Questo plugin non è stato testato con le ultime 3 versioni principali (major releases) di WordPress. Potrebbe non essere più mantenuto, o supportato, e potrebbe presentare problemi di compatibilità se utilizzato con versioni più recenti di WordPress.

Regenerate Thumbnails


Regenerate Thumbnails ti permette di rigenerare le miniature, in tutte le loro dimensioni, di una o più immagini che sono state caricate nella tua libreria dei media.

È utile in situazioni come:

  • Una nuova dimensione per le miniature è stata aggiunta e vuoi che i caricamenti precedenti abbiano la miniatura di tale dimensione.
  • Hai cambiato una dimensione di miniatura esistente, per esempio da Impostazioni &rarrr; Media.
  • Sei passato ad un tema WordPress che utilizza immagini in evidenza con dimensioni differenti.

Offre anche la possibilità di eliminare vecchie, inutilizzate miniature per liberare spazio nel server.

In memoria di Alex Mills

Nel febbraio del 2019 Alex Mills, l’autore di questo plugin, ci ha lasciato. Lascia dietro di sé una serie di plugin che saranno mantenuti da Automattic e dai membri della comunità di WordPress. Se questo plugin ti è stato utile, considera una donazione alla Oregon Health and Science University. Puoi leggere maggiori informazioni qui.



Se hai l’acceso alla linea di comando del tuo server, ti consiglio vivamente di utilizzare WP-CLI anziché questo plugin, in quanto è più veloce (nessuna richieste HTTP) e può essere eseguito da una terminale per chi ha molte miniature. Per dettagli leggi la documentazione del suo comando media regenerate.

Modulo Photon di Jetpack

Jetpack è un plugin di Automattic, i creatori di Aggiunge alcune delle funzioni disponibili nei siti ospitati da al tuo sito WordPress su hosting autonomo.

Il modulo Photon fa in modo che le immagini del tuo sito web siano fornite dalla rete di consegna dei contenuti (CDN) globale di, che incrementa la velocità di caricamento delle immagini. Soprattutto può creare le miniature al volo e non avrai più bisogno di utilizzare questo plugin.

Personalmente utilizzo Photon nel mio sito web.

Dichiarazione: lavoro per Automattic, ma raccomanderei Photon anche se non lo fossi.

Hai bisogno di aiuto? Hai trovato un bug? Vuoi contribuire al codice?

Il supporto per questo plugin è fornito attraverso i forum di

Il codice sorgente di questo plugin è disponibile su GitHub.


  • L’interfaccia principale del plugin.
  • Rigenerazione in corso.
  • Interfaccia per la rigenerazione di un singolo allegato.
  • Immagini individuali possono essere rigenerate dalla libreria dei media in modalità elenco.
  • Possono essere rigenerate anche dalla schermata di modifica degli allegati.


  1. Vai nell’area di amministrazione e seleziona dal menu Plugin → Aggiungi nuovo.
  2. Cerca «Regenerate Thumbnails».
  3. Fai clic su «Installa ora»;
  4. Fai clic su «Attiva».
  5. Vai su Strumenti → Regenerate Thumbnails.


Questo plugin non memorizza e non trasmette alcun dato utente. Infatti non ha nulla a che fare con la parte riguardante l’utente del tuo sito web, ma solo con l’area amministrativa. Questo significa che dovrebbe essere conforme, ma io non sono un avvocato.


