what does 1/50.0T mean
i can't figure out what the evil eye description means. what does "when the eye sees you" mean???
i am only able to freeze 3 waters at a time, so i cannot figure out the level with 5 waters
what is the "u shape" required? i can't figure it out
is the goal to make the screen completely white? i tried doing that and nothing happened
i finished the game. is there multiple endings?
ive been getting through the game without clicking (as the notes said to)
this is awesome
if i didnt use it before does it still work
that was so fun i hope theres more to come :3
i thought "hit" is a word
its a horror game
yeah an effect or certain amount of power/gold or something to get out of the "checkmate" would be pretty cool
this game vs. my schoolwork
lol awesom
are there multiple ending
how do you do it