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vscode-icons-bot edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 216 revisions

List of supported file icons

If you feel that there's some icon missing, please let us know by opening an issue using as subject [Icon Request] Support for 'name' (replace 'name' with the file or language name).

Please use the provided issue template.

Important! Icons that are supported via Language ID, require a syntax highlighting extension, that registers that id, to be installed, for the icon to show.

Denotation: Extensions are in regular fonts, filenames in bold and language ids in code block.

Name Extensions / Filenames / Language IDs Preview Dark Theme Preview Light Theme
file file_dark
access accdb, accdt, mdb, accda, accdc, accde, accdp, accdr, accdu, ade, adp, laccdb, ldb, mam, maq, mdw access_dark
access2 accdb, accdt, mdb, accda, accdc, accde, accdp, accdr, accdu, ade, adp, laccdb, ldb, mam, maq, mdw access2_dark
actionscript actionscript actionscript_dark
actionscript2 actionscript actionscript2_dark actionscript2_light
ada ada ada_dark ada_light
advpl advpl advpl_dark
ai ai ai_dark
ai2 ai ai2_dark
al al al_dark
allcontributors .all-contributorsrc allcontributors_dark
affinitydesigner afdesign, affinitydesigner affinitydesigner_dark
affinityphoto afphoto, affinityphoto affinityphoto_dark
affinitypublisher afpub, affinitypublisher affinitypublisher_dark
appscript gs appscript_dark
fitbit fba fitbit_dark
angular .angular-cli.json, angular-cli.json, angular.json, .angular.json angular_dark
ng_component_dart component.dart ng_component_dart_dark
ng_component_ts component.ts ng_component_ts_dark
ng_component_js component.js ng_component_js_dark
ng_controller_ts controller.ts ng_controller_ts_dark
ng_controller_js controller.js ng_controller_js_dark
ng_directive_dart directive.dart ng_directive_dart_dark
ng_directive_ts directive.ts ng_directive_ts_dark
ng_directive_js directive.js ng_directive_js_dark
ng_guard_dart guard.dart ng_guard_dart_dark
ng_guard_ts guard.ts ng_guard_ts_dark
ng_guard_js guard.js ng_guard_js_dark
ng_module_dart module.dart ng_module_dart_dark
ng_module_ts module.ts ng_module_ts_dark
ng_module_js module.js ng_module_js_dark
ng_pipe_dart pipe.dart ng_pipe_dart_dark
ng_pipe_ts pipe.ts ng_pipe_ts_dark
ng_pipe_js pipe.js ng_pipe_js_dark
ng_routing_dart routing.dart ng_routing_dart_dark
ng_routing_ts routing.ts ng_routing_ts_dark
ng_routing_js routing.js ng_routing_js_dark
ng_routing_dart app-routing.module.dart ng_routing_dart_dark
ng_routing_ts app-routing.module.ts ng_routing_ts_dark
ng_routing_js app-routing.module.js ng_routing_js_dark
ng_smart_component_dart page.dart, container.dart ng_smart_component_dart_dark
ng_smart_component_ts page.ts, container.ts ng_smart_component_ts_dark
ng_smart_component_js page.js, container.js ng_smart_component_js_dark
ng_service_dart service.dart ng_service_dart_dark
ng_service_ts service.ts ng_service_ts_dark
ng_service_js service.js ng_service_js_dark
ng_interceptor_dart interceptor.dart ng_interceptor_dart_dark
ng_interceptor_ts interceptor.ts ng_interceptor_ts_dark
ng_interceptor_js interceptor.js ng_interceptor_js_dark
ng_component_ts2 component.ts ng_component_ts2_dark
ng_component_js2 component.js ng_component_js2_dark
ng_directive_ts2 directive.ts ng_directive_ts2_dark
ng_directive_js2 directive.js ng_directive_js2_dark
ng_module_ts2 module.ts ng_module_ts2_dark
ng_module_js2 module.js ng_module_js2_dark
ng_pipe_ts2 pipe.ts ng_pipe_ts2_dark
ng_pipe_js2 pipe.js ng_pipe_js2_dark
ng_routing_ts2 routing.ts ng_routing_ts2_dark
ng_routing_js2 routing.js ng_routing_js2_dark
ng_routing_ts2 app-routing.module.ts ng_routing_ts2_dark
ng_routing_js2 app-routing.module.js ng_routing_js2_dark
