❦Tassel Tail Features❦
Common Tassel Tails have very simple knot designs. These Tassel Tails are common inour world for those little moments
of luck since they do not have the ability to bless a human with more.
Normal tail and simple knot designs.
Average ear size and shape.
Round pupils.
Basic spells and influence levels.
The Uncommon Tassel Tails are exactly like Commons, except with the gift of a special enhancing item, they are able to
do slightly more than those without.
Average knot design, sometimes decorated with beads.
Vertical slit pupils.
Larger ears that are no longer than knee length.
More powerful basic spells and slightly increased influence levels.
Rare Tassel Tails of this ranking have higher prestige than those below them. They act as higher class than the Tassel Tails
below them due to their ability to perform more complex feats.
Complex knot design, sometimes decorated with coins or charms.
No knot.*
Horizontal slit eyes.
No ear fluff in the ear.
Fluffy fur.
Complex magic and increased influence levels.
Super Rare**
Super Rare Tassel Tails are the ones that keep balance among their kin. Seen as powerful and rare individuals they seem to
demand respect from others simply with their presence alone.
Potential for more complex knot designs than rares.
Shapes in eyes.
Upright ears found at the top of the head.
Curly tails.
Double tails.
Curled hair split.
Almost infinite ability to dimension slip with powerful magic and influence levels.
~For any power enhancers to take effect they must be interwoven or attached to the tail.
*Tassel Tails with no knot are considered unlucky and have the ability to grant just that.These Tassel Tails are normally thought of as the outcasts in a community and most of the time treated poorly.
**Super Rares are far and few between and their appearance depends upon GomDrop.