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Magic Scenes are one of iConnectHue’s great features to bring colors to the Hue system by Philips.

They are similar to normal scenes, but much more colorful and versatile, making it easy for you to play with colors in a room. Created once, they are usable in every light group – unlike normal scenes, which are group-dependent.

All user changable settings for Magic Scenes are specific to each group – e.g. when a Magic Scene in group A is set to a lower brightness, it will then always use this lower brightness when selected in group A, but not in group B.

For a guided tutorial, check our YouTube video.



How to access Magic Scenes


Magic Scenes can be chosen from any group or room by selecting the circle with the star.
















We have already prepared many ready-made Magic Scenes to choose from.

Some are free of charge, some cost a little money.



You simply choose a Magic Scene by tapping on it.

For the selected scene, three dots appear in the top corner. Tapping here, you may edit the Magic Scene, add it as a Siri shortcut or, given a Pro membership, to your group widget.

Self-made scenes can also be shared between devices via e.g. AirDrop. (Please note: requires membership, but triable without)

How to create a new Magic Scene

Create your own Magic Scene by selecting “New magic scene”.

This will open a new pop-up, where you can select the colours you want the Magic Scene consisting of.

Colours and favourite colours can be selected as usual.

Up to 8 colours can be chosen, and each new colour will change the colour circle defining the lamp colours.

The circle itself can be moved to change the spreading of the colours through the lights.


However, many different colours are mostly useful for large groups with many lamps.

If you only have a small group it might thus make sense to choose only a few colours for better colour control.

Unwanted colours can be deleted by selecting the edit pen top right and the „X“ upon the colour.

Stored individually per group: Brightness and saturation

Changing the brightness – automatically stored for each group separately.

By altering the saturation you can decide if colours should appear more whitish or fully saturated – automatically stored for each group separately.

Advanced options

The advanced tab offers even more settings, such as „Brightness variation“.

This specifies how much the brightness varies from light to light.

Tip: The effect is stronger when overall brightness is not at maximum.

Saturation variation is for varying the saturation of the individual lights.

Some will appear more whitish, some more saturated.

Tip: Also here, having the overall saturation not at maximum leads to a stronger effect.

Color spreading defines how many of the circle’s colours are being used for the lights.

If you choose a value on the left, only a little amount of the colour circle will be used for the lamps.

If the slider is completely on the right, all selected colours will be chosen.

By selecting the open circle top right all settings can be reversed.

By selecting the arrow top left, a pop-up will ask you to save or discard changes.

When selected „Save“, you can now enter a name for your new Magic Scene.












Sharing and editing

This Magic Scene will then appear in your overview.

It can be edited and deleted by selecting the edit pencil. Given at least a Basic membership it can be shared (triable up to 3x), it can be added to Siri (Upgrade Level 1 or membership required) and added to the group widget (Pro membership required).

We wish you a lot of fun with iConnectHue’s Magic Scenes!

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