Skyrim: Blessings of Maraicequeenserenity on DeviantArt

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icequeenserenity's avatar

Skyrim: Blessings of Mara



Two Dragonborn warriors using their charms to woo one another. :love:

These are the costumes that *RikusWorld whipped together for Anime Boston 2012. I love how they came out! I'm hoping to travel to many events in distant lands with these beautiful pieces of armor and meet more adventurers, like you. :XD:

:iconicequeenserenity: (I) am the model for the Dragonborn in the Savior Armor. I made the amulet that I am wearing, my leg armor, and gauntlets :thumbsup:
:iconrikusworld: Is the model for Dohvakin in the Dragon Scale armor. She made her own costume and my breastplate. :heart:
:iconsunriseashes: took this beautiful photo :camera:

In unrelated news, *RikusWorld and I entered a contest from a local furniture store to help us furnish our first home together. The entry with the most votes wins a gift certificate to the store for enough to furnish most of our home. If you would vote for our photo, we would sincerely appreciate it!
Click "Vote" on this photo to help us furnish our first home!

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© 2012 - 2025 icequeenserenity
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stormageadon's avatar
I can't stand things like this on the internet,
this is wrong, this is against god, 
well goddess, 
you can't be in a romantic relationship without the amulet of Mara, and that is closer to the amulet of Julianos if anything.