- CMake >= 3.14
- gcc >= 9
- glibc >= 2.31
- OpenSSL >= 3
For example, in Ubuntu 20.04, you can install the dependencies using:
apt install cmake build-essential libssl-dev
To compile the client, run:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build . --config Release
This client requires gflags
, glog
, and boost
. These will be
automatically downloaded during the cmake build. Other dependencies
should be installed as system libraries.
For offline environments, please refer to cmake/*.cmake
for download
links. After manual downloading, edit .cmake
to refer to local files.
For example:
# Edit cmake/gflags.cmake from
# URL https://mt-ai-speech-public.tos-cn-beijing.volces.com/gflags-2.2.2.zip
# to
URL /home/user/gflags-2.2.2.zip
For convenience, use the docker image: yiliumt/mtasr_client:v1.3
docker run --rm -it yiliumt/mtasr_client:v1.3 bash
# Then you can run demos
The input supports 16kHz 16bit mono wav files. Specify the URL and token for authorization. For configurations, refer to bin/realtime_asr_demo.cc, or use this to view all parameters.
./build/bin/realtime_asr_demo --help
The authorization methods are different for the cloud service and the local AI Box. You should always specify the mode you are using. The default is the cloud mode. To run the demo:
export GLOG_logtostderr=1
export GLOG_v=2
# For the cloud service
./build/bin/realtime_asr_demo \
--mode cloud \
--url wss://api.mthreads.com/api/v1/asr \
--token $your_token \
--wav_path demo.wav \
--enable_punctuation true \
--enable_itn true
# For local AI Box
./build/bin/realtime_asr_demo \
--mode local \
--url wss:// \
--token $your_token \
--wav_path demo.wav \
--enable_punctuation true \
--enable_itn true
Please refer to this to see how to add, remove, modify and list hotwords.
Once you have added a hotword and had a <vocabulary_id>, you can use the hotword by giving the <vocabulary_id>:
./build/bin/realtime_asr_demo \
--mode local \
--url wss:// \
--token $your_token \
--wav_path hotword/hotword_demo.wav \
--enable_punctuation true \
--enable_itn true \
--vocabulary_id $vocabulary_id
- CMake >= 3.14
- Visual Studio >= 2019
- OpenSSL >= 3
Install CMake and Visual Studio.
Install vcpkg following the instructions. Add vcpkg to PATH.
Install OpenSSL with PowerShell (for Windows x64):
vcpkg install openssl:x64-windows vcpkg integrate install
Open cmake, add this directory to "Where is the source code".
add <this_project_path>/build to "Where to build the binaries".
Click "Add Entry":
: <vcpkg_install_path>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
: "MSVC"Type
: "BOOL"Value
: checked
: "PATH"Value
: <vcpkg_install_path>/installed/x64-windows/include
: "PATH"Value
: <vcpkg_install_path>/installed/x64-windows/lib
Click "Configure". Choose the compiler version depending on your demand.
Click "Generate". Once finished, click "Open Project".
In VS, "Build" -> "Build Solution (F7)". It will build the project using the configuration genereated by cmake.
After building, the executable file will be in
<this_project_path>/buid/bin/<Debug or Release>/realtime_asr_demo.exe
Use PowerShell to run the demo, similar to the Linux instructions.
./build/bin/<Debug or Release>/realtime_asr_demo.exe \
--url wss://api.mthreads.com/api/v1/asr \
--token $your_token \
--wav_path demo.wav \
--enable_punctuation true \
--enable_itn true
Same as Linux.