Gutenberg is the codename for the new WordPress editor. It’s fast, flexible, and opens up a new world of possibilities for creating your content your way in all parts of your site.

If you’re keen to get the latest and greatest improvements, you can use the Gutenberg plugin on your site. With releases done nearly every two weeks by numerous contributors, it’s being tested by thousands of different people all over the world, from big news organizations, to small businesses, to professional and personal bloggers.

85.3 million active installations
248.0 million posts written*
127 thousand written yesterday*

* The post statistics on this page are obtained from sites and sites running Jetpack — which report whether Gutenberg was used to author the post. The post statistics only include posts created in the last three years on a rolling basis based on opt-out analytics tracking. The actual number is higher.

A Few Statistics Of Note

The top 10 blocks in usage across and sites running Jetpack are:

  1. Paragraph: 43.7%
  2. Image: 10.7%
  3. Heading: 10.4%
  4. List/List item: 4.2%
  5. Columns/Column: 3.6%
  6. Spacer: 2.5%
  7. Button/Buttons: 1.5%
  8. Separator: 1.3%
  9. HTML: 1.1%
  10. Group: 1.1%

Of note is that web pages these days are, on the average, filled with images — via the Image block — in a significant ratio of roughly 1 or more images per every four paragraph blocks.

The relative proportion of Gutenberg blocks indicates an attempt by the author to minimize the amount of writing they need to do and an effort to begin building out their content by including:

  1. Lots of lists.
  2. Lots of header text.
  3. Lots of images.
  4. Lots of separators, columns, and spacers to improve legibility and build structure.
  5. Lots of buttons.


If this page has you feeling excited about Gutenberg and the future of the WordPress editing experience, consider getting involved in future Gutenberg development. You can do so by heading on over to GitHub, reading the latest updates on what’s new, and joining the conversation in slack’s #core-editor channel.