Projects with this topic
Prototipo de asignacion de activos y solicitudes de material de la organizacion Munasin Kullaquita
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PHP Klasse zur automatischen Formular Erstellung auf Basis eines JSON Schema inkl. Helper Funktionalitäten
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A simple PSR-14 event dispatcher
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A Gitlab project template for TYPO3 CMS
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My Homepage
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Laravel Telescope is an elegant debug assistant for the Laravel framework. Telescope provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, ...
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kali-meta packaging for Kali Linux
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PicoPHP is an open-source and eco-designed PHP framework that is completely free. It was designed for small to medium architectures, with a focus on simplicity rather than going for a "jack-of-all-trades" approach.
Documentation: Contact:
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Serves published media for many Naturalis applications, such as CRS
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Docker container images with various PHP development tools
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A static analysis tool to draw an application map, which is similar to a context map although more accurate and detailed.
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Fusion is a PHP package manager that automates tasks in PHP projects, like managing dependencies, migrating package states, and loading code.
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Keep track of dividends received by different brokers.
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Eternium leaderboards on
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Authorization server implementing the OAuth2 authorization protocol
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Web application to handle eBooks. Deploy on
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Opinionated template to bootstrap a Symfony application