30 Luglio 2024 1 risposta
Wordpress scales down very big images, adding a ‘full’ image with ‘-scaled’ suffix, and stores the original file and it’s name in the db. RT plugin however regens thumbails based on the ‘scaled’ image, so all the intermediate sizes are re-named. This can break images when combined with offloading etc. Unless I am missing something, this ‘-scaled’ resizing of big images is default wordpress functionality so the RT plugin should handle it properly by using the original image (using functions like wp_get_original_image_url, wp_get_original_image_path) etc, so as not to orphan a whole set of thumbnails, use the wrong full image and generate a new set of intermediate sizes. Eg:These are the currently registered thumbnail sizes, whether they exist for this attachment, and their filenames: thumbnail: 280×178 pixels (cropped to fit) 8C2A3575-scaled-280×178.jpg medium: 300×300 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 8C2A3575-scaled-300×200.jpg medium_large: 0×0 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original) large: 720×1200 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 8C2A3575-scaled-720×480.jpg avatar: 180×180 pixels (cropped to fit) 8C2A3575-scaled-180×180.jpg 1536×1536: 1536×1536 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 8C2A3575-scaled-1536×1024.jpg 2048×2048: 2048×2048 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 8C2A3575-scaled-2048×1366.jpg featured-medium: 700×446 pixels (cropped to fit) 8C2A3575-scaled-700×446.jpg featured-large: 1398×1398 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 8C2A3575-scaled-1398×932.jpg extra-large: 1598×1598 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 8C2A3575-scaled-1598×1066.jpg The attachment says it also has these thumbnail sizes but they are no longer in use by WordPress. You can probably safely have this plugin delete them, especially if you have this plugin update any posts that make use of this attachment. medium (old): 300×200 pixels 8C2A3575-300×200.jpg large (old): 720×480 pixels 8C2A3575-720×480.jpg thumbnail (old): 280×178 pixels 8C2A3575-280×178.jpg avatar (old): 180×180 pixels 8C2A3575-180×180.jpg 1536×1536 (old): 1536×1024 pixels 8C2A3575-1536×1024.jpg 2048×2048 (old): 2048×1365 pixels 8C2A3575-2048×1365.jpg featured-medium (old): 700×446 pixels 8C2A3575-700×446.jpg featured-large (old): 1398×932 pixels 8C2A3575-1398×932.jpg extra-large (old): 1598×1065 pixels 8C2A3575-1598×1065.jpg cmplz_banner_image: 350×100 pixels 8C2A3575-350×100.jpg
9 Luglio 2024
Very useful plugin. I have been using this plugin for the last 5 years.
23 Marzo 2024
Bonjour et merci à l’auteur Ce plugin à sauvé mon site, ou en tout cas plusieurs heures de travail. Les images étaient présente dans le backup mais pas les miniatures. Donc je ne voyais plus rien dans la médiathèque. Et cette extension a recréé toute les mignatures !! Il mérite les 5 etoiles
Leggi tutte le recensioni di 390

Contributi e sviluppo

“Regenerate Thumbnails” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


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Version 3.1.6

  • Fix: Respect “Skip regenerating existing correctly sized thumbnails” setting.
  • Fix: Don’t delete all thumbnails when deleting old unregistered thumbnails size.

Version 3.1.5

  • Fix: Don’t overwrite ‘All X Attachment’ button label with featured images count.
  • Tested successfully with PHP 8.1.
  • Tested successfully with PHP 8.2.

Version 3.1.4

  • Fix: Don’t attempt to regenerate SVG’s.
  • Bump tested version.
  • Update dependencies.

Version 3.1.3

  • Update plugin dependencies to the latest version.

Version 3.1.2

  • Use wp_get_original_image_path() in WordPress 5.3

Version 3.1.1

  • Minor fix to avoid a divide by zero error when displaying thumbnail filenames.

Version 3.1.0

  • Bring back the ability to delete old, unregistered thumbnail sizes. Support for updating post contents is still disabled (too buggy).
  • Various code improvements including string localization disambiguation.

Version 3.0.2

  • Fix slowdown in certain cases in the media library.
  • Fix not being able to regenerate existing thumbnails for single images. Props @idofri.
  • Fix JavaScript error that could occur if the REST API response was unexpected (empty or PHP error).
  • Fix bug related to multibyte filenames.
  • If an image is used as the featured image on multiple posts, only regenerate it once instead of once per post.

