[Bug Report][3.5.9] Treeview: when setting the opened prop, it gets reset to an empty array #19414
Vuetify Version: 3.5.9
Vue Version: 3.4.21
Browsers: Safari 17.4
OS: Mac OS 10.15.7
Steps to reproduce
Set the opened prop directly in the template, or using data
Expected Behavior
The tree opens
Actual Behavior
The tree remains closed
Reproduction Link
Other comments
It does work if setting the opened after mounting the tree-view, by setting the opened prop in the mounted hook, but you can't pass it directly.
I think it might be because of the watcher on openAll: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/blob/master/packages/vuetify/src/labs/VTreeview/VTreeview.tsx#L107