As pointed out in this nice Stack Overflow answer, YAML section markers are another nice way of specifying metadata. For instance, this is how Jekyll does its metadata specifications. And as pointed out in the SO post, this syntax is also supported by pandoc, a popular Linux markdown processing utility.
Here's a small sample:
title: Introduction
author: "Bob Jones"
# Hello
I see from #46 that MultiMarkdown notation is supported as follows:
(markdown.core/md-to-html-string* "Title: title\nAuthor: brunokim\n\nFirst paragraph." [:parse-meta? true])
=> {:metadata {:title ["title"], :author ["brunokim"]}, :html "<p>First paragraph.</p>"}
Support for processing YAML metadata could either be added directly to the :parse-meta? true
option, or to a separate :parse-yaml-meta? true
option. Or both, for the matter. I'd also support adding an option for processing EDN, as suggested in #46.
Would you consider a PR with this functionality? If so, what shape do you think it should take?