# - Try to find BIND include dirs and libraries # # Usage of this module as follows: # # find_package(BIND) # # Variables used by this module, they can change the default behaviour and need # to be set before calling find_package: # # BIND_ROOT_DIR Set this variable to the root installation of BIND # if the module has problems finding the proper # installation path. # # Variables defined by this module: # # BIND_FOUND System has BIND, include and library dirs found # BIND_INCLUDE_DIR The BIND include directories. # BIND_LIBRARY The BIND library (if any) required for # ns_inittab and res_mkquery symbols find_path(BIND_ROOT_DIR NAMES include/bind/resolv.h include/resolv.h) find_path(BIND_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES resolv.h HINTS ${BIND_ROOT_DIR}/include/bind ${BIND_ROOT_DIR}/include) if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") # the static resolv library is preferred because # on some systems, the ns_initparse symbol is not # exported in the shared library (strangely) # see http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=291609 set(bind_libs none libresolv.a resolv bind) else () set(bind_libs none resolv bind) endif () include(CheckCSourceCompiles) # Find which library has the res_mkquery and ns_initparse symbols set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${BIND_INCLUDE_DIR}) foreach (bindlib ${bind_libs}) if (NOT ${bindlib} MATCHES "none") find_library(BIND_LIBRARY NAMES ${bindlib} HINTS ${BIND_ROOT_DIR}/lib ${BIND_ROOT_DIR}/lib/libbind) endif () set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${BIND_LIBRARY}) check_c_source_compiles( " #include int main() { ns_initparse(0, 0, 0); return 0; } " ns_initparse_works_${bindlib}) check_c_source_compiles( " #include #include #include #include #include int main() { int (*p)() = res_mkquery; return 0; } " res_mkquery_works_${bindlib}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES) if (ns_initparse_works_${bindlib} AND res_mkquery_works_${bindlib}) break() else () set(BIND_LIBRARY BIND_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND) endif () endforeach () set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) if (ns_initparse_works_none AND res_mkquery_works_none) # system does not require linking to a BIND library find_package_handle_standard_args(BIND DEFAULT_MSG BIND_INCLUDE_DIR) else () find_package_handle_standard_args(BIND DEFAULT_MSG BIND_LIBRARY BIND_INCLUDE_DIR) endif () mark_as_advanced(BIND_ROOT_DIR BIND_LIBRARY BIND_INCLUDE_DIR)