IP Geolocation and Threat Intelligence

Unlock insights and act — Locate IP addresses, enrich forms, engage mobile users, identify VPNs, prevent fraud, analyze logs, target ads, block countries, or make geo-redirections with Ipregistry.

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  • Your IP address
  • 2a01:e35:2f22:e3d0::1
  • Abuser IP
  • Attacker IP
  • Bogon IP
  • Proxy IP
  • Tor Exit Node
  • VPN IP
  • Cloud Provider IP
  • Mobile IP
  • AS173

Powering 23,000+ organizations with reliable IP data

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The trusted solution for IP address data


The API covers over 3 million unique locations and thousand cities around the world in both IPv4 and IPv6.

Powerful & Scalable

From a dozen to million requests a day, our global infrastructure with anycast routing provides incredible response times.

Threat Intelligence Data

Check IP addresses against more than 220+ OSINT Threat Feeds instantaneously and protect your business from abuse.

Regular Updates

You get fresh and accurate results. Our database is updated from rock-solid sources, continuously.


You pay on a per lookup basis, based on your usage. No plans with unused limits or segmented features.

Proxy & VPN Detection

Detect and identify anonymous users to safeguard your business from fraud, abuse and security threats.

Extensive Dataset

Find out users' location, currency, timezone, company data, threat data, etc. All your IP data in one place.

Seamless Integration

Our polished JSON and XML API but also our use case examples will meet your needs. If not, drop us a line.

World-Class Documentation

A quick start guide and an extensive API documentation will get you up and running in a few minutes. Let's give a look!

From Our Blog

Wikimedia's Public DNS Resolver

Wikimedia's Public DNS Resolver

OpenDNS No Longer Accessible in France

OpenDNS No Longer Accessible in France

What is a Geofeed? How to Set Up One?

What is a Geofeed? How to Set Up One?

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