import time import pickle import os import json import zipfile import logging from copy import deepcopy from typing import Tuple, Callable from contextlib import contextmanager import sklearn import dill import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from celluloid import Camera try: from IPython.core.display import display except ModuleNotFoundError: pass from modAL import disagreement from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from joblib import Parallel, delayed from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.base import clone from sklearn import calibration from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances from import data_vstack from modAL.uncertainty import _proba_uncertainty, classifier_uncertainty import scipy from libutil import Metrics, atomic_write, out_dir from libstore import store, CompressedStore from libconfig import Config from modal_learner import IndexLearner logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def active_split( X, Y, test_size=0.5, labeled_size=0.1, shuffle=True, ensure_y=False, random_state=None, mutator=lambda *args, **kwargs: args, config_str=None, i=None, ): """ Split data into three sets: * Labeled training set (0.1) * Unlabeled training set, to be queried (0.4) * Labeled test (0.5) """ X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split( X, Y, test_size=test_size, shuffle=shuffle, random_state=random_state ) # Apply a mutator (noise, unbalance, bias, etc) to the dataset X_unlabelled, X_test, Y_oracle, Y_test = mutator( X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, rand=random_state, config_str=config_str, i=i, test_size=test_size, shuffle=shuffle, ) unique = np.unique(np.concatenate((Y_test, Y_oracle))) X_labelled = ( np.empty((0, X_unlabelled.shape[1])) if not isinstance(X, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) else scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((0, X_unlabelled.shape[1])) ) Y_labelled = np.empty(0 if len(Y_oracle.shape) == 1 else (0, Y_oracle.shape[1])) # ensure a label for all classes made it in to the initial train and validation sets for klass in unique: if not np.isin(klass, Y_labelled): # First value chosen is effectively constant random as the dataset is shuffled idx = np.where(Y_oracle == klass)[0][0] Y_labelled = np.concatenate((Y_labelled, [Y_oracle[idx]]), axis=0) if isinstance(X_unlabelled, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): X_labelled = csr_vappend(X_labelled, X_unlabelled[idx]) else: X_labelled = np.concatenate((X_labelled, [X_unlabelled[idx]]), axis=0) Y_oracle = np.delete(Y_oracle, idx, axis=0) if isinstance(X_unlabelled, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): X_unlabelled = delete_from_csr(X_unlabelled, row_indices=[idx]) else: X_unlabelled = np.delete(X_unlabelled, idx, axis=0) if labeled_size < 1: labeled_size = labeled_size * X.shape[0] if X_labelled.shape[0] < labeled_size: idx = random_state.choice( X_unlabelled.shape[0], labeled_size - X_labelled.shape[0], replace=False ) Y_labelled = np.concatenate((Y_labelled, Y_oracle[idx]), axis=0) if isinstance(X_unlabelled, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): X_labelled = csr_vappend(X_labelled, X_unlabelled[idx]) else: X_labelled = np.concatenate((X_labelled, X_unlabelled[idx]), axis=0) Y_oracle = np.delete(Y_oracle, idx, axis=0) if isinstance(X_unlabelled, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): X_unlabelled = delete_from_csr(X_unlabelled, row_indices=idx) else: X_unlabelled = np.delete(X_unlabelled, idx, axis=0) # Sanity checks assert ( X_labelled.shape[0] == Y_labelled.shape[0] and Y_labelled.shape[0] >= labeled_size ), "Labelled length inconsistent" assert X_unlabelled.shape[0] == Y_oracle.shape[0], "Unlabelled length inconsistent" assert X_test.shape[0] == Y_test.shape[0], "Test length inconsistent" assert ( X_labelled.shape[1] == X_unlabelled.