A platform to enhance quality and productivity of scoring in golf tournaments
Having an official and crucial tournaments require a massive workloads to handle such significant event. Large workloads bring along countless mistakes by different parties especially on administration of the scoreboard. Such mistakes on a big stage with renowned participants and guests will clearly tarnish the tournament's reputation.
- Secure system implementation using session-based authentication and CSRF protection.
- Multiple layer of authorization to limit users access.
- Efficient data persistent throughout the application ensuring the data is safe in the data vault.
- Frontend of the application is reactive and responsive to the backend of the application. (view-model principle)
- Attractive and interactive user interface and user experience. (Dynamic data resolution)
- Sessions to pass variables content.
- Score Relationships (How to Store Score Properly)
- Refer to ERD (Solution: Add both Stroke and Stableford scores to avoid double tables inclusion)
- Login Page (100%)
- Organizer Dashboard (100%)
- Admin Dashboard (100%)
- Public View (100%)
Configure server environment
- Build Tables
- Users
- Privilege Users (100%)
- Participants (Player & Team) (100%)
- Competition (100%)
- Venue (100%)
- Properties (100%)
- Par (100%)
- Format (100%)
- Stableford (100%)
- Venue (100%)
- Score
- Users
- Build Tables
Build all packages
- Authentication (100%)
- Authorization (100%)
- Model Class (100%)
Query BuilderSeeder- Score Computation (Include 'Stableford' into 'score' table)
- Apache [Web Server]
- HTML5 [Frontend]
- PHP (v7.4.3) [Backend]
- PostgreSQL [Database]