Thanks! and for the input!
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Thanks for your input..
AmiSSL was released just when I already gone to next stage in testing/preparing a distro release, you can just run the installer your self, it won't hurt the 32se in anyway.
I don't think the newer Picasso96 adds anything useful, it has support for more gfx cards, but I'll check it. Don't liked it before cause it's not official.
I now remember why I stick with Picasso96 2.0, the hacked versions does not run well... try run SysInfo...white screen
I think I tried one or several betas of Dopus before and they not stable or had bug, I'm 99,99% using filer,
more modern but lacks some nice functions that Dopus has ...and Filer better in some areas ;)
I've looked in Instructions on Theme import, it does need some more clarification. install many Themes at same time..I'll think about it
You don't need to wait for me to update 3rd party apps, you can install/update them yourself if you are in need for them
Most Amiga game coders are on itch today, we wanna show / promote the creation, you can't on Aminet, Aminet was a competing platform in it's days! you are using wrong word, I'm not refusing, I'm preferring ;) and biggest thing it doesn't have is a store function so you can't sell your creations
Hi , I was not todo special Vampire version but it got me wondering why Tracker is not working on it, anyhow I've put up a new version 1.09 this requires manual action, so you probably need just to start the game and music should play, the before Vampire autodetect is moved to hold L-SHIFT during launch of game icon... I'm to remove it entirely in future...
ohh V4, I had a lot of problem to make it run on it, Tracker locked it up, maybe it's my core 10400 that's fault ?? so I changed player for V4 HW but kept old one for non V4 since the new player not working on plain Amiga..... What core are you running? I think I have to take a second look at this...