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VS Code Move Statement


  1. Works almost with any language.
  2. Two main commands: Move Statement: Move Statement Up & Move Statement: Move Statement Down.

Experimental VS Code extension for moving statements using document outline (aka breadcrumbs) knowledge. That's why it is language-independent (if your language has outline support), but it can't be 100% accurate in all cases.

This way mainly created as replacement for Move Line commands and works well for JSON, HTML/Vue and other declarative languages. And for literal properties in any language.

Also in JavaScript/TypeScript:

Bind Commands

There are no default keybindings, however you can (and probably should) set them:

In keybindings.json (> Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)):

  "key": "alt+shift+d",
  "command": "moveStatement.moveStatementDown",
  "when": "editorTextFocus"
  "key": "alt+shift+u",
  "command": "moveStatement.moveStatementUp",
  "when": "editorTextFocus"

Alternatively, you can bind them to alt+up, alt+down respectively.