Version 3.0.1

  • Temporarily disable the update post functionality. I tested it a lot but it seems there’s still some bugs.
  • Temporarily disable the delete old thumbnails functionality. It seems to work fine but without the update post functionality, it’s not as useful.
  • Try to more gracefully handle cases where there’s missing metadata for attachments.
  • Wait until init to initialize the plugin so themes can filter the plugin’s capability. plugins_loaded is too early.
  • Fix a JavaScript error that would cause the whole regeneration process to stop if an individual image returned non-JSON, such as a 500 error code.
  • Accept GET requests for the regenerate REST API endpoint instead of just POSTs. For some reasons some people’s sites are using GET despite the code saying use POST.
  • Make the attachment ID clickable in error messages.
  • Fetch 25 attachments at a time instead of 5. I was using 5 for testing.
  • PHP notice fixes.

Version 3.0.0

  • Complete rewrite from scratch using Vue.js and the WordPress REST API.

Version 2.2.4

  • Better AJAX response error handling in the JavaScript. This should fix a long-standing bug in this plugin. Props Hew Sutton.

Version 2.2.3

  • Make the capability required to use this plugin filterable so themes and other plugins can change it. Props Jackson Whelan.

Version 2.2.2

  • Don’t check the nonce until we’re sure that the action called was for this plugin. Fixes lots of “Are you sure you want to do this?” error messages.

Version 2.2.1

  • Fix the bottom bulk action dropdown. Thanks Stefan for pointing out the issue!

Version 2.2.0

  • Changes to the Bulk Action functionality were made shortly before the release of WordPress 3.1 which broke the way I implemented the specific multiple image regeneration feature. This version adds to the Bulk Action menu using Javascript as that’s the only way to do it currently.

Version 2.1.3

  • Move the error_reporting() call in the AJAX handler to the beginning so that we’re more sure that no PHP errors are outputted. Some hosts disable usage of set_time_limit() and calling it was causing a PHP warning to be outputted.

Version 2.1.2

  • When regenerating all images, newest images are done first rather than the oldest.
  • Fixed a bug with regeneration error reporting in some browsers. Thanks to pete-sch for reporting the error.
  • Supress PHP errors in the AJAX handler to avoid sending an invalid JSON response. Thanks to pete-sch for reporting the error.
  • Better and more detailed error reporting for when wp_generate_attachment_metadata() fails.

Version 2.1.1

  • Clean up the wording a bit to better match the new features and just be easier to understand.
  • Updated screenshots.

Version 2.1.0

Un sacco di nuove funzionalità.

  • Thanks to a lot of jQuery help from Boris Schapira, a failed image regeneration will no longer stop the whole process.
  • The results of each image regeneration is now outputted. You can easily see which images were successfully regenerated and which failed. Was inspired by a concept by Boris.
  • There is now a button on the regeneration page that will allow you to abort resizing images for any reason. Based on code by Boris.
  • You can now regenerate single images from the Media page. The link to do so will show up in the actions list when you hover over the row.
  • You can now bulk regenerate multiple from the Media page. Check the boxes and then select “Regenerate Thumbnails” form the “Bulk Actions” dropdown. WordPress 3.1+ only.
  • The total time that the regeneration process took is now displayed in the final status message.
  • jQuery UI Progressbar version upgraded.

Version 2.0.3

  • Switch out deprecated function call.

Version 2.0.2

  • Directly query the database to only fetch what the plugin needs (the attachment ID). This will reduce the memory required as it’s not storing the whole row for each attachment.

Version 2.0.1

  • I accidentally left a check_admin_referer() (nonce check) commented out.

Version 2.0.0

  • Recoded from scratch. Now uses an AJAX request per attachment to do the resizing. No more PHP maximum execution time errors or anything like that. Also features a pretty progress bar to let the user know how it’s going.

Version 1.1.0

  • WordPress 2.7 updates — code + UI. Thanks to jdub and Patrick F.

Version 1.0.0

  • Versione iniziale.

Upgrade Notice

Support for WordPress 5.3