Spec Sheet - Island 3GlennClovis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/glennclovis/art/Spec-Sheet-Island-3-335141843GlennClovis

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GlennClovis's avatar

Spec Sheet - Island 3



If there is a spelling error, sue me, I've looked/worked on this for 6 months, my eyes are bleeding.

Other Stations in this series:

Stanford Torus: [link]
Island 2 / Bernal Sphere MK2: [link]
Island 2 / Bernal Sphere MK3: [link]
Island 3 / O'Neill Cylinder: [link]
Gate Station: [link]
Ternary Ring Station: [link]
Image size
2078x1200px 1.68 MB
© 2012 - 2025 GlennClovis
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Faylar001's avatar
Awesome work, man.
One thing though... if you combine reflective metal chevrons over thick Quartz glass (Or fused Quartz), you should have no issue with glass breakage.
Quartz glass on it's own has the hardness of steel on the Mohs scale, it simply has no real compression, torque or tension potential, but none of that should matter in a Cylinder.
4-6 meters of reinforced Quartz glass, even without the chevrons, should be able to skip and deflect most impacts and anything bigger can be compensated for by closing the mirrors. not to mention, you have Energy shields.... :)