
Total Owned Packages

Total Downloads
535 267 622

  • atlas0.2.0

    1 810 Downloads

    Object Relational Mapper for Elixir

  • bandit1.5.7

    2 178 240 Downloads

    A pure-Elixir HTTP server built for Plug & WebSock apps

  • dns_cluster0.1.3

    1 315 393 Downloads

    Simple DNS clustering for distributed Elixir nodes

  • dragonfly0.1.4


    Remote empheral application process runner.

  • esbuild0.8.1

    9 233 819 Downloads

    Mix tasks for installing and invoking esbuild

  • ex_conf0.1.3

    7 291 Downloads

    Simple Elixir Configuration Management

  • flame0.5.1

    31 753 Downloads

    Treat your entire application as a lambda, where modular parts can be executed on short-lived infrastructure.

  • flock0.0.1


    Distributed Services

  • mailgun0.1.2

    271 312 Downloads

    Elixir Mailgun Client

  • nimbus0.3.0


    Nimbus provide more helpers for Phoenix framework.

  • phoenix1.7.14

    128 804 250 Downloads

    Peace of mind from prototype to production

  • phoenix_ecto4.6.2

    65 248 282 Downloads

    Integration between Phoenix & Ecto

  • phoenix_haml0.2.3

    89 027 Downloads

    Phoenix Template Engine for Haml

  • phoenix_html4.1.1

    67 065 290 Downloads

    Phoenix view functions for working with HTML templates

  • phoenix_html_helpers1.0.1

    1 120 248 Downloads

    Collection of helpers to generate and manipulate HTML contents

  • phoenix_live_dashboard0.8.4

    19 625 758 Downloads

    Real-time performance dashboard for Phoenix

  • phoenix_live_reload1.5.3

    29 054 858 Downloads

    Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix

  • phoenix_live_view0.20.17

    24 593 247 Downloads

    Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML

  • phoenix_pubsub2.1.3

    111 689 552 Downloads

    Distributed PubSub and Presence platform

  • phoenix_pubsub_redis3.0.1

    2 238 829 Downloads

    The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework

  • phoenix_template1.0.4

    17 505 461 Downloads

    Template rendering for Phoenix

  • phoenix_view2.0.4

    20 658 535 Downloads

    The view layer in Phoenix v1.0-v1.6 apps

  • phx0.1.0

    2 715 Downloads

    Eventual home for the phoenix installer archive.

  • phx_new1.7.14

    1 503 348 Downloads

    Phoenix framework project generator.

    Provides a `mix` task to bootstrap a new Elixir application with Phoenix dependencies.

  • tailwind0.2.3

    5 593 903 Downloads

    Mix tasks for installing and invoking tailwind

  • thousand_island1.3.5

    2 098 593 Downloads

    A simple & modern pure Elixir socket server

  • websock0.5.3

    12 625 964 Downloads

    A specification for WebSocket connections

  • websock_adapter0.5.7

    12 708 421 Downloads

    A set of WebSock adapters for common web servers