[metadata] name = xinference description = Model Serving Made Easy author = Qin Xuye author_email = qinxuye@xprobe.io maintainer = Qin Xuye maintainer_email = qinxuye@xprobe.io license = Apache License 2.0 url = https://github.com/xorbitsai/inference python_requires = >=3.9 classifier = Operating System :: OS Independent Programming Language :: Python Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries [options] zip_safe = False include_package_data = True packages = find: install_requires = xoscar>=0.3.0 torch gradio pillow click tqdm>=4.27 tabulate requests pydantic fastapi>=0.110.3 uvicorn huggingface-hub>=0.19.4 typing_extensions modelscope>=1.10.0 sse_starlette>=1.6.5 # ensure_bytes API break change: https://github.com/sysid/sse-starlette/issues/65 openai>1 # For typing python-jose[cryptography] passlib[bcrypt] aioprometheus[starlette]>=23.12.0 nvidia-ml-py async-timeout peft timm [options.packages.find] exclude = *.conftest* *.tests.* *.tests [options.extras_require] dev = cython>=0.29 pytest>=3.5.0 pytest-cov>=2.5.0 pytest-timeout>=1.2.0 pytest-forked>=1.0 pytest-asyncio>=0.14.0 pytest-mock>=3.11.1 ipython>=6.5.0 sphinx>=3.0.0 pydata-sphinx-theme>=0.3.0 sphinx-intl>=0.9.9 jieba>=0.42.0 flake8>=3.8.0 black openai>1 langchain langchain-community orjson sphinx-tabs sphinx-design all = llama-cpp-python>=0.2.25,!=0.2.58 transformers>=4.43.2 torch>=2.0.0 # >=2.0 For CosyVoice accelerate>=0.28.0 sentencepiece transformers_stream_generator bitsandbytes protobuf einops tiktoken>=0.6.0 sentence-transformers>=3.1.0 vllm>=0.2.6 ; sys_platform=='linux' diffusers>=0.30.0 imageio-ffmpeg # For video controlnet_aux orjson auto-gptq ; sys_platform!='darwin' autoawq<0.2.6 ; sys_platform!='darwin' # autoawq 0.2.6 pinned torch to 2.3 optimum outlines>=0.0.34 sglang>=0.2.7 ; sys_platform=='linux' mlx-lm ; sys_platform=='darwin' and platform_machine=='arm64' attrdict # For deepseek VL timm>=0.9.16 # For deepseek VL torchvision # For deepseek VL FlagEmbedding # For rerank funasr omegaconf~=2.3.0 # For ChatTTS nemo_text_processing<1.1.0 # 1.1.0 requires pynini==2.1.6.post1 WeTextProcessing<1.0.4 # 1.0.4 requires pynini==2.1.6 librosa # For ChatTTS xxhash # For ChatTTS torchaudio # For ChatTTS ChatTTS>=0.2 lightning>=2.0.0 # For CosyVoice, matcha hydra-core>=1.3.2 # For CosyVoice, matcha inflect # For CosyVoice, matcha conformer # For CosyVoice, matcha diffusers>=0.30.0 # For CosyVoice, matcha gdown # For CosyVoice, matcha pyarrow # For CosyVoice, matcha HyperPyYAML # For CosyVoice onnxruntime==1.16.0 # For CosyVoice, use onnxruntime-gpu==1.16.0 if possible boto3>=1.28.55,<1.28.65 # For tensorizer tensorizer~=2.9.0 eva-decord # For video in VL jj-pytorchvideo # For CogVLM2-video loguru # For Fish Speech natsort # For Fish Speech loralib # For Fish Speech ormsgpack # For Fish Speech qwen-vl-utils # For qwen2-vl datamodel_code_generator # for minicpm-4B jsonschema # for minicpm-4B verovio>=4.3.1 # For got_ocr2 accelerate>=0.28.0 # For got_ocr2 intel = torch==2.1.0a0 intel_extension_for_pytorch==2.1.10+xpu llama_cpp = llama-cpp-python>=0.2.25,!=0.2.58 transformers = transformers>=4.43.2 torch accelerate>=0.28.0 sentencepiece transformers_stream_generator bitsandbytes protobuf einops tiktoken auto-gptq ; sys_platform!