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Andrea "Lord Lance" P.

A member registered May 24, 2018

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Hi! In the collection we are actually missing the Space Map. Can you provide it? Thanks in advance.

Qui il resoconto di una mia giocata, per tutti quelli che fossero interessati 💜

Got it too! Also, I had the "1 free pearl after any combat" LOL

11. Puffosissimo cappello color rosso sangue (oggetto unico, sei il solo puffo bastardo che ne possiede uno).
12. Occhiali spessi come bicchieri. Preparati ad essere bullizzato dagli altri puffi. E' un mondo difficile. E non è inclusivo.
13. Un abito bianco lungo con una gonna svolazzante. Indossalo. Nessuno ti giudicherà (a differenza di quello con gli occhiali).
14. Il tuo sasso. Ci sono tanti sassi, ma nessuno è come il tuo.
15. Cannone sperimentale a puffoenergia.
16. Addominali scolpiti. Nessuno avrà il coraggio di puffare nei dintorni!
17. Una squisito cupcake con la glassa celeste, ripieno di puffosissima crema al THC.
18. Uno specchietto portatile, per accecare gli stregoni e rimirare il tuo puffosissimo mento chad.
19. Una cravatta nera. Puffosa e di moda in questi anni.
20. Una riserva di pacchi esplosivi. Da burlone a terrorista il passo è breve.

Se vuoi fare una versione deluxe in due pagine, sono tuoi...

Nice job!
Should the ability "NO ENEMIE SURVIVE CONTACT WITH ME" be called something like "NO ENEMY SURVIVES CONTACT WITH ME"?

(3 edits)

Per come l'hai descritta tu (ed era una delle opzioni che avevo ventilato anch'io), allora come minimo il braccio della statua fuori (o la sua falce) hanno un meccanismo che gli permette di ruotare / essere indirizzato. 

Questo presume anche che serva un'ora corretta per compiere il rito (luna nella posizione giusta?) o addirittura un giorno corretto (luna in una fase specifica?).

EDIT: sempre se prendiamo per buono quello come sistema di sbocco, anche il nome specifico del prete diventa poi secondario. Per com'è fatto il tempio, e per come è posizionata la statua fuori (e quelle dentro), probabilmente muovendo la falce la luce entrerà al massimo da una o due finestre, quindi illuminerà sempre uno o due delle statue interne.

EDIT 2: Se (giusto per proporlo) fosse il presbiterio stesso a ruotare (classica stanza che può ruotare in un Dungeon), ecco che la luce della luna (che può entrare più o meno solo da una finestra) andrebbe ad illuminare un diverso prete a seconda di come ruoti la stanza - e la stanza potrebbe essere ruotata toccando i nomi sulla falce, ad esempio.

I did a (very) raw and quick edit of the PDF with the drained typo. You can download it here, do what you want with it, put it in your download if you like. The link expires in one week, eventually contact me if you want it shared again. Thanks for your game!

(2 edits)

1) About BUILD DEFENCES action. I see it says "Mark two defenses on any border tracks." Sorry, english is not my first language, so: can I mark a single "shield" on two different borders? Or am I forced to mark two "shields" on a single border?

2) I know, it's a very minor thing, however, the optional action CALL THE ADVENTURE HOME shouldn't be called: CALL THE ADVENTURER HOME? 
(also, I recall only the actual adventurer that I just hired, writing the number in his square, am I right?)

Bravo, ottimo lavoro. Ovviamente essendo tutto compresso in una singola pagina, non si può chiedere troppo dettaglio. Uno dei punti che il GM deve sicuramente decidere per conto suo (o quanto meno chiarire... con se stesso) è come funziona realmente il meccanismo di apertura, perché non è chiaro (anche nell'originale inglese).

I nomi dei preti sulla falce si possono muovere / ruotare? C'è un meccanismo? La statua ruota, e quindi fisicamente illumina attraverso le feritoie la statua del prete corretto all'interno? Oppure i nomi vanno solo toccati, e le statue all'interno della stanza "ruotano" insieme alla stanza stessa?
Oppure è "tutto magico", e quindi i nomi vanno solo toccati e dentro la stanza un fascio di luce lunare magica che arriva "dal nulla" illumina ora questo prete, ora quest'altro?

Senza delle risposte decenti, se un GM arbitra quell'avventura rischia di rimanere impantanato in quel punto.

Amazing, pure Genius.

