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Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia
REL Appalachia partners with educators and policymakers in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia to improve learner outcomes. Learn more about REL Appalachia.
Key Resources and Events from REL Appalachia

Event SEL + Math = Integrated Instruction for the Whole Child | Dec 06, 2023

Location: Washington, DC Description: We want to meet the needs of the whole child, but when? During the 2023 Learning Forward Annual Conference, REL Appalachia staff presented how social-emotional learning can be integrated into mathematics instruct...
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Welcoming All: How Educators Can Use Inclusive Language with Kinship Caregivers and Grandfamilies

This infographic defines kinship caregiver and grandfamilies, addressing the prevalence of this family structure nationally and regionally. Further, it explains the benefits of inclusive language and provides examples of how educators and schools can...
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Event Raising Rural: A Balanced Approach to Rural Youth’s College and Career Preparation | Nov 16, 2023

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee Description: This session at the 2023 National Forum to Advance Rural Education focused on a holistic approach to supporting rural students' preparation for college and careers. Presenters shared research-based strate...
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Examining the Nation’s Report Card: An Educator’s Guide to 2022 Reading and Math Scores in the U.S. and the Four REL Appalachia States

This fact sheet presents 2019 and 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading and math results from a representative sample of public schools across the country, including all students in grades 4 and 8, as well as for Black, Hisp...
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How Educators and Caregivers Can Create Supportive Conditions for Success in PreK-12 Mathematics

This infographic explores why math matters for all learners, shares an overview of what effective math instruction looks like, and includes supportive conditions for math learning. Developed in collaboration with the Cross-REL PreK-12 Math Instructio...
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Four Pillars of Support for High School Students’ College and Career Readiness
Teachers, counselors, and school leaders play a vital role in building, assessing, and strengthening four pillars of support students need to graduate from high school with multiple options for the future. This infographic includes an overview of the...

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This video introduces the REL Appalachia Community Math Night, an engagement event that brings together educators, students, and families to learn about, talk about, and have fun with math. The goals of a Community Math Night include reinforcing positive...

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