// Scale the BitMatrix to the specified size
ZXing::BitMatrix scaleBitMatrix(const ZXing::BitMatrix& inputMatrix, int desiredWidth, int desiredHeight)
int inputWidth = inputMatrix.width();
int inputHeight = inputMatrix.height();
double scaleX = static_cast<double>(desiredWidth) / inputWidth;
double scaleY = static_cast<double>(desiredHeight) / inputHeight;
ZXing::BitMatrix scaledMatrix(desiredWidth, desiredHeight);
// Optimize mapping using the original matrix and scaling factors
for (int y = 0; y < desiredHeight; ++y) {
int originalY = static_cast<int>(y / scaleY);
if (originalY >= inputHeight) originalY = inputHeight - 1;
for (int x = 0; x < desiredWidth; ++x) {
int originalX = static_cast<int>(x / scaleX);
if (originalX >= inputWidth) originalX = inputWidth - 1;
scaledMatrix.set(x, y, inputMatrix.get(originalX, originalY));
return scaledMatrix;
// Generate a barcode image
cv::Mat generateBarcode(const std::string& input, int barcodeWidth, int barcodeHeight)
ZXing::MultiFormatWriter writer(ZXing::BarcodeFormat::PDF417);
ZXing::BitMatrix bitMatrix = writer.encode(input, barcodeWidth, barcodeHeight);
// Use the bitMatrix directly if it is already the target size
if (bitMatrix.width() != barcodeWidth || bitMatrix.height() != barcodeHeight) {
bitMatrix = scaleBitMatrix(bitMatrix, barcodeWidth, barcodeHeight);
cv::Mat barcodeImage(bitMatrix.height(), bitMatrix.width(), CV_8UC1, cv::Scalar(255)); // White background
for (int y = 0; y < bitMatrix.height(); ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < bitMatrix.width(); ++x) {
if (bitMatrix.get(x, y)) {<uchar>(y, x) = 0; // Black pixel
return barcodeImage;
My environment isn't utf8, and I've tried a lot of things. For example, even if I make sure that the input string is utf8, I can debug it and see that there is no problem, but the barcode data is not right.
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