I think it's a fantastic idea. I said it before.
Also, if you want to invest additional time, this could be a perfect time to polish the game even more.
Jason released Deep Cuts, that give a new cut to many rules (I didn't try the Threat roll, the different Devil's Bargain etc., but the damages a-la Fate are nice, for example). So you could integrate some (or all) the new mechanics, if you think they could better serve your setting and mood.
Finally, you could think to simplify some part (in the meantime I saw FitD inspired games that have less skills, or that twisted the stress into "charge" (Charge SRD also on etc. etc.
Am I running too much?

Maybe it's just my pdf reader, however I see a wrong font in the first page, on the right, on "body morph device".

Funny and well drawn!

... arpie... darpiertutto...

A big hug from Italy!

(1 edit)

Titolo clickbait... Speravo in un'avventura diversa... 😔🤣

Nice. Two points for a virtual wishlist:
- The ability to draw the cards even in their reversed state, so when you draw one you could a random additional 180° rotation. It's useful in some game (or fortune reading) to have this option.
- I don't know the format of the cards you used (jpg I suppose), however if you re-upload them as PNG with transparent border you can easily avoid that white background you see on the external part of the cards. You can easily find tutorials about that, of I can give an hand in spare time.

This is a full 236 pages long fantasy RpG based on Cortex system!

(4 edits)

Hi! Very nice project you have here. However, I skip over the compliments, I'd like to simply give you other feedback on typos, FAQ requests etc. My proofreader mind forces me to do it... :D
'till now, I found (in the 3.5 file):

- page 34: Healing. I think I need additional details about it. How much Health? For example, at page 35 Resting it's more explicit on it. Also, it's different if I get a weak or a strong hit on Healing? Probably, should. I see some detail about recuperating health on Benefits at page 33, but this isn't clear. It's confusing, because that's means that I could gain health during other actions I could make in fiction (and with other Stats)... so? Should I use this benefit only during Healing action? Then, I'd remove it from page 33, and put on page 34 along the Healing rules. On the contrary, if it has to stay on page 33, then the Healing rules feels somewhat superfluous; also, this means that with a weak hit I should take one cost as explained at page 33. 

- end of page 34, initial phrase at page 35 (about Appearing Human): the whole phrase construction isn't clear.

- page 35: "During character creation, you can choose up to three non-power assets" I think I didn't see this rule at page 9, and also at page 29 it says "Pick three assets (at least 1 power)". Confusing, I say.

- page 36: "Allies can contribute to your action by making an Action Roll to help you. On a hit, you gain a bonus you can leverage to improve your chance of success. If more than one ally does this, bonuses can be stacked." It's pretty unspecific. Are you referring to the specific "you or an ally gain +2" found on  "You create or seize an opportunity" at page 33? If this is true, then you could repeat the rule also at page 36; this could avoid confusion. If (as in Healing rules I mentioned before?) the rules are different, then you could give more details about it.

- I found Progress Track rules at page 37-38 very lacking. If a reader never played Ironsworn, he can't grasp the concept of "ticks", or the concepts of partially filling a square, or (for example) filling 3 full squares in a troublesome track. 

- I found the whole optional Moves rule chapter very intrusive, starting from page 44. IMHO, you should decide if you want a lighter, less intrusive system (as the one you proposed in the main rules), or if you want to throw yourself in the full, heavier, mechanics related to the dozens of moves you usually find in games like Ironsworn or Apocalypse World. If you really can't decide, and you want them both (while this is still confusing, for example you can't have Assets that make direct mentions to some specific Move), I humbly suggest to move the optional Move chapter to the end of the book, not underfoot in the middle of it.

- page 89: very minor, in the last rows you used 1tick/harm, while before you used the formula x tick per harm.

(1 edit)

Hallo. Help me with this one: in the initial part of the rules, I see "Life fuels spells... Characters pay 2 life per level of the spell cast. So Fireball (3rd level spell) costs 6 life."

But later on, in the "Stuff" section, I see just a couple of pages of spells, and there's no Fireball; also, those spells have no level.

Edit: I'm reading the Italian edition. Ok, so, from what I understand the system is really barebone. Also, here I found additional info:

I see, this is more a "setting book", at its core.

(1 edit)

Nice. As we observed in an Italian review of the game, probably the biggest "weakness" of the game is the great need on a deeper explanation of the system, and lot of useful examples in the various chapters (or a big example at the end). 

Making a sort of comparison, Dream Askew is more or less the same game (ie. It has the same structure), and it has 170 pages.

Hai fatto davvero un gran favore ad un grandissimo gioco di ruolo. Night Witches non va assolutamente perso o dimenticato, sia per la sua qualità come gioco in sé, sia per la struggente bellezza della Storia (quella con la S maiuscola) su cui si basa.

