Reports archive

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  Q1 HY Q3 FY
Annual Report & Accounts
Quarterly Results Announcements
Quarterly Results Slides
Excel data
Pillar 3 Report
Pillar 3 Appendix
Tax Transparency Report
Quarterly Investor Factbook
Fixed Income Slides
EY Sustainability assurance statement
2023 Sustainability reporting basis of reporting
ESG Disclosures Report
ESG Frameworks Appendix
Non-financial Information Datasheet
XBRL data files
Acronyms and Glossary
Electronic Format Accounts
click to openNatWest Markets Plc
click to openNatWest Markets N.V.
click to openRBS Holdings NV
click to openNatWest Holdings
click to openNatWest Bank
click to openUlster Bank Ireland DAC
click to openRoyal Bank of Scotland plc
click to openRBS International
click to openCoutts & Co
click to openNatWest Markets Securities Inc.

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