Hellsing: Metamorphosesicequeenserenity on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/icequeenserenity/art/Hellsing-Metamorphoses-295391999icequeenserenity

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icequeenserenity's avatar

Hellsing: Metamorphoses



What is this? The soldiers are terrified. Vampires, terrified! Veteran[s], who dominated the battlefield and dashed through artillery fire, are terrified of a mere girl... terrified of one horribly wounded girl! What the hell is she?
Zorin Blitz, Hellsing

Anime Boston is over and I'm blown away by the amazing time I had!
About the costume, I worked on the Shadow Arm for about two weeks before the convention. I knew the shape I wanted to make, how I wanted it to move, and that I wanted to add "Alucard eyes," and *RikusWorld told me the best way to build it.
With those ideas and guidance, I was able to move forward on making the arm... I didn't even realize how well it came out until I saw the photos for the first time. I'm more than ecstatic with the way it came out!

:iconicequeenserenity: (I) am the model and costume maker for Seras Victoria. This costume was made with absolute love for this dynamic character. :flaguk:
:iconrikusworld:, my fiercely talented fiance, Is the photographer and guided me on how to make the arm :heart:

The Hellsing HQ Video Playlist: [link]

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Image size
1250x833px 627.42 KB
Canon EOS 60D
Shutter Speed
1/32 second
Focal Length
21 mm
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Date Taken
Apr 7, 2012, 5:38:28 AM
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© 2012 - 2025 icequeenserenity
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Thrythlind's avatar
Wow, it's been a long while since I first saw and liked this.  Really beautifully done job on the arm.