you have a superb way of building up your players to think something is going to happen to  them, so many times I found myself scared to move forward because I was so sure I could feel the scares coming...I never could get a beat on it. Suspense, pacing and overall feel of the game was top tier. A tip of the cap to everyone involved in making this little horror gem!!!

Earned my follow and continued support

I'm eagerly waiting for your next project and can't wait to see what's in store for the future 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


Helluva game, yes it was scary BUT it was also just fun! Loved how this game just got straight to the point. It was just an overall pleasant experience even though you pretty much scared the shit out of me lol

Awesome job, earned my follow and I look forward to more projects from you guys 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


What an amazing little gem we have here

I seriously only had one complaint...I wanted more

I think your vision and feel to create horror is quite good! I loved how there was no music, it was really just game sound and your thoughts regretting each turn lol

Your jumpscares were well placed and the overall aesthetic of the game was brilliant. Game felt familiar but definitley had your own twist and flavor added.

Awesome job, earned my follow and I'm absolutely thrilled to see what you got cookin up in the future 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


What a awesome little game

We definitely need more because I think this story and the way you laid this out seriously has so much potential

Earned  a follow for me and can't wait to see what you do with this and more projects in the future

Keep up the great work 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


Holy hell...what a ride that was lol

You should be incredibly proud of this little series of games

Your potential in the horror space really is out of this world and I'm hoping you continue to grow and see success! Your natural ability to create really intense atmospheres is one of my favorite things about your games, the fact that (SPOILER)

nothing really jumps out and scares you shows me how talented you guys are! I definitely need to check out some of your other projects/works but I'd really like to see you flesh out some more monster ideas...even if it's a simple silhouette...Just a suggestion! Everyone over there at meatyoats is super talented and I simply can't wait to see more. Keep up the great work and keep refining your craft.

Glad I followed you because your guys' work simply does not disappoint 

Again awesome job 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


This was a nice little gem, I FREAKIN HATE MANNEQUINS 

I really think you have quite a bit of potential as a developer especially since this is your first solo project. You should be incredibly proud at what you've accomplished. You've earned my follow and can't wait to see what else you have in store for us. 

Jumpscares were awesome btw... pretty sure the big jumpscare sent my soul into another dimension lol

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


Earned a follow from me, I'll be patiently waiting for the next project :) Don't hesitate to reach out to me on youtube or twitter either. Thanks for the kind words as well on the youtube channel, really means a lot!! 

What an awesome experience especially since this is your first horror game!

Although extremely similar to The Crypt Terror, you did a couple things very different and with your own flavor! Those couple of things really made the game shine and I'd encourage you to keep fleshing out those ideas because you do have a knack for creating good horror. My only complaints of the game is because its very very similar to Crypt Terror, I feel like I had played it before. It was still a great experience and I LOVED your spin on the game! 

Keep grindin and refining your craft man, I really do think you have a bright future in game making/development 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 



I'm absolutely in love with the idea of this game 

I know time money and resources play a huge role in making games but man what I'd do to see this game being made into 4-8 hour campaign with some crazy story to bring it all together. 

KenForest, my man I really think you have yourself a gem, definitely knocked it out the park with this one 

Can't wait to see more from ya 

Earned my follow 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 



In all seriousness, this game was quite fun and I can't wait to see what you do with future projects. 

I'll be keeping a close eye on when somethin new drops 

Again awesome job 

Love You Guys

Stay Safe and Stay Positive



Brian man you knocked it out the park, you should seriously be incredibly proud of what you accomplished 

WE NEED MORE game Devs like you 

The polish and care that went into this is just REFRESHING 


Posting this here to get as many eyes on the game as possible since the full game can be purchased on steam as of yesterday!

Love Yall

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


Another job well done by my man MrConqueror

You have a good eye for making things unsettling and disorienting 

If i had one wish I hope to see you flesh out some of your ideas for monsters, bad guys, scary things etc...

But stay on your grind and keep refining your craft nothin but a bright future ahead if you stay on it

Earned my follow and I'm ecstatic to see what the future holds for you


Love You Guys

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


The art stole the show for me, I can't explain how much I truly enjoyed looking at this game!!! Super freakin talented is an understatement 

Everyone involved in this project should be incredibly proud

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep making these because I'm addicted 

Keep grinding and refining your craft because the sky is the limit 

You've earned a follower in me and I'm ecstatic about what the future holds for you and your future projects!!!