='darwin' autoawq<0.2.6 ; sys_platform!='darwin' # autoawq 0.2.6 pinned torch to 2.3 optimum attrdict # For deepseek VL timm>=0.9.16 # For deepseek VL torchvision # For deepseek VL peft eva-decord # For video in VL jj-pytorchvideo # For CogVLM2-video qwen-vl-utils # For qwen2-vl datamodel_code_generator # for minicpm-4B jsonschema # for minicpm-4B vllm = vllm>=0.2.6 sglang = sglang>=0.2.7 ; sys_platform=='linux' vllm>=0.5.2 ; sys_platform=='linux' outlines>=0.0.34 mlx = mlx-lm embedding = sentence-transformers>=3.1.0 rerank = FlagEmbedding image = diffusers>=0.30.0 # fix conflict with matcha-tts controlnet_aux deepcache verovio>=4.3.1 # For got_ocr2 transformers>=4.37.2 # For got_ocr2 tiktoken>=0.6.0 # For got_ocr2 accelerate>=0.28.0 # For got_ocr2 torch # For got_ocr2 torchvision # For got_ocr2 video = diffusers>=0.30.0 imageio-ffmpeg audio = funasr omegaconf~=2.3.0 nemo_text_processing<1.1.0 # 1.1.0 requires pynini==2.1.6.post1 WeTextProcessing<1.0.4 # 1.0.4 requires pynini==2.1.6 librosa xxhash torchaudio ChatTTS>=0.2 tiktoken # For CosyVoice, openai-whisper torch>=2.0.0 # For CosyVoice, matcha lightning>=2.0.0 # For CosyVoice, matcha hydra-core>=1.3.2 # For CosyVoice, matcha inflect # For CosyVoice, matcha conformer # For CosyVoice, matcha diffusers>=0.30.0 # For CosyVoice, matcha gdown # For CosyVoice, matcha pyarrow # For CosyVoice, matcha HyperPyYAML # For CosyVoice onnxruntime==1.16.0 # For CosyVoice, use onnxruntime-gpu==1.16.0 if possible loguru # For Fish Speech natsort # For Fish Speech loralib # For Fish Speech ormsgpack # For Fish Speech doc = ipython>=6.5.0 sphinx>=3.0.0 pydata-sphinx-theme>=0.3.0 sphinx-intl>=0.9.9 sphinx-tabs sphinx-design prometheus_client timm benchmark = psutil [options.entry_points] console_scripts = xinference = xinference.deploy.cmdline:cli xinference-local = xinference.deploy.cmdline:local xinference-supervisor = xinference.deploy.cmdline:supervisor xinference-worker = xinference.deploy.cmdline:worker [coverage:run] branch = True relative_files = True cover_pylib = False plugins = Cython.Coverage include = xinference/* omit = xinference/_version.py *.pxd */tests/* [coverage:report] exclude_lines = pragma: no cover def __repr__ raise AssertionError raise NotImplementedError return NotImplemented [versioneer] VCS = git style = pep440 versionfile_source = xinference/_version.py versionfile_build = xinference/_version.py tag_prefix = v parentdir_prefix = xinference- [flake8] max-line-length = 100 select = E9, E101, E111, E117, E127, E201, E202, E223, E224, E225, E231, E242, E251, E273, E274, E275, E301, E302, E303, E304, E305, E401, E703, E901, E999, F7, F63, F82, F401, F811, F821, F822, F823, F841, W191, W291, W292, W293, W391, W601, W602, W603, W604, W605 exclude = __init__.py __pycache__ .git/ .github/ build/ ci/ dist/ docs/ thirdparty [codespell] ignore-words-list = hist,rcall,fpr,ser,nd,inout,ot,Ba,ba,asend,hart,coo,splitted,datas,fro skip = .idea,.git,./build,./docs/build,node_modules,static,generated,*.po,*.ts,*.json,*.c,*.cpp,*.cfg,thirdparty [isort] profile = black skip = thirdparty [mypy] ignore_missing_imports=True follow_imports=skip exclude = thirdparty