JBSA-Lackland Air Force Base Basic Military Training Classrooms/Dining Facility 4 (3300 Air Force, Military Construction MPLS220527): The Air Force has identified this project as one of its top unfunded priority projects. Providing adequate housing and education facilities is essential to service members and their families. This project aligns with the Air Force’s goal of enhancing quality of life services and increasing retention rates. The new classroom and dining facility at JBSA will support thousands of new recruits annually. Without adequate facilities, the US Air Force will have difficulty recruiting, training, and retaining new recruits. 

Amount: $70,000,000

Click here for the financial disclosure letter for this project

NEISD Law Enforcement Safety and Security Enhancements (Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services, Technology & Equipment):  At a time of rising crime, this project will upgrade and enhance the district’s law enforcement officers with the equipment and training technology necessary to improve school security and safety by the prevention, protection, and response to emergency situations at school campuses across the heavily populated district.

Amount: $4,500,000

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Uvalde ISD Law Enforcement and School Security Enhancements (Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services, Technology & Equipment): This project will help bolster the school district’s law enforcement agency’s training, enhance their safety gear and defensive equipment to adequately respond to emergencies on campuses, and strengthen school security.

Amount: $4,500,000

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Bexar County Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement and Detention Intelligence Network (LEAD IN) (Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Byrne Justice Assistance Grants): With the Bexar County Jail being the largest near the Texas-Mexico border, criminal individuals identified as part of criminal enterprises that are migrating to the United States, it has become an epicenter for information on criminal activity across the region. This project would establish an intelligence unit under the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office that utilizes detention facility resources to analyze criminal intelligence and combat any future transnational criminal activity and crimes related to narcotics, firearms trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, and cybercrimes.

Amount: $2,672,257.52

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Terrell County Law Enforcement Communications Upgrades (Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services, Technology & Equipment): The terrain of some of the counties in southwest Texas makes the feasibility of traditional radio tower infrastructure, and therefore radio communications capability in remote and rural areas, a significant challenge. This project would provide law enforcement with reliable and effective satellite communications and interoperability throughout Terrell and the surrounding counties to better serve and respond to community needs.

Amount: $3,200,000

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Devine Community Training Center (United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Rural Community Facilities Grant):  This project would fund a new community center to improve community services,  economic development, and educational/occupational opportunities. 

Amount: $4,500,000

Click here for the financial disclosure letter for this project

Medina County Radio Communications Upgrades (Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services, Technology & Equipment): This project would upgrade the communications system to improve interoperability throughout the county.

Amount: $4,500,000

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Socorro Police Department Radio and Equipment Enhancements (Department of Justice, Community Oriented Policing Services, Technology & Equipment): Socorro's current radio communications system falls short in facilitating interoperability with neighboring agencies and remains ill-equipped in surveillance technologies and for effective crisis management. This project will upgrade critical radio infrastructure and equipment to enhance law enforcement communications, public safety, and accountability.

Amount: $4,500,000

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UTSA Veterans Center (Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiative): The UTSA Veterans Center would serve as a regional hub coordinating support services for military affiliated students, monitor the rates of military affiliated enrollment, persistence, and completion, establish projects designed to improve military affiliated students’ social, emotional, academic, and career development, and establish a military affiliated student support team consisting of veteran support offices at UT Arlington, UT Austin, UT Dallas, UT El Paso, UT Permian Basin, UTRGV, UT Tyler, Bexar county, and dozens of other veteran service providers.

Amount: $5,500,000

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Pecos Housing Project (Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiative): This project would help construct 52-58 individual housing units for first responder in Pecos, TX. This initiative seeks to offer vital relief to law enforcement personnel, emergency service personnel, and educators currently grappling with the realities of unaffordable housing options throughout Reeves County and the surrounding area.

Amount: $5,000,000

Click here for the financial disclosure for this project

Hudspeth County Community Center (Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiative): This project addresses a crucial need within the community by providing a dedicated facility for youth activities and educational programming. 

Amount: $2,000,000

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San Elizario Community Center (Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiative): The project addresses a crucial need within the community by providing a dedicated facility for community and economic development programming, ultimately benefiting San Elizario residents, youth, and businesses. 

Amount: $2,000,000

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Fire Station 12 Reconstruction Project (Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiatives): The Fire Station 12 Reconstruction Project (Project). Fire Station 12 serves as the primary fire prevention and control and emergency response services in Northeast El Paso and East Fort Bliss and will serve as a replacement for the aging and functionally obsolete facility. The construction of Fire Station 12 will allow the City of El Paso to provide fire prevention services to Fort Bliss, a mutually beneficial agreement that enhances public safety, promotes resources sharing and mutual and aid support, and strengthens the military value of Fort Bliss. By extending fire prevention services to Fort Bliss, the City of El Paso contributes to the overall safety and wellbeing of military personnel, their families, and civilian employees residing on the base. 

Amount: $3,000,000

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Dietz Elkhorn Roadway Reconstruction (Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Infrastructure Program): Th Dietz Elkhorn Road has an Overall Condition Index (OCI) score below 40 (very poor condition) in many segments between Fair Oaks Parkway and FM 3351. In less than 3 years, the average OCI for this segment of roadway will be below 20 (failed condition).  Reconstruction of this segment of roadway will require close attention to traffic flow as this is one of the major routes for the City. Project stakeholders have voiced concerns about speeding issues, heavy truck traffic, "cut-through" traffic between I-10 and FM 3351, and overall corridor safety for the citizens of Fair Oaks Ranch. There is an elementary school located at the eastern end of the project where safety is a concern for children crossing Dietz Elkhorn Road, and there is a traffic signal at the End Project Limits that is maintained by TxDOT. Beneficiaries will include all residents of the City, many of whom use this primary collector daily. The school district and its families will benefit through improved road conditions and access. Local businesses inside and outside the city will benefit from an improved travel route.

Amount: $1,500,000

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City of Eagle Pass University Road Project (Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development, Economic Development Initiative): The project would install utilities and design and construct an access road from highway 57 in northeast Eagle Pass to a site selected by Sul Ross State University that will serve as the location of a new campus capable of facilitating student learning.

Amount: $1,500,000

Click here for the financial disclosure for this project