epubcheck flags an error for the following attributes on element iframe:
- allowFullScreen="allowFullScreen"
- allowfullscreen=""
- allow="fullscreen"
Error reads as follows:
ERROR(RSC-005): ./Documents/Work/Validator/Testing Blank Files/S_EPUB_AllowFullScreen_ALL.epub/OEBPS/xhtml/jac_9781319048860_back.xhtml(18,106): Error while parsing file: attribute "allowFullScreen" not allowed here; expected attribute...
("..." omits the enumerated allowed attributes on iframe).
Markup from file here for testing:
<iframe src="" allowFullScreen="allowFullScreen"></iframe>
<iframe src="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
<iframe src="" allow="fullscreen"></iframe>
HTML validator allows these, so I propose that this may be a bug in epubcheck.