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Dr. Matthew Soldner, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance

Dr. Matthew Soldner

National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance


The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE) is one of the four centers of the Institute of Education Sciences. It is responsible for:

  • conducting rigorous evaluations of federal programs,
  • synthesizing and disseminating information from evaluation and research, and
  • providing technical assistance to states, districts, colleges, and other stakeholders to improve student outcomes.

View the current NCEE brochure as a PDF file (259 KB)

About the NCEE Commissioner

Dr. Matthew Soldner has served as Commissioner of NCEE since 2018. In that role, Dr. Soldner also serves as the Department of Education's Chief Evaluation Officer.

Dr. Soldner's areas of expertise include the use of rigorous evidence to improve education policy and the implementation and evaluation of efforts to improve postsecondary outcomes for students. His PhD is from the University of Maryland's College of Education.

Contact Dr. Soldner via email here.

Learn More

NCEE's Evaluation Division focuses on conducting rigorous impact studies of promising education programs and practices that are supported through federal funds. It conducts studies that assess the impact of education programs on academic achievement, particularly in reading, mathematics, and science.

All NCEE evaluation studies use methodologies that can provide credible scientific evidence to answer questions of effectiveness. All NCEE evaluations are conducted consistent with the Department's Agency Evaluation Policy.

For more information about NCEE's Evaluation Division, contact Tom Wei, NCEE Associate Commissioner for Evaluation.

NCEE's Knowledge Use Division focuses on the discovery and dissemination of evidence-based practices to improve student outcomes. The Division's Regional Educational Laboratories Program conducts applied research and designs technical assistance with a mission of supporting a more evidence-based education system. The What Works Clearinghouse reviews high-quality research on programs, practices, and policies in education to provide educators with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions. NCEE's Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) is the largest education database in the world, providing the public with a centralized website for searching a bibliographic databases of more than 1.1 million education-related citations. Finally, the National Library of Education is responsible for serving as the nation's repository for information about education and providing comprehensive reference services for ED and the general public.

For more information about NCEE's Knowledge Use Division, contact Liz Eisner, NCEE Associate Commissioner for Knowledge Use.