#Test to confirm presence of output-bin-default and output-bin-supported in get-printer-attributes response (Syntax and Range) { NAME "get-printer-attributes: Expect output-bin-default and output-bin-supported" OPERATION Get-Printer-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri DISPLAY output-bin-default DISPLAY output-bin-supported STATUS successful-ok EXPECT output-bin-default OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE-FROM output-bin-supported EXPECT output-bin-supported OF-TYPE keyword|name IN-GROUP printer-attributes-tag # Job template attributes for specific tests... EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "top" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TOP_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "middle" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_MIDDLE_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "bottom" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_BOTTOM_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "side" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_SIDE_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "left" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_LEFT_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "right" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_RIGHT_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "center" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_CENTER_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "rear" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_REAR_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "face-down" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_FACEDOWN_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "face-up" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_FACEUP_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "large-capacity" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_LARGECAPACITY_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "my-mailbox" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_MYMAILBOX_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "/^stacker-[1-9][0-9]*$$/" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_STACKERN_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "stacker-1" IF-DEFINED OPTIONAL_STACKERN_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "stacker-1" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_STACKER1_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "stacker-2" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_STACKER2_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "/^mailbox-[1-9][0-9]*$$/" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_MAILBOXN_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "mailbox-1" IF-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MAILBOXN_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "mailbox-1" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_MAILBOX1_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "mailbox-2" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_MAILBOX2_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "tray-1" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TRAY1_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "tray-2" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TRAY2_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "tray-3" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TRAY3_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "tray-4" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TRAY4_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "tray-5" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TRAY5_OUTPUTBIN EXPECT output-bin-supported WITH-VALUE "tray-6" DEFINE-MATCH OPTIONAL_TRAY6_OUTPUTBIN } #Print-Job request with output-bin top { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TOP_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with top output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "top" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with top output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TOP_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "top" } #Print-Job request with output-bin middle { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MIDDLE_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with middle output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "middle" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to middle output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MIDDLE_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "middle" } #Print-Job request with output-bin bottom { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_BOTTOM_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with bottom output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "bottom" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to bottom output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_BOTTOM_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "bottom" } #Print-Job request with output-bin side { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_SIDE_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with side output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "side" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to side output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_SIDE_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "side" } #Print-Job request with output-bin left { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_LEFT_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with left output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "left" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to left output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_LEFT_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "left" } #Print-Job request with output-bin right { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_RIGHT_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with right output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "right" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to right output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_RIGHT_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "right" } #Print-Job request with output-bin center { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_CENTER_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with center output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "center" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to center output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_CENTER_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "center" } #Print-Job request with output-bin rear { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_REAR_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with rear output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "rear" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to rear output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_REAR_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "rear" } #Print-Job request with output-bin face-down { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_FACEDOWN_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with face-down output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "face-down" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to face-down output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_FACEDOWN_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "face-down" } #Print-Job request with output-bin face-up { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_FACEUP_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with face-up output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "face-up" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to face-up output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_FACEUP_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "face-up" } #Print-Job request with output-bin large-Capacity { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_LARGECAPACITY_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with large-capacity output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "large-capacity" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to large-capacity output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_LARGECAPACITY_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "large-capacity" } #Print-Job request with output-bin my-mailbox { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MYMAILBOX_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with my-mailbox output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "my-mailbox" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to my-mailbox output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MYMAILBOX_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT ?output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "my-mailbox" } #Print-Job request with output-bin stacker-1 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_STACKER1_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with stacker-1 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "stacker-1" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with stacker-1 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_STACKER1_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "stacker-1" } #Print-Job request with output-bin stacker-2 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_STACKER2_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with stacker-2 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "stacker-2" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with stacker-2 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_STACKER2_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "stacker-2" } #Print-Job request with output-bin mailbox-1 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MAILBOX1_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with mailbox-1 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "mailbox-1" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with mailbox-1 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MAILBOX1_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "mailbox-1" } #Print-Job request with output-bin mailbox-2 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MAILBOX2_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with mailbox-2 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "mailbox-2" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with mailbox-2 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_MAILBOX2_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "mailbox-2" } #Print-Job request with output-bin tray-1 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY1_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with tray-1 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "tray-1" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with tray-1 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY1_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "tray-1" } #Print-Job request with output-bin tray-2 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY2_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with tray-2 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "tray-2" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with tray-2 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY2_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "tray-2" } #Print-Job request with output-bin tray-3 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY3_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with tray-3 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "tray-3" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with tray-3 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY3_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "tray-3" } #Print-Job request with output-bin tray-4 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY4_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with tray-4 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "tray-4" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with tray-4 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY4_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "tray-4" } #Print-Job request with output-bin tray-5 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY5_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with tray-5 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "tray-5" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with tray-5 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY5_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "tray-5" } #Print-Job request with output-bin tray-6 { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY6_OUTPUTBIN NAME "Print-Job with tray-6 output-bin" OPERATION Print-Job GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR name requesting-user-name $user ATTR boolean ipp-attribute-fidelity false ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype GROUP job-attributes-tag ATTR keyword output-bin "tray-6" FILE $filename STATUS successful-ok STATUS server-error-job-canceled STATUS server-error-busy REPEAT-MATCH REPEAT-LIMIT 30 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-state OF-TYPE unknown|enum COUNT 1 IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 EXPECT job-state-reasons OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?job-state-message OF-TYPE text IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag EXPECT ?number-of-intervening-jobs OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag WITH-VALUE >-1 } # Test Get-Job-Attributes operation (specific to job printed with tray-6 output-bin) { SKIP-IF-DEFINED NOPRINT SKIP-IF-NOT-DEFINED OPTIONAL_TRAY6_OUTPUTBIN NAME "RFC 8011 section 4.3.4: Get-Job-Attributes Operation" OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes GROUP operation-attributes-tag ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8 ATTR naturalLanguage attributes-natural-language en ATTR uri printer-uri $uri ATTR integer job-id $job-id ATTR name requesting-user-name $user DISPLAY output-bin STATUS successful-ok EXPECT job-id OF-TYPE integer IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE >0 EXPECT job-uri OF-TYPE uri IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "$IPP_URI_SCHEME" EXPECT output-bin OF-TYPE keyword IN-GROUP job-attributes-tag COUNT 1 WITH-VALUE "tray-6" }