Foxy Cuddles his Plushie (Chat Icon)gold94chica on DeviantArt

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Foxy Cuddles his Plushie (Chat Icon)



Since you all loved this one so much Cute Foxy Plushie Chat Icon , I figured that maybe Foxy AND his plush would just blow up the internet XD  (ok well hopefully no one dies over this)

Basically, after Swiggity Swooty, Foxy's Comin 4 Booty (Chat Icon) and  Not the Booty Foxy Was Looking For(Nope Chat Icon) , now he has to go back to his cove and cuddle his cute little plush for comfort

Assembled from :iconmiffedcrew:'s video here:…

Cute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat IconCute Foxy Plushie Chat Icon 

...animation bonnie chica foxy freddy gif photoshop fnaf 5naf fnaf2 5naf2 fnaf3 5naf3 fivenightsatfreddys five_nights_at_freddys sfm sfmsourcefilmmaker five nights at freddy's freddys sourcefilmmaker gmod kawaii adorable adorablekawaii adorablecute chibi kawaiiadorable kawaiicute cutekawaii cuteadorable anime gold94chica plush plushie doll stuffed stuffedanimal puppet fox pirate hug cuddle hugs cuddles squeeze thank you thanks thankyou welcome fav fave favorite favorites hi hello hey happy birthday happybirthday love you iloveyou piratefox
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50x50px 183.07 KB
© 2015 - 2025 gold94chica
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