Posted June 20, 2024 by VyletBunni
So... I didn't intend to make this update so big. It was meant to just be a general bug fixes patch with some script revisions and rebalances, but it kind of just inflated into a QOL rebalancing update that comes with the planned v3.1.0 GG!UF!Sans overhaul. Whoops.
Anyways, changelog! Witness!!!!!!!
+ Added Easy Mode.
* Updated RynoGG branding to VyletBunni (game still saves to the RynoGG folder for now).
* X-Slash now has consistent damage in relation to LOVE.
* Improved some SOUL mode effects for shoot mode and jump mode.
* Updated a ton of sprites in relation to Kris.
* Improved Party Member following.
* Updated title screen graphics.
* Updated Sans's shop sprites.
* If an enemy is still alive, but their HP bar doesn't show them as having health, at least a tiny itty bitty bit of green will always show.
* Changed many attacks throughout the game to target one party member instead of all party members.
* Fixed a bug where certain running sprites don't match up with the overworld SOUL outline.
* Overworld bullet segment damage is now done completely differently, now handled by the same function that does battle damage. This means damage scaling has changed for overworld bullets and defense is now considered in damage calculation.
* A certain secret code now works on mobile.
* Typo fixes
Section 1
* The butterscotch pie will now be put on the ground if your inventory is full outside. Doesn't work in hard mode, teehee :3
Hard Mode
* Hard Mode ending now uses a different credits sequence.
* Updated Lost Core music.
Section 2
* Fixed a crash involving Spinning Robo.
* Lil' UFO's Slow Mode check is now properly reset.
* Fixed the slow mode blast sorting order issue. (sometimes the red SOUL would render over the blast)
* Fixed an issue where encounters would destroy the party panels associated with overworld bullet segments that reside in the same room. (this only affects Section 2 at the moment)
* Fixed an issue with Mondo Mole and PK Freeze (neutral moment)
Section 3
* More alternate route dialogue changes throughout Section 3 and the Section 3-4 intermission.
* The new Feraldrake smack ACT is now exclusive to Easy Mode.
* Finally fixed an issue with fading object that caused the 1 frame graphical issue in the gauntlet scenario.
The Sans Overhaul
+ Added new Sans battle endings; both are route-dependent.
+ Added a couple new attacks for Sans.
* Sans now plays a sound when he's no longer distracted.
* Increased Sans's HP.
* Rewrote Sans's prebattle dialogue.
* Improved Sans talk ACT.
* Sans's "Distracted" state won't be reduced the turn after it's induced / refreshed.
* Reverted the 4 turn distract back to 3 turns, since the new distract mechanics replicate this effect.
* Reduced maximum distract turns from 3 to 2 when Karma is enabled.
* Sans Karma now activates at LV 7 instead of LV 5.
* Landing on platforms in the Sans fight now gives TP.
* Increased the size of some platforms in Sans's attacks.
* Sleeping Sans now has Z's in the overworld.
My goodness, I need to chill out next time I aim to do a minor patch. I plan on having a new progress update out sometime soon (maybe very soon...?), so stay tuned for that. But other than that, that's it! Hope y'all enjoy!
- Sarah