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1] ), "X shape inconsistent" return X_labelled, X_unlabelled, Y_labelled, Y_oracle, X_test, Y_test class MyActiveLearner: def __init__( self, X_labelled, X_unlabelled, Y_labelled, Y_oracle, X_test, Y_test, query_strategy, config, metrics=None, i=None, ): # Varying sets self._initial_X_labelled = X_labelled self._initial_X_unlabelled = X_unlabelled self._initial_Y_labelled = Y_labelled self._initial_Y_oracle = Y_oracle # Associated index sets self._taught_idx = np.array([], dtype=int) # Constant sets self.X_test = X_test self.Y_test = Y_test self.query_strategy = query_strategy self.unique_labels = np.unique(Y_test) stop_func = config.meta.get("stop_function", ("default", lambda learner: False)) self.stop_function = stop_func[1] self.stop_function_name = stop_func[0] self.ret_classifiers = config.meta.get("ret_classifiers", False) self.stop_info = config.meta.get("stop_info", False) self.config_str = config.serialize() self.i = i self.pool_subsample = config.meta.get("pool_subsample", None) self.model = config.model_name.lower() self.dataset_name = config.dataset_name self.cleanup_checkpoints = True self.metrics = Metrics(metrics=metrics) self.iteration = 0 # Configuration string for a previous run self.config_str_1000 = self.config_str.replace( self.stop_function_name, "len1000" ) # Validate expected error method ee = config.meta.get("ee", "offline") if ee == "online": = expected_error_online elif ee == "offline": = expected_error else: raise ValueError(f"ee must be online or offline, got {ee}") def __setup_learner(self): kwargs = { "X_training": self.X_labelled, "y_training": self.Y_labelled, "X_unlabelled": self._initial_X_unlabelled, "y_unlabelled": self._initial_Y_oracle, "query_strategy": self.query_strategy, } if self.model == "svm-linear": return IndexLearner( estimator=SVC(kernel="linear", probability=True), **kwargs ) elif self.model == "thunder-svm-linear": return IndexLearner( estimator=ThunderSVC(kernel="linear", probability=True), **kwargs ) elif self.model == "svm-rbf": return IndexLearner(estimator=SVC(kernel="rbf", probability=True), **kwargs) elif self.model == "svm-poly": return IndexLearner( estimator=SVC(kernel="poly", probability=True), **kwargs ) elif self.model == "random-forest": return IndexLearner(estimator=RandomForestClassifier(), **kwargs) elif self.model == "decision-tree": return IndexLearner(estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier(), **kwargs) elif self.model == "gaussian-nb": return IndexLearner(estimator=GaussianNB(), **kwargs) elif self.model == "k-neighbors": return IndexLearner(estimator=KNeighborsClassifier(), **kwargs) elif self.model == "perceptron": return IndexLearner(estimator=Perceptron(), **kwargs) elif self.model == "neural-network": return IndexLearner( estimator=MLPClassifier( hidden_layer_sizes=(100,), # default activation="relu", # default ), **kwargs, ) else: raise Exception("unknown model") def stop_function_adapter(self, learner, *args): "Adapter which allows stop functions which don't accept *args" try: return self.stop_function(learner, *args) except TypeError: return self.stop_function(learner) def active_learn2(self) -> Tuple[list, list]: """ Perform active learning on the given dataset, querying data with the given query strategy. Returns metrics describing the performance of the query strategy, and optionally all classifiers trained during learning. """ # If this experiment run has been completed previously return the saved result cached = self._restore_run() if cached is not None: return cached # Attempt to restore a checkpoint checkpoint = self._restore_checkpoint() if checkpoint is None: past_run_1000 = self.try_restore_1000() if past_run_1000 is not None: print("Restoring from previous 1000 instance run") self = past_run_1000 # Required so we don't overwrite the classifier file below! checkpoint = True else: self.learner = self.__setup_learner() self.metrics.collect( self.X_labelled.shape[0], self.learner.estimator, self.Y_test, self.X_test, ) else: print("Restoring from checkpoint") # FIXME: Does this actually work how I expect...? self.__dict__ = checkpoint.__dict__ # self = checkpoint # Classifiers are stored as a local and explicitly restored as they need to be # compressed before being stored. with store( f"{out_dir()}/classifiers/{self.config_str}_{self.i}.zip", # References to these are held in stores self._initial_X_labelled, self._initial_X_unlabelled, self._initial_Y_labelled, self._initial_Y_oracle, enable=self.ret_classifiers, restore=checkpoint is not None, ) as classifiers: # Initial subsampling, this should probably be done somewhere else tbh... if checkpoint is None: self._update_subsample() if self.ret_classifiers and len(classifiers) == 0: classifiers.append(deepcopy(self.learner)) # Do the active learning! # Need to make sure we check the stop function before writing to any result files # in case we restore from a past 1000 checkpoint (because we no longer delete them) # even though we don't need to do any more work. # TODO: Change mandatory check to >= 500 