Dashboards and Filtering

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All of the options on the Dashboard

The Dashboard places your survey scores, verbatim comments, and core metrics front and center. In this section, we’ll explore 23 Dashboard features and other powerful resources to help you get the most out of Delighted CX. (Oh, and a switcher to get you to the new Delighted Surveys!)

1 CX → Surveys switcher Switch between Delighted CX and the new Delighted Surveys with just a click! Go ahead — give Surveys a try!
2 Projects menu Switch between existing CX projects, set project-wide settings, delete a project, and Create new projects from the Projects menu.
3 Help button Need assistance, click Help! 
4 Account menu Access account-level details like billing, user access, and digest configurations
5 Dashboard tab Return to your main Dashboard with a single click. 
6 Trends tab Create permanent Trends to act as “saved searches,” tracking specific customer segments without recreating the same filters
7 Reports tab Report out on your insights with Delighted’s powerful reports
8 Metrics tab Review your survey engagement metrics across all platforms, including response and open rates
9 People tab In the People tab, view a list of everyone you’ve ever sent a survey to, as well as details around their response histories
10 Integrations tab Find all of Delighted’s out-of-the-box integrations, as well as our API docs and in-house integrations like Alerts and Testimonials
11 Edit and send button Takes you to the Platforms page where you can can customize and send your surveys, adjust your Thank you page, set Reminders, and insert Additional questions
12 Metric score and time window See your metric score (ex. NPS of 70), as well as an option to graph that score over time. Also, view your current survey time window setting (ex. 30 days)
13 Smileys bar Show the current breakdown of your feedback (ex. promoters, passives, and detractors for NPS or a Stars bar graph for a 5-star survey). Hover over any section to gain insight into the chart’s calculation
14 Response count View the responses you've received for this project. This metric will update based on any filters you have applied
15 Search bar Search through your open-ended feedback for specific keywords or phrases
16 Date filter button Filter responses by specific time frames
17 Filters Filter responses by different data points, including any properties that you pass to Delighted
18 Score icons Depict your feedback, (ex. promoters—happy face, passives—neutral face,  detractors—sad face). Hovering over a smiley icon will reveal the exact score
19 Respondent history link Click to see all of the details for each individual person, including their feedback history. View the name, email address, or person ID of your respondents, and more.
20 Timestamp  This timestamp reports when a response was submitted. 
21 Additional questions icon This icon will indicate the number of Additional questions the respondent answered. Clicking the icon takes you to the Additional answers section of the Permalink page
22 Tags Add tags to your responses to organize them based on key categories you want to apply (like “Customer support” or “Needs follow-up”)
23 Tag manager icon Click this gear icon to access the tag manager page, where you can merge, delete, and rename your tags
24 Response Tile Click in the middle of the response tile to see the expanded details of a response (aka. Permalink page) with all associated properties, notes, etc. Generally, the response to the Comment question will be displayed here, unless you're skipping the comment page. In that case, responses to up to two Additional Questions will be displayed here instead.

Do you see this pop-up in your Dashboard?

If you see this image in your Dashboard page, don't worry. It simply means that there's no feedback to show just yet! The modal will go away as you receive your first response. 

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Filtering the Dashboard

There are three types of Dashboard filters. They can be used alone or in combination to capture in-depth segments of your response data, including:

Filter buttons

Filter buttons live along the left side of your Dashboard. Clicking these buttons automatically filters your responses to match the criteria you've selected. For example, if you click "promoters," every response will be a 9 or a 10. (The NPS score will become 100, and the smileys bar will turn fully green.)

The filtering options are:

1 Filter by score group
2 Filter by comments (with or without)
3 Filter by tags
4 Filter by any of the properties being captured
5 Click "+ Add a new filter" to filter by responses to  Additional questions

Filtering for Additional questions and other Delighted properties

All of the properties you send with a survey request, as well as the ones that Delighted CX captures automatically, will be available as filters. Don't see the filter you want? 


Click "+ Add a new filter" → located near the bottom of the list
Scan through the available Property filters

For example, to filter by responses to Additional questions, click the "+ Add a new filter" and select the Additional question you want to filter by. 

Select any filter you wish to add to your Dashboard

Free response Additional questions will not be available as a filter, but all other question types will filter!

Combining multiple filters

To combine multiple filters:

Apply the first filter by clicking on the desired filter button → and then clicking its pin icon
Select another filter → and then clicking its pin icon too
Repeat this process with as many filters as you'd like to apply

Removing filter buttons

Removing a filter won't affect the data—it's not the same as deleting a property — it just frees up space along the left side of your Dashboard! 

To remove filters:

Click on the filter's title
Choose the 'x' button → seen on the right corner of the filter
If you remove a filter accidentally, add it back with the "+ Add a filter" button

Rearranging filter buttons

The "All," "Comments," and "Tags" filters are fixed in place,  However, all other filters can be rearranged.

To rearrange filters:

Click on the filter's title
Drag and drop the filter into a new order

Can I exclude certain filters from my search?

Currently, the best way to exclude a specific value is to select values other than the one you want to exclude. 

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Refine your comments by searching for specific keywords. Simply head to the search field, enter a keyword, and the responses will be updated to match your keyword. (Click the x to remove the search!)

Root words and specific phrases

Delighted CX will search using the root word of your search term. For example, searching for “return” will give you responses that use “returned” or “returning.”

To search for a specific phrase, use quotes around the text (ex. “support team”, “product quality”, etc.)

Using connectors

Add connectors between words to clarify your search (ex. "quality AND fit" or "jean OR denim"). Capitalize these connectors.

Excluding keywords

You can use the symbol “-” or the word NOT ahead of any word to filter only to responses that don’t include that keyword (ex .“-dress” and "NOT dress" will return all responses that do not include the word dress, while “clothing -dress” will return all responses that mention clothing but do not mention dresses).

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Date filter

Select from a number of preset ranges (like last week, last quarter, etc.) or set your own custom time range for filtering responses. 


Click the calendar icon
Choose your time frame → and your Dashboard will be filtered accordingly
A note about date filters

Filtering your Dashboard by date will filter based on when the response was submitted, not based on when the survey was originally sent. This is different than the Metrics tab, which reports on engagement data based on when you schedule your surveys.

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Analyzing and sharing results from the Dashboard

The Dashboard places powerful performance features at your fingertips. As feedback rolls in, take immediate action—reviewing, reporting, sharing, alerting team members, and leveraging your customer-centric “close-the-loop” activities. Your Dashboard tools include:

Alerts Trigger emails to notify your team when responses meet specific criteria
Email Digest Regularly receive an email highlighting key feedback coming into your projects
iOS app View the Dashboard, your responses, and your metrics on a smartphone
Permalink page Analyze and share everything associated with a single response (ex. the scale-point score, comments, properties, Tags, and more)
Respondent history/details link Click to see all of the details for each individual participant, including their feedback history and associated activity
Tag Manager Update and manage the tags that will segment, analyze, and surface your key findings
Trends Narrow the scope of your data by weeding out unnecessary data points and highlighting new insights
Webhooks Push information about submitted responses and unsubscribed events to URLs of your choice, pinging other platforms’ APIs to automate workflows

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Understanding the survey time window

The core metric score is a moving average. By default, we apply a 30-day time window, which means your Dashboard shows the score for all responses collected within the last 30 days. 

You’ll see this 30-day moving average on your Dashboard, in trends, and in email digests.

To change your metric time window setting:

Open the "Projects" dropdown menu
Click the "Gear" icon → seen to the right of the project's name
Choose the desired time window → from the second drop-down list. 
Click "Save changes"

This setting can be changed at any time; it has no effect on the data being captured.

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