Legend plugin for sketch app.
In some companies UX designers make an effort to align with the company's UX standard by creating Sketch symbols that are highly detailed.
Some companies even have components library that the developer use and the UX designer wish to give them the most detailed design.
After exporting to Zeplin
, most of the data is lost.
This plugin provides indexing of Symbols in your artboard with a detailed legend.
It creates a text symbol with the Symbol's index above the Symbol and it adds the definition of the symbol as well as it's overrides
if there are any below your artboard.
Note that it will add an override
only if it was overriden on the SymbolInstance
Feature requests and pull requests are more than welcome :)
- add legends to selected artboards
- clean up legends for selected artboards
- add legends to all artboards
- clean up legends for all artboards
- Select artboards for export
- add legends for selected artboardscmd+ctrl+e
- export selected artboards to zeplincmd+shift+d
- cleanup legends for selected artboards
# clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:wix-incubator/sketch-symbol-legend.git
cd sketch-symbol-legend
# install packages, it will add the plugin to the Sketch app
npm install --no-lockfile
npm run sketch:log
- https://developer.sketchapp.com/guides/cocoascript/
- https://developer.sketchapp.com/reference/api/
- https://github.com/turbobabr/Sketch-Plugins-Cookbook
- https://github.com/abynim/Sketch-Headers/
The following command will create a release with zipped artifact in this repository. That's why you need to generate Github access token.
You need to specify a version bump, it can be one of the following:
<new-version> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease
GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN=<token> SKETCH_RELEASE=<version-bump> npm run sketch:release
- The adapter is a function that gets the symbol master and the overriden values, and returns the props that should be shown in the legend
const adapter = ({symbolMaster, overridedValues}) => {
// your logic
return {
//wsr props to show in the legend
- After creating the adapter, you should add it to the components map in the
file - https://github.com/wix-incubator/sketch-symbol-legend/blob/add-adapter-logic/Legend.sketchplugin/Contents/Sketch/legendifyArtboard/adapters/index.js
Note that the map key is the component name.
- Some newer ES features don't work in Mac OS <= Sierra (e.g. spread operator on objects)
- Plugin works in Sierra and High Sierra
result maps 1-to-1 to ObjectiveC headers from Sketch. These are extremely helpful for debugging and finding all the possible methods/properties and their signatures. https://github.com/abynim/Sketch-Headers/blob/master/Headers/MSSymbolMaster.h- You can run your code async, consider the following snippet from
airbnb/react-sketchapp#97 - Most of collections support
, but not other nativeArray
methods, consider casting to array withArray.from
before doingmap/reduce/filter/includes