PostCSS plugin to transform CSS2 color keywords into a custom palette.
This plugin can transform color keywords such as aqua
, blue
, lime
, etc.
to any other color. Bundled with the
webcolors package, making these
color palettes available for use in your stylesheets:
Material and
-- simply by using standard CSS2 color keywords.
$ npm install postcss-color-palette
var fs = require('fs');
var postcss = require('postcss');
var palette = require('postcss-color-palette');
var css = fs.readFileSync('input.css', 'utf8');
var output = postcss()
palette: 'material'
Using this input.css
body {
color: yellow;
background: linear-gradient(aqua, blue 50%, purple);
you will get:
body {
color: #ffeb3b;
background: linear-gradient(#00bcd4, #2196f3 50%, #9c27b0);
Specify a webcolors palette name
, bulma
, mrmrs
, material
, flatui
, tailwind
), or an
object mapping of CSS2 color keywords
to color values. By default, uses the mrmrs
color palette.
MIT - see LICENSE file.