Before the publication of EPUB 3.0, I volunteered to create a schema for SVG 1.1 (Second edition). At that time, there were two sets of RELAX NG schema for SVG 1.1 (First edition). However, there are several syntactical changes between the first edition and the second edition.
Rather than trying to update existing first-edition RNG schemas, I decided to create a RNG schema by automatic conversion from the second-edition DTD. This is the origin of svg11-flat.rnc, which is used by epubcheck. Obviously, this automatically generated RNG schema is not modularized and thus not easy to maintain. uses a set of RELAX NG schema for SVG. I suppose that it captures widely-used features of SVG 1.1 (Second edition) and sometimes SVG2 features. If we adopt for the validation of content documents, schema maintenance will be a lot easier.