Thank you for sharing this beautiful yet terrifying world with us 

CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love


All imma say is this NEEDS to be made into a full game at some point, I think you may be surprised at how many people actually have this fear high on their list as shit that terrifies them. Also this little gem was very well made and super tense. Keep grindin and refining your craft because you have some serious potential when it comes to making horror games 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 







Okay now that we got that out the way I'm deciding to place this here for the purpose of showing some love for the dev. I feel the more eyes on the video the more I can help spread some love their direction for the release of their game. I've only scratched the surface of this and man.. IMPRESSED doesn't even begin to explain how I feel about the first hour of this game!! What they've done with this project with limited resources, time and money is remarkable. All to cap it off with the fact that this dev squad is only 2 people deep. They should be incredibly proud of what they've accomplished and I'm beyond happy to support. Hope you guys enjoy the video even if I am little over dramatic lol. 

Even if you don't find my video entertaining, helpful, or maybe you just don't like me...that's perfectly fine, I just wanna spread the word that their game has officially released and YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


Such an amazing experience and the fact that this is your first horror game, that says a lot about your talent as a dev. Bravo good sir and here's to hoping for continued success just have to make sure you keep grinding and refining your craft! You've definitely earned a fan in me and I'll do what I can to make sure I spread the word about your work. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the future!!!!

Stay Safe and Stay Positive

Much Love 


Please tell me that you are the creator of 9 Childs Street Demo, 

This game alone is really awesome but if both games are made by you 

I'm even more impressed. 

You have an amazing ability to create horrifying worlds and creatures 

It seems you have a very signature style and I'm eagerly waitng for more!!

Keep grinding, everyone that has worked on these games should be incredibly proud 

Thank you for sharing this terrifying worlds with us 

Love You Guys

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


I'm extremely impressed with how you told this story, certainly a one of kind experience 

I think you should be incredibly proud of what you created and it certainly has me stoked for the future 

You've earned my follow and support, keep grinding and refining your craft

Thanks for sharing this awesome game with us 

Love You Guys

Stay Safe and Stay Positive



Everyone  at BoredLeviathan should be incredibly proud, some of the sequences in this game were absolutely TERRIFYING!!

I've played other games from you guys and you just keep getting better and better at creating such fun (horrifying) worlds for us to explore

Have not regretted one dime or one second supporting you guys, I'm so eager to see what's cookin in the background because the future is certainly bright. Keep up the great work

Love You Guys

Stay Safe and Stay Positive


HOLY SHIT...This one scared the beejeezus out of me lol

Very well done and very well made! I followed because I played your game Liliths Curse and boy am I glad I followed. You sir just have a knack for making good horror and I can't wait to see what you do with more time and resources. I'll continue to spread the word about your stuff and support you in any way I can. Thank you for making this game to share with us and the world.  Look forward to more projects in the future 

Much Love 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


For your first horror game man, there's some serious potential! This was an absolute blast!!! Keep up the great work and I look forward to seein more projects from ya especially if this was any indication of whats to come. Earned  my follow 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 


Great job from beginning to only gripe is that this game is hella short!! Here's to hoping for continued success and if this game is any indication of whats to come in the future, I believe we will have some more gems from you guys. Again awesome job and you've earned my follow and support 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love 


Dear Dev, 

I'd like to personally thank you for making me consider making adult diapers apart of my next walmart delivery order

Also like to thank you for making my body feel like "fight or flight" is a routine response 

HAHA loved the game from start to finish, an absolute gem on itchio and here's to hoping for continued success. You've earned my follow and can't wait to see what else is in store for the future! Everyone involved with this project is extremely talented, horror/gaming community is lucky to have yall making games for us. Keep up the great work 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love 


This game was intense and really well made, I know it's just a demo but I'm quite optimistic about this project! Makin games is hard work and if you're the dev and reading this just know that you got love and support in this corner! Earned a follow from me and I'm quite excited to see what yall have in store not only for this game but future projects. Everyone over there seems super talented so just keep grinding away and success will follow!!

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love 


one of the most unique experiences I've had on my channel and I gotta say I loved every minute of it. I'm really glad to see that theres the possibility of DLC because this game has the perfect universe for that kinda thing. Everyone on the dev squad should be proud of this one and I simply cannot wait for more. You guys are awesome....earned a follow from me and I'll be keepin a close eye for more content for this game....SO EXCITED CAN'T WAIT :) 

Stay Safe and Stay Positive 

Much Love