package main import ( "" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "testing" ) var ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledFail string = ` { "name": "Tyk Test API - IPCONF Fail", "api_id": "1", "org_id": "default", "definition": { "location": "header", "key": "version" }, "auth": { "auth_header_name": "authorization" }, "version_data": { "not_versioned": true, "versions": { "v1": { "name": "v1", "expires": "2100-01-02 15:04", "use_extended_paths": true, "paths": { "ignored": [], "white_list": [], "black_list": [] } } } }, "proxy": { "listen_path": "/v1", "target_url": "", "strip_listen_path": false }, "enable_ip_whitelisting": true, "allowed_ips": [""] } ` var ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledPass string = ` { "name": "Tyk Test API", "api_id": "1", "org_id": "default", "definition": { "location": "header", "key": "version" }, "auth": { "auth_header_name": "authorization" }, "version_data": { "not_versioned": true, "versions": { "v1": { "name": "v1", "expires": "2100-01-02 15:04", "use_extended_paths": true, "paths": { "ignored": [], "white_list": [], "black_list": [] } } } }, "proxy": { "listen_path": "/v1", "target_url": "", "strip_listen_path": false }, "enable_ip_whitelisting": true, "allowed_ips": ["", ""] } ` var ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionDisabled string = ` { "name": "Tyk Test API", "api_id": "1", "org_id": "default", "definition": { "location": "header", "key": "version" }, "auth": { "auth_header_name": "authorization" }, "version_data": { "not_versioned": true, "versions": { "v1": { "name": "v1", "expires": "2100-01-02 15:04", "use_extended_paths": true, "paths": { "ignored": [], "white_list": [], "black_list": [] } } } }, "proxy": { "listen_path": "/v1", "target_url": "", "strip_listen_path": false }, "enable_ip_whitelisting": false, "allowed_ips": [] } ` var ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionMissing string = ` { "name": "Tyk Test API", "api_id": "1", "org_id": "default", "definition": { "location": "header", "key": "version" }, "auth": { "auth_header_name": "authorization" }, "version_data": { "not_versioned": true, "versions": { "v1": { "name": "v1", "expires": "2100-01-02 15:04", "use_extended_paths": true, "paths": { "ignored": [], "white_list": [], "black_list": [] } } } }, "proxy": { "listen_path": "/v1", "target_url": "", "strip_listen_path": false } } ` func MakeIPSampleAPI(apiTestDef string) *APISpec { log.Debug("CREATING TEMPORARY API FOR IP WHITELIST") thisSpec := createDefinitionFromString(apiTestDef) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} thisSpec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) specs := &[]*APISpec{&thisSpec} newMuxes := mux.NewRouter() loadAPIEndpoints(newMuxes) loadApps(specs, newMuxes) newHttpMuxer := http.NewServeMux() newHttpMuxer.Handle("/", newMuxes) http.DefaultServeMux = newHttpMuxer log.Debug("IP TEST Reload complete") return &thisSpec } func TestIpMiddlewareIPFail(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledFail) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("1234wer", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.RemoteAddr = "" req.Header.Add("authorization", "1234wer") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 403 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 403: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body) } } func TestIpMiddlewareIPPass(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledPass) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("gfgg1234", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.RemoteAddr = "" req.Header.Add("authorization", "gfgg1234") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 200 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 200: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body, req.RemoteAddr) } } func TestIpMiddlewareIPPassCIDR(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledPass) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("gfgg1234", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.RemoteAddr = "" req.Header.Add("authorization", "gfgg1234") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 200 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 200: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body, req.RemoteAddr) } } func TestIPMiddlewareIPFailXForwardedFor(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledPass) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("gfgg1234", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.RemoteAddr = "" req.Header.Add("authorization", "gfgg1234") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 403 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 403: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body, req.RemoteAddr) } } func TestIPMiddlewareIPPassXForwardedFor(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionEnabledPass) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("gfgg1234", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.RemoteAddr = "" req.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-For", "") req.Header.Add("authorization", "gfgg1234") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 200 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 200: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body, req.RemoteAddr) } } func TestIpMiddlewareIPMissing(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionMissing) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("1234rtyrty", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.Header.Add("authorization", "1234rtyrty") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 200 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 200: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body) } } func TestIpMiddlewareIPDisabled(t *testing.T) { spec := MakeIPSampleAPI(ipMiddlewareTestDefinitionDisabled) redisStore := RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apikey-"} healthStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "apihealth."} orgStore := &RedisStorageManager{KeyPrefix: "orgKey."} spec.Init(&redisStore, &redisStore, healthStore, orgStore) thisSession := createNonThrottledSession() spec.SessionManager.UpdateSession("1234iuouio", thisSession, 60) uri := "/" method := "GET" recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() param := make(url.Values) req, err := http.NewRequest(method, uri+param.Encode(), nil) req.Header.Add("authorization", "1234iuouio") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } chain := getChain(*spec) chain.ServeHTTP(recorder, req) if recorder.Code != 200 { t.Error("Invalid response code, should be 200: \n", recorder.Code, recorder.Body) } }