NIH Intramural DataBase


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On Saturday, Sept. 14th between 8am and 9am, the NIDB application will be unavailable to apply security updates. Please excuse the inconvenience.

Search NIH Intramural Research Reports

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*Required        The sum of 20 + three =

Retrieve a SINGLE Intramural Research Report, using the project's Z-number

Request must be in the following format:
  • Code = The Institute's two letter report code (select from the list)
  • Project # = The individual Report's project number (e.g., 012345)
  • Year = Select to obtain the Report for the project in that fiscal year

Only those reports approved at the Scientific Director level will be available for viewing.

Biospecimen Search

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NIH Researchers: Review Your Intramural Research Reports (Annual Reports)    [NIH Login required]

Access to all or selected personal Intramural Research Reports.