if we keep the reserve? while self.X_unlabelled.shape[0] >= 10 and not self.stop_function_adapter( self.learner, self.metrics, self ): self.active_learn_iter(classifiers) # Write the experiment run results and (possibly) cleanup intermediate checkpoints self._write_run(self.metrics) self._cleanup_checkpoint() return self.metrics def active_learn_iter(self, classifiers): print(f"Starting iteration {self.iteration}") # QUERY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_start = time.monotonic() query_idx, query_points, extra_metrics = self.learner.query(self.X_subsampled) t_elapsed = time.monotonic() - t_start # PRE METRICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t_ee_start = time.monotonic() if any( "expected_error" in metric_name if isinstance(metric_name, str) else False for metric_name in self.metrics.metrics ): result = self.learner, self.X_subsampled, unique_labels=self.unique_labels ) extra_metrics["expected_error_min"] = np.min(result) extra_metrics["expected_error_max"] = np.max(result) extra_metrics["expected_error_average"] = np.mean(result) extra_metrics["expected_error_variance"] = np.var(result) extra_metrics["time_ee"] = time.monotonic() - t_ee_start if "contradictory_information" in self.metrics.metrics: # predictions = self.learner.predict(query_points) uncertainties = classifier_uncertainty(self.learner.estimator, query_points) # TRAIN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This has the effect of applying the subsampled index to the unlabelled pool then # applying the query index self.learner.teach(self._index_X_subsampled[query_idx]) # POST METRICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if "contradictory_information" in self.metrics.metrics: contradictory_information = np.sum( uncertainties[predictions != self.Y_oracle[query_idx]] / np.mean(uncertainties) ) extra_metrics["contradictory_information"] = contradictory_information # Update taught instances self._taught_idx = np.concatenate( (self._taught_idx, self._index_X_subsampled[query_idx]) ) # Resubsample the unlabelled pool. This must happen after we retrain but before metrics are calculated # as the subsampled unlabelled pool must be disjoint from the trained instances. self._update_subsample() extra_metrics["time_total"] = time.monotonic() - t_start self.metrics.collect( self.metrics.frame.x.iloc[-1] + len(query_idx), self.learner.estimator, self.Y_test, self.X_test, time=t_elapsed, # query time X_unlabelled=self.X_subsampled, unique_labels=self.unique_labels, **extra_metrics, ) if self.ret_classifiers: classifiers.append(self.learner) self.iteration += 1 self._checkpoint(self) def _update_subsample(self): mask = np.ones(self._initial_X_unlabelled.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[self._taught_idx] = False indexes = np.where(mask)[0] if self.pool_subsample is not None: self._index_X_subsampled = np.random.choice( indexes, min(self.pool_subsample, self.X_unlabelled.shape[0]), replace=False, ) else: self._index_X_subsampled = indexes @property def X_subsampled(self): return self._initial_X_unlabelled[self._index_X_subsampled] @property def y_subsampled(self): return self._initial_y_unlabelled[self._index_X_subsampled] @property def X_unlabelled(self): mask = np.ones(self._initial_X_unlabelled.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[self._taught_idx] = False return self._initial_X_unlabelled[mask] @property def Y_oracle(self): mask = np.ones(self._initial_X_unlabelled.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[self._taught_idx] = False return self._initial_Y_oracle[mask] @property def X_labelled(self): if isinstance(self._initial_X_labelled, csr_matrix): return scipy.sparse.vstack( (self._initial_X_labelled, self._initial_X_unlabelled[self._taught_idx]) ) else: return data_vstack( (self._initial_X_labelled, self._initial_X_unlabelled[self._taught_idx]) ) @property def Y_labelled(self): if isinstance(self._initial_Y_labelled, csr_matrix): return scipy.sparse.vstack( (self._initial_Y_labelled, self._initial_Y_oracle[self._taught_idx]) ) else: return data_vstack( (self._initial_Y_labelled, self._initial_Y_oracle[self._taught_idx]) ) def _checkpoint(self, data): file = f"{out_dir()}/checkpoints/{self.config_str}_{self.i}.pickle" for i in range(3): try: # Guard against writing partial checkpoints by using an atomic copy. with atomic_write(file, "wb") as f: dill.dump(data, f) break except Exception as e: print(f"Failed attempt {i+1} of 3 to write to checkpoint {file}: {e}") pass def try_restore_1000(self): "Try to restore from a previous run that was terminated at 1000 instances." # DISABLED if True: return None # This is a bad way to do it, but it is what it is. We only have ~5 spare characters # in the result filenames. if self.stop_function_name == "len1000": return None try: # If in future we need to restore again from runs this is where the test needs to happen # though in this case we should have checkpoints (as we don't remove them for resumed runs) # so it'll be a bit easier (& faster). print(f"Reading past result from {self.config_str_1000} ({self.i})") cached_config, metrics_list = self._read_result( self.config_str_1000, runs=[self.i] ) metrics = metrics_list[0] # first and only requested run classifiers = self.__read_classifiers(self.config_str_1000, i=self.i) except FileNotFoundError: print("Could not restore from 1000 instance run") return None assert ( len(classifiers) == 100 ), f"Could not restore from 1000 instance run as it has {len(classifiers)}!=100 iterations" assert ( len(metrics.x) == 100 ), f"Could not restore from 1000 instance run as it has {len(metrics.x)}!=100 iterations" self.metrics.frame = metrics dense_atol = 1e-1 if self.dataset_name == "swarm" else 1e-3 self.X_unlabelled, self.Y_oracle = reconstruct_last_unlabelled( classifiers, self.X_unlabelled, self.Y_oracle, dense_atol=dense_atol ) self.learner = classifiers[-1] classifiers.close() self._update_subsample() self.cleanup_checkpoints = False return self def _read_result(self, config_str, runs): results = [] for name in [f"{out_dir()}{os.path.sep}{config_str}_{i}.csv" for i in runs]: with open(name, "r") as f: cached_config = Config( **{"model_name": "svm-linear", **json.loads(f.readline())} ) results.append(pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0)) # make the run numbers available cached_config.runs = runs return cached_config, results def __read_classifiers(self, config_str, i): zfile = f"{out_dir()}{os.path.sep}classifiers{os.path.sep}{config_str}_{i}.zip" return CompressedStore(zfile, read=True) def _restore_checkpoint(self): file = f"{out_dir()}/checkpoints/{self.config_str}_{self.i}.pickle" try: with open(file, "rb") as f: my_active_learner = dill.load(f) my_active_learner.learner._X_training = self._initial_X_labelled my_active_learner.learner._y_training = self._initial_Y_labelled my_active_learner.learner._X_unlabelled = self._initial_X_unlabelled my_active_learner.learner._y_unlabelled = self._initial_Y_oracle return my_active_learner except FileNotFoundError: return None except EOFError as e: raise Exception(f"Failed to load checkpoint {file}") from e def _cleanup_checkpoint(self): file = f"{out_dir()}/checkpoints/{self.config_str}_{self.i}.pickle" if self.cleanup_checkpoints: try: os.remove(file) except FileNotFoundError: pass else: print(f"Cleaning checkpoints disabled, not removing {file}") def _write_run(self, data): file = f"{out_dir()}/runs/{self.config_str}_{self.i}.csv" with open(file, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data, f) def _restore_run(self): file = f"{out_dir()}/runs/{self.config_str}_{self.i}.csv" try: with open(file, "rb") as f: return pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: return None def delete_from_csr(mat, row_indices=None, col_indices=None): """ Remove the rows (denoted by ``row_indices``) and columns (denoted by ``col_indices``) from the CSR sparse matrix ``mat``. WARNING: Indices of altered axes are reset in the returned matrix """ if not isinstance(mat, csr_matrix): raise ValueError("works only for CSR format -- use .tocsr() first") rows = [] cols = [] if row_indices is not None: rows = list(row_indices) if col_indices is not None: cols = list(col_indices) if len(rows) > 0 and len(cols) > 0: row_mask = np.ones(mat.shape[0], dtype=bool) row_mask[rows] = False col_mask = np.ones(mat.shape[1], dtype=bool) col_mask[cols] = False return mat[row_mask][:, col_mask] elif len(rows) > 0: mask = np.ones(mat.