++Sourin: Future Fish++hissorihaka on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hissorihaka/art/Sourin-Future-Fish-510915130hissorihaka

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++Sourin: Future Fish++



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Sourin Week

Day 3: Future Fish | It's too early for this!  kaomoji set 2 38/67 

He is a growing boy Rin!
25 minutes later they got the thieves and went back for more donuts to take to the station.  

IT’S HERE! It’s finally here! Sourin Week! WOOOH! kaomoji set 1 19/19 

Arrow left Arrow left Bonus animation over at my tumblr! With a special cotton candy guest! kaomoji set 2 46/67 

And ahhhhh! Thanks for all the lovely comments on the past comic guys! You guys are the best!
I'll reply soon I promise! kaomoji set 2 61/67 

Somehow I fell a day behind so I'm trying to catch up!
So I apologize for my inactivity (not posting wise) in replying! kaomoji set 2 45/67 

:star:MORE DAYS:star:

++Sourin: Firsts++ by hissorihaka ++Sourin: 5yr Promise++ by hissorihaka ++Sourin: Dark AU++ by hissorihaka ++Sourin: Celebrity AU++ by hissorihaka ++Sourin: College AU++ by hissorihaka

Come join me over at tumblr to celebrate Sourin week all this week! Submissions to my DA will be a day or two behind! Emoji07 

My lovely BROTP! kaomoji set 1 9/19 Raise of hands if you love these two dorks romantically or as bros! kaomoji set 1 18/19 

Para mi queridos Added to my devWatch!s que hablan español:

RIN: Demonios! Sosuke! Deprisa! Lo hicieron de nuevo! Vamonos!

SOSUKE: Espera Rin! Siempre los agarramos cinco minutos despues. Dejemos que piensen que se han salido con la suya por un poco. Les daremos 20 minutos. Que piensas?
Wow Sosuke! O si, si! Amo la manera que tu mente malvada piensa! Muahahaha!

SOSUKE: Que? No!

Solo quiero disfrutar mi cafe y donuts!

RIN: D-donuts? Q-quieres decir toda la c-caja!?

SOSUKE: Ten, te agarre una sin nada, como te gustan!

Traducion para el bonus en mi tumblr:

 Genial! Gracias por traer--esta vacia...

 Si, a Sosuke le dio hambre al venir aca...

SOSUKE: Es la intencion la que cuenta...



Free! Iwatobi Swim Club © Kōji Ōji & Kyoto Animation
Artwork by me Heart

Please do not use without my permission.

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© 2015 - 2025 hissorihaka
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Pyrosgaleforce4's avatar
Lol, poor Rin. :XD:

"I just wanna enjoy my coffee and donuts!" Sousuke stop thinking with your stomach. You're on duty for God's sake! :XD:

Though to be fair, I don't think anyone can resist not finishing a box of prefectly good donuts. :D