Projects with this topic
Make targets to manage project tools and common actions to build artifacts needed
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pre-commit hook to run ShellCheck on the scripts in your GitLab CI configuration (.gitlab-ci.yml)
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my dot files: curl -fsSL | sh curl -fsSL | sh
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AirLink is a streamlined and user-friendly web-based file-sharing platform designed to facilitate secure and fast file transfers between devices connected to the same network.
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The project provides Python tool-chain and shell scripts for molecular simulation workflows: preparation, running and analysing molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of bio- and organic soft condensed matter.
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[MIRROR] Bash script for downloading and verifying OS images.
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A wide range of scripts for Windows interpreter (cmd.exe) and other interpreters such as bash shell (.sh), visual basic (.vbs), jscript (.js), python (.py), perl (.pl) and so on. Plus some set of standalone console utilities and tools aside other utilities and tools from cygwin, msys and mingw. •
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Interface to the Atlassian BitBucket REST API
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filesize CLI is a simple and efficient command-line tool written in Python that displays the size of a file in various units (B, KB, MB, GB, TB). Whether you're managing files on Windows, macOS, or Linux, filesize provides a straightforward way to check file sizes directly from your terminal.
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A suite of Bash scripts to make your daily Linux usage easier
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Open source learning repository or platform for C/C++ using Programmatic Solutions.
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Dotfiles and Ansible Playbooks for my perosnal Manjaro setup.
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Repository for OPS stuff and helper tools for deployment