Marking a line with shift "pos1 or end" and pressing del removes too much and destroys structure #1038
Jodit Version: 3.4.xxxxx
Browser: Chrome
OS: Kubuntu 22.04 LTS
Is React App: False
Expected behavior:
The line should only be emptied, not completely removed and the HTML getting changed/merged.
Actual behavior:
- line gets completely removed
- the line above and below are getting merged, and the original structure is getting deleted
- open
- paste a lorem ipsum text
- at the end of every sentence, hit enter/return for a new line
- give "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum." a style "indent or list, it does not really matter"
- mark the line above and hit del or back
- the marked line gets removed and the line above and below are getting merged
Do the same in Thunderbird, Word or any other editor like ckeditor.
The line will always only get emptied, instead of getting completely removed and the lines above and below merged.