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Food, glorious food!

Copy Of Titaree@2X

With a degree in economics and a serious passion for food, Titaree was on the search for a role where she could bring these two loves together – and at Grab, she really found her bread and butter.

Food is definitely the thing that I am most passionate about in life. My upbringing was very food-centric so ever since I was little, it’s definitely been the thing that’s on my mind most. I have my own food blog where I share my recommendations and pictures of some of my favourite meals – in fact, I’d say if you looked through the photos on my phone, 95% of them are of food.

It started with my own little food blog on Instagram when I was in college. At first, it was sort of like my own personal food diary. I would just want to jot down things that I liked, but over time it became a little bit more of a serious venture. I started getting more online followers, and they would go to the places I was recommending, and share feedback with me – which I found pretty exciting. 

Then during the pandemic, when everything closed, I found that I was able to help out restaurants with my blog, promoting them and letting people know that they can still enjoy food from these places at home. And, that kind of fed into the goals I wanted to achieve at Grab.

I studied economics at college, so I wanted a path that married that and food – then I found FoodTech! Grab opened me up to this world where I could help people working in the local food industry while also building something from scratch. Take Grab Thumbs Up, for example, our flagship food brand in Thailand. Our team worked on this to showcase the true, authentic gems of our food industry, which is pretty much what I do with my blog.  

And that’s a whole other side of the business that I think really motivates me – my team. Everyone here at Grab is so open – problems might arise, but our sole focus is always to find the solution. So it’s a great place to work in that sense. People say you don't really get to meet true friends in the workplace. But for us, we get to meet new friends all the time at Grab. Whatever fun activities you would usually do with friends, we get to do them here at Grab.