Executive, Leadership, and Team Coaching

NIH Training Center Coaching and Consulting Services

The National Institutes of Health Training Center offers a wide range of individualized coaching and consulting services for executives, senior managers, middle managers, professional staff, and other key contributors. Executive and leadership coaching offers today's busy leaders the opportunity to pursue professional development in a confidential, tailored, and collaborative one-on-one environment. Individual Development Plan consulting provides custom career development support to NIH staff. The long-term benefits to NIH for these services are a more productive, efficient and engaged workforce.

The NIH Training Center offers an extensive network of experienced, certified coaches who have been thoroughly evaluated to ensure maximum benefit to the NIH community. Coaches listen, conduct in-depth interviews, ask questions, provide support and feedback, and challenge their clients. Our coaches work with both individuals and teams to enhance skills via a variety of engagements – or can deliver shorter-term 360 feedback services. The high-impact results achieved from coaching are observable. 

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Learn more below about how to pursue your potential via these individualized services below.

Coaching Deadlines for FY24

Status Date

NIH Training Center Dates

EXPIRED Monday, July 8 Deadline to submit a New Executive or Team Coaching Request
EXPIRED Friday, August 2 Deadline to renew an existing Executive Coaching Request (with two or fewer hours remaining)

What is a Coach?

What are common areas of focus for coaching engagements?

How is a Coach different from a Mentor?

What are the benefits to having a coach?

What are the characteristics of a good coach?

Coaching and Consulting Services

External Executive Coaching

Internal Leadership Coaching

Individual Development Plan (IDP) Consulting

360 Degree Leadership Assessments