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Dwyane Wade on his new statue: Personally I’m biased, I think it’s one of the best statues that’s been created

As soon as the Miami Heat unveiled Dwyane Wade’s bronze statue in front of Kaseya Center on Sunday, the critiques began coming in on social media. But the most important opinion belongs to the one who the statue depicts. Wade is happy with how the 8-foot statue turned out. He’s also appreciative of the honor, as it’s the first Heat statue to go up at its home arena in the franchise’s 37 seasons. “I was just like, ‘That’s beautiful,” the Heat icon said of his initial reaction to the statue after it was unveiled on Sunday during a ceremony at Kaseya Center. “Personally I’m biased, I think it’s one of the best statues that’s been created because of what it represents for us and for me.”
Wade was heavily involved in the creative process of designing the statue, collaborating with Rotblatt Amrany Studio sculptors Omri Amrany and Oscar León. Wade traveled to Chicago multiple times to visit with the sculptors, offering his feedback along the way. “It was a beautiful process to be a part of,” Wade said. “I think I visited Chicago about four times. I think I stayed in probably about four hours. Each time, it was just a great collaborative process with the Miami Heat, with Fine Art Studio and also myself and my family. So it was cool.”
The sculpture is first made with clay before the bronze is applied for the final touch. “Dwyane was visiting multiple times,” León said, with the Heat celebrating “Dwyane Wade Statue Night” during Monday’s matchup against the Detroit Pistons at Kaseya Center. “It was that last visit with those last little tweaks that he got to see firsthand. After that, we really do kind of trust the process. The bronze brings out a level of depth and shine and this vibrancy that you cannot get in the clay. The clay absorbs a lot of light, where this bronze has this nice quality that you just can’t picture what that’s going to look like. But we trust the process.”