Always Be Closing (Incidents)

Weekly Update

You can now close incidents from the dashboard (instead of having to be in the relevant incident channel). This is particularly useful when tidying up old incidents ready for analysis. It also continues to bridge the gap between what's possible from inside Slack vs. the dashboard.

🐍 Wiggle Week

When we're working on a big feature like announcement rules (and the workflows engine which powers it), we work hard to stay focussed on the task at hand. This can make us feel uncomfortable as we constantly come across things that we'd like to improve: either from customer feedback or from our own usage of the product.

To make sure we stay focussed on the big ticket items, but not letting our backlog of polish and bug fixes grow uncontrollably, we schedule time between big projects to knock items off the list. We call these wiggle weeks (an idea inspired by a great Intercom blog post). As you've probably guessed, this was one of those weeks.

What we shipped

  • 🆕 You can now close incidents from the dashboard. Thanks for the nudge on this one, Render.
  • 💅 If we need you to re-install the app to unlock some shiny new features, we'll tell you in the dashboard using a shiny new banner.
  • 💅 We've tidied up the UI where we display actions, to make them work a bit better on smaller screens, or when you have multiple issue trackers enabled.
  • 💅 You can now edit and export follow ups from the follow-ups page (instead of having to view the incident)!
  • 🐛 Editing actions in the web UI will now refresh the incident timeline, so you will see the most up-to-date information.
  • 🐛 Our GitHub integration didn't used to work well if you had lots of repos or lots of users. It should now work much better! Thanks for letting us know Sourcegraph.
  • 👷 We've now got better tools to debug customer issues faster, so when you do report that something's wrong we can jump on as fast as possible.

Modern incident management, built for humans