(1 edit)

Hi Ema. I tried to contact you before, because I think I have insights for the game (typos, suggestions etc.). While I see you released 1.1 version, many of the things I found still stand. If you like my feedback, please contact me back.
You can write me at

(edit: I can't believe my previous contacts were downvoted... Did I write something wrong?)

Take The WildSea, go micro... and you'll have Pico 😁

Pure genius. Thanks for this pearl. 
Here in Italy we have a cool, heavily anime inspired, RpG (Knights of the Round Academy) that requires, in the rules, to build the Opening together, usually after the first session.
In the rules we have suggestions about common elements, like:
- world elements
- fast shots on every protagonist
- the enemy/ies, maybe just the silhouettes 
- a flyby with main NPCs
- conclusion with some big impact frame

So, of course, this document of yours can come handy 😁

Edit: KotRA is avaiable in English too :)

Nice! I ain't into the wargaming, so I simply read it and admired the layout and the art. You did a tiny cute piece of art, here.

First of all, thanks for the attention. I accept, I'll send the email asap. I really want to give another chance to the game, and I'll offer feedback and suggestions if you are good with them.

Hi again. Finally, after years, I had the opportunity to try the game with a friend, and honestly my sensations after hours of play aren't good. 

One issue (there are many, but let's take just one): the 2024 book is fondamentally broken, 'cause it's missing pages (and rules),for example the Anomalies part. It's missing the rules to find them, it' s missing the consequences of being in them (DMG, etc.), how you actually get the Artifacts, the value etc.

I could say that you probably fixed the game with the new release but I can't be so optimist to risk to buy the game again, and then find something whobbly like this one. 

About other points, some was asked before here in the comments, but there several details (and the Devil lose himself into the details 😁) that would benefit from better explanations and additional examples. For example: if my starting armor already gives me 1 DMG reduction, why there are rules like the Wasteland exploration results that inflict 1 DMG? 

Why the Big Iron is still shown as 1DMG during character creation, and 2DMG on the weapons table? 

Etc. Etc.

So, I don't have a good feeling about the creation of a new game "edition" while the actual one is in a bad state. 

Thanks for the attention.

Very nice colors and layout.

Well, it's original and weird, turning the tables from the "GM generator" to the "characters behavior generator". Take my money just for the idea 😁

We are out of the Beta stage. Nice.

Under MANIFESTING TURNS it seems that there's a Faction Turn about every time a score ends.
However, in the first pages it says "At the start of a new season of play, activate between 3 to 5 factions to take place in the faction turn." Later, it says "When time passes and power in the city shifts, play a faction turn."

So, I'm not sure about how many times I should roll have those Faction Turns. From what I understand, when a new Season is starting, we need to make one. Then, not sure if we should have one Faction Turn after every Score, or if it's a more free thing, maybe more based on the amount of fictional time passed AND how many changes there was in the City (i.e. following the instruction on the first page more than those on second page).

PS: consequence n°4 looks positive at first sight. I understood it after reading the example; maybe it could be more clear moving the phrase parts around, something like: 

Information leaks about your actions; an enemy faction makes an immediate free action against you.

(1 edit)

Hi! Thanks for this stuff, I hope I'll have the chance to use them in the future. In the meantime, could you explain better to me this part? "they are open to complete and utter defeat if they suffer one successful attack from an enemy faction." I'm not sure if I simply cannot grasp it fully°°.

I put other comments following this one, hope you are comfortable with feedback and suggestions.

EDIT, note °°: ok, maybe I understood it: it sounds like "If they suffer one successful attack from an enemy faction, then they will be totally defeated".

Bravo, bene.

Hi Ema. If you like to receive my comments (see my previous post here), I finished to put notes on my PDF. I could give you the file so you can read them. Let me know how can I contact you (if you want to write to me, use i s h m a d r a d A T g m a i l D O T c o m). Have a wonderful day!

pag.8, sotto PROVE

Quando il risultato di un'azione del PG è incerto e un fallimento può provocargli danni, perdite di risorse, vantaggi o tempo prezioso, si effettua una prova.

Nice. Always interesting those insights.

However, the queen is adorable, but she looks so depressed.
Even when the city is bustling, she's in the Council, and the savings are up to the roof, she's so sad. I'm sad too. 💔

I use this post too. Graphic and music are really nice; even the mmm-mmmm of the queen is adorable.
The game is pretty relaxed, from what I see it's really difficult to NOT procede on, there are very few difficult decisions. I'd love more interaction between the various parts (for example, the botanist offering to dismiss the scientist, or the witch doing some nasty summon that you later on have to fix with the knight, and so on).