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[rows] = False return mat[mask] elif len(cols) > 0: mask = np.ones(mat.shape[1], dtype=bool) mask[cols] = False return mat[:, mask] else: return mat def expected_error(learner, X, predict_proba=None, p_subsample=1.0, unique_labels=None): loss = "binary" expected_error = np.zeros(shape=(X.shape[0],)) possible_labels = ( unique_labels if unique_labels is not None else np.unique(learner.y_training) ) X_proba = predict_proba or learner.predict_proba(X) cloned_estimator = clone(learner.estimator) for x_idx in range(X.shape[0]): # subsample the data if needed if np.random.rand() <= p_subsample: if isinstance(X, csr_matrix): X_reduced = delete_from_csr(X, [x_idx]) else: X_reduced = np.delete(X, x_idx, axis=0) # estimate the expected error for y_idx, y in enumerate(possible_labels): if isinstance(X, csr_matrix): X_new = scipy.sparse.vstack((learner.X_training, X[[x_idx]])) else: X_new = data_vstack( (learner.X_training, np.expand_dims(X[x_idx], axis=0)) ) y_new = data_vstack( ( learner.y_training, np.array(y).reshape( 1, ), ) ), y_new) refitted_proba = cloned_estimator.predict_proba(X_reduced) nloss = _proba_uncertainty(refitted_proba) expected_error[x_idx] += np.sum(nloss) * X_proba[x_idx, y_idx] else: expected_error[x_idx] = np.inf return expected_error def csr_vappend(a, b): """Takes in 2 csr_matrices and appends the second one to the bottom of the first one. Much faster than scipy.sparse.vstack but assumes the type to be csr and overwrites the first matrix instead of copying it. The data, indices, and indptr still get copied.""" = np.hstack((, a.indices = np.hstack((a.indices, b.indices)) a.indptr = np.hstack((a.indptr, (b.indptr + a.nnz)[1:])) a._shape = (a.shape[0] + b.shape[0], b.shape[1]) return a def reconstruct_last_unlabelled(clfs, X_unlabelled, Y_oracle, dense_atol=1e-6): """ Reconstruct the last unlabelled pool from stored information. This is used to resume experiments that were terminated at 1000 instances. """ # Defensive asserts assert clfs is not None, "Classifiers must be non-none" assert len(clfs) == 100 assert X_unlabelled is not None, "X_unlabelled must be non-none" assert Y_oracle is not None, "Y_oracle must be non-none" assert ( X_unlabelled.shape[0] == Y_oracle.shape[0] ), "unlabelled and oracle pools have a different shape" # Fast row-wise compare function def compare(A, B, sparse): "" if sparse: pairs = np.where( np.isclose( (np.array(A.multiply(A).sum(1)) + np.array(B.multiply(B).sum(1)).T) - 2 *, 0, ) ) # TODO: Assert A[A_idx] == B[B_idx] for all pairs? Harder with sparse matrices. else: dists = euclidean_distances(A, B, squared=True) pairs = np.where(np.isclose(dists, 0, atol=1e-1, rtol=0)) pairs = np.array( [ [A_idx, B_idx] for A_idx, B_idx in zip(*pairs) if (A[A_idx] == B[B_idx]).all() ] ).T return pairs clf = clfs[-1] assert clf.X_training.shape[0] == 1000, f"{clf.X_training.shape[0]} == 1000" equal_rows = list( compare( X_unlabelled, clf.X_training, sparse=isinstance(X_unlabelled, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix), ) ) # Unlike in reconstruct_unlabelled we are doing this in one shot, and are looking # for all instances which need to be removed. This is eqaul to 1000 minus the # initial set size which were never present in the unlabelled pool. target_n = 1000 - clfs[0].X_training.shape[0] # Some datasets (rcv1) contain duplicates. These were only queried once, so we # make sure we only remove a single copy from the unlabelled pool. if len(equal_rows[0]) > target_n: logger.debug(f"Found {len(equal_rows[0])} equal rows") really_equal_rows = [] for clf_idx in np.unique(equal_rows[1]): dupes = equal_rows[0][equal_rows[1] == clf_idx] # some datasets have duplicates with differing labels (rcv1) dupes_correct_label = dupes[ (Y_oracle[dupes] == clf.y_training[clf_idx]) & # this check is necessary so we don't mark an instance for removal twice # when we want to mark another duplicate np.logical_not(np.isin(dupes, really_equal_rows)) ][0] really_equal_rows.append(dupes_correct_label) logger.debug(f"Found {len(really_equal_rows)} really equal rows") elif len(equal_rows[0]) == target_n: # Fast path with no duplicates assert (Y_oracle[equal_rows[0]] == clf.y_training[equal_rows[1]]).all() really_equal_rows = equal_rows[0] else: raise Exception( f"Less than {target_n} ({len(equal_rows[0])}) equal rows were found." + " This could indicate an issue with the row-wise compare" + " function." ) assert ( len(really_equal_rows) == target_n ), f"{len(really_equal_rows)}=={target_n} (target)" n_before = X_unlabelled.shape[0] if isinstance(X_unlabelled, scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): X_unlabelled = delete_from_csr(X_unlabelled, really_equal_rows) else: X_unlabelled = np.delete(X_unlabelled, really_equal_rows, axis=0) Y_oracle = np.delete(Y_oracle, really_equal_rows, axis=0) assert ( X_unlabelled.shape[0] == n_before - target_n ), f"We found 10 equal rows but {n_before-X_unlabelled.shape[0]} were removed" return (X_unlabelled.copy(), Y_oracle)