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A member registered Jun 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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Rabbit's Quest is an awesome one. It's advertised as top-down Metroid but then the result is closer to 2D Zelda games in my opinion.

Shipwreck although a bit shorter is great too and directly inspired by A Link to the Past.

"And it's over."

And it was fun!

The game looks, sounds and feels great. 

Sometimes the actual platforms could probably be a bit more recognisable, more specially whether one is completely solid or may be crossed while jumping.

The level 17 was (consistenly) bugged for me, I could see the functional boxes (Camera Up, Camera Down, Goto next level ...) like I was in debug more or something.

Thanks for sharing!

Happy Holidays!

The game was fun.

I beat the campaign, it was cool, thanks for sharing!

I enjoyed the Cursed series and Spectacle and Infested when it comes to pixel horror adventure games. They're both inspired by the old Shadowgate/Uninvited kind of games so you need to like traditional adventure game puzzles to have fun with these.

I won on Insane in the end, mostly long fights that I eventually won thanks to the Sleep Cycle card. The feat preventing from dying once also helped me as I would have been defeated by Brain Being otherwise.

This is a very cool game, I am fond of both the presentation and the gameplay, thanks for sharing!

Oh, thanks! (I just got and am currently using the wrench)

The demo was cool, keep up the good work.

Thanks a lot!

I just completed the game, this ending is metal, I didn't except the goddess to go full badass.

The pixel art is great and I love how smooth the game looks and plays, the challenge was pretty perfect for my taste too.

(1 edit)

I won a reward?

My email is : EDITED

I'm not on discord as I waste enough time on Internet without that ;)

I have "finished the main questline of this game", in one evening as after I started I couldn't stop playing. The game is fun, the presentation is great (both the visuals and music), I really like that you went with named items (no template). The rise in power is satisfying, the overall adventure part is cool and I really liked the ending, I enjoyed just putting back the sword and chatting with the spirits, the dragon looks specially nice by the way.

I started with an old version and switching to the new version in the middle of the playthrough worked perfectly, that was super cool too.

Congratulations and thanks for sharing the game.

"That sounds neat"

The game was pretty cool!

I'll post here as you deactivated the comments in the project page ;) 

I'm not certain we ruled everything as intended (we replaced the stuff card at the end of the turn it was gained, also the stuff cards which say not to add a stuff or to add more stuffs we played that you definitely play with one extra or one less card from when it was gained).

I translated the game and did some minimalistic colouring to easily sort the cat cards, here is how it looked on the table in case you're curious :

"GAME OVER" The game was cool and took me a few tries, thanks for sharing.

I completed the game, couldn't open the door at the end, had found 3 frogs and now wonder if I needed more of it's simply the single ending, it's fine either way. Given the context I expected the game to be shorter and was pleasantly surprised.

The controls don't always feel perfect, like there can be weird behaviours where walking on a plateform above a ladder, a few times I wondered if I went out of the bonds of the game, don't get me wrong they're fine and the game is quite stable.

The game is very cool. It's absolutely gorgeous and the animation of anything's animated is great. It's quite atmospheric with appropriate, cryptic music, I enjoyed when the joyful music started near the end, and the last ladder sequence was a satisfying conclusion. There are quite some cool sequences especially during the late parts, the checkpoints are rightly placed and if the game isn't hard it's still easy enough to die that it's quite fun to play.

Thanks for sharing the game.

I had played your other game and recognized your style, your games are cool.


Not sure about the 2 years late reply but Alt+Enter work ;). 

I 3-stars-ed all the levels, which took me a couple of days. My total score is 71089.

I had a lot of fun playing the game, with diverse levels and especially the exact difficulty I was looking for at the moment.

It was fine, I think a lot of levels I instantly or almost instantly beat (and in the end I liked that, it enhances the pacing of the game, long and easy could be a problem but here easy means you spend 10 seconds on the level) while maybe 1/3, I'm not sure, took me several tries to figure out. It's only my opinion but in my opinion it's not stupidly easy as it seems to be what you're wondering.

Some I definitely beat by chance while I don't really know if some, if any, level I bruteforced by going fast while there's a more conventional intended path, if it's sometimes possible do that then it's a cool thing either way.

The sound effects are punchy, I like those.

I made it! I beat the game!

I didn't expect so many levels, the game was fun.

I finished the game in 761 seconds. The game was fun with great presentation as well.

The music is so good in this!

This is great!

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

I definitely need to start implementing volume sliders in my games. 

There's not that much difference between hard and easy modes in the end, easy is not easy while hard is not especially hard either but anyway ;).


I'm happy because I just finally managed to clear World 2 for the first time while as the time passed I was starting to think I would not manage to before the end of the jam.

Now completing the game will require at least a couple of extra sessions. ;)

Oh, it's fine then ;) .

I think the game would benefit from an objective either in the form of a score of finite lives but it's fun to play as it's punchy with perfect controls, the appropriate speed of bullets and engaging sound effects.

Somehow with so many things happening on the screen without anything blinking sometimes it almost feels too sharp, too smooth, too fast for a NES game ;).

We played some 3 player games, all had fun.

The watermelon won only once and only because the spectator kept mixing left and right, I definitely think it's unbalanced in favour of the human to the point the watermelon can't win.

I did, the last fight was very cool because I could flawlessly beat the two first monsters of the boss fight using Chloro Drain but the last one had me change some of the other monsters in my party and all 4 barely managed (3 were dead at the end) to beat it on my, I think, 3rd try.

"Your final time is 11 : 37."

I had a lot of fun playing the game.

Switching to full screen should definitely keep the original ratio as currently you can't really use it and need to zoom in your browser instead. Despite the jump feeling very weird even if couldn't give the exact reason the game is still pretty fun because the level design is very good with the multiple paths through levels, enemies which are fun to deal and the occasional power-ups and the proposed difficulty is right on point.

Thanks a lot, I'm happy you got to see the crab then as I think it's easy to miss.

(1 edit)

"And so with the evil shadow" ...

I think equipping an item consistently makes the game crash, no big deal once you're aware of it.

The game is very fun. Every single monster looks super cool and given the context I think they're very elaborate which is quite a feat as they're also plenty of them. The soundtrack is great too. I like that with the right element a monster basically dies in one hit, I had plenty of fun making full use of the right elements, competely switching to a different full team of the same good element for each dungeon.

My only caveat that I'm mentioning only because the game is overall great would be that the trees, rocks, etc.. feel like they're  built 16x16 and then resized to 32x32 which feels both a bit too big at all compared to the most traditional NES games so in the end the game doesn't completely look like those and also inconsistent with the characters on the map. No biggie, especially as once again the monsters during fights look amazing.

Well ...

I had a lot of fun playing, the levels are diverse while all being real levels with some challenge, challenge which is perfectly balanced for the context, and once again this is served with perfect NES presentation.

Thanks a lot, congratulations for doing everything and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

There's actually nothing with the statue ;) .

Yes, thanks! 

Let's see how far I manage to go.