ng_smart_component_ts2 page.ts, container.ts ng_smart_component_ts2_dark
ng_smart_component_js2 page.js, container.js ng_smart_component_js2_dark
ng_service_ts2 service.ts ng_service_ts2_dark
ng_service_js2 service.js ng_service_js2_dark
ng_tailwind ng-tailwind.js ng_tailwind_dark
affectscript affectscript affectscript_dark
ansible ansible ansible_dark
antlr antlr antlr_dark
anyscript anyscript anyscript_dark
apache apacheconf apache_dark
apex apex apex_dark
apib apiblueprint apib_dark
api_extractor api-extractor.json, api-extractor-base.json api_extractor_dark
apl apl apl_dark apl_light
applescript applescript applescript_dark
appsemble .appsemblerc.yaml, app-definition.yaml appsemble_dark
appveyor appveyor.yml, .appveyor.yml appveyor_dark
arduino ino, pde arduino_dark
asciidoc asciidoc asciidoc_dark
asp asp, asp (html) asp_dark
aspx aspx, ascx aspx_dark
assembly arm, asm assembly_dark
astro astro astro_dark
astroconfig astro.config.js, astro.config.cjs, astro.config.mjs, astro.config.ts astroconfig_dark
ats ats ats_dark
audio aac, act, aiff, amr, ape, au, dct, dss, dvf, flac, gsm, iklax, ivs, m4a, m4b, m4p, mmf, mogg, mp3, mpc, msv, oga, ogg, opus, ra, raw, tta, vox, wav, wma audio_dark
aurelia aurelia.json aurelia_dark
autohotkey ahk autohotkey_dark
autoit autoit autoit_dark
avif avif avif_dark
avro avro avro_dark
awk awk awk_dark
aws aws_dark
azure azcli azure_dark
azurepipelines azure-pipelines.yml, .vsts-ci.yml, azure-pipelines azurepipelines_dark
babel .babelrc, .babelignore, .babelrc.js, .babelrc.cjs, .babelrc.mjs, .babelrc.json, babel.config.js, babel.config.cjs, babel.config.mjs, babel.config.json babel_dark babel_light
babel2 .babelrc, .babelignore, .babelrc.js, .babelrc.cjs, .babelrc.mjs, .babelrc.json, babel.config.js, babel.config.cjs, babel.config.mjs, babel.config.json babel2_dark babel2_light
ballerina ballerina ballerina_dark
bat bat bat_dark
bats bats bats_dark
bazaar .bzrignore bazaar_dark
bazel BUILD.bazel, .bazelrc, bazel.rc, bazel.bazelrc, bazel, starlark bazel_dark
befunge befunge, befunge98 befunge_dark
bicep bicep bicep_dark
biml biml biml_dark
binary a, app, bin, cmo, cmx, cma, cmxa, cmi, dll, exe, hl, ilk, lib, n, ndll, o, obj, pyc, pyd, pyo, pdb, scpt, scptd, so binary_dark
bithound .bithoundrc bithound_dark
bitbucketpipeline bitbucket-pipelines.yml bitbucketpipeline_dark
blade blade, laravel-blade blade_dark
blitzbasic bb, blitzbasic blitzbasic_dark
bolt bolt bolt_dark
bosque bosque bosque_dark
bower .bowerrc, bower.json bower_dark
browserslist .browserslistrc, browserslist browserslist_dark
buckbuild .buckconfig buckbuild_dark
bundler gemfile, gemfile.lock bundler_dark
bundler gemfile, gemfile.lock bundler_dark
c c c_dark
c2 c c2_dark
c3 c c3_dark
c_al c-al c_al_dark
cabal cabal cabal_dark
caddy caddyfile caddy_dark
cake cake cake_dark
cakephp cakephp_dark
capacitor capacitor.config.json capacitor_dark
cargo cargo.toml, cargo.lock cargo_dark
casc casc casc_dark
cddl cddl cddl_dark
cert csr, crt, cer, der, pfx, p12, p7b, p7r, src, crl, sst, stl cert_dark
ceylon ceylon ceylon_dark
cf lucee, cfml, lang-cfml cf_dark
cf2 lucee, cfml, lang-cfml cf2_dark
cfc cfc cfc_dark
cfc2 cfc cfc2_dark
cfm cfmhtml cfm_dark
cfm2 cfmhtml cfm2_dark
cheader h cheader_dark
chef chefignore, berksfile, berksfile.lock, policyfile.rb, policyfile.lock.json chef_dark
class class class_dark
circleci circle.yml circleci_dark circleci_light
clojure cjm, cljc, clojure clojure_dark
clojurescript cljs, clojurescript clojurescript_dark
cloudfoundry .cfignore, manifest-yaml cloudfoundry_dark cloudfoundry_light
cmake cmake, cmake-cache cmake_dark
cobol cobol cobol_dark
codeql ql codeql_dark
codeowners codeowners codeowners_dark codeowners_light
codacy .codacy.yml, .codacy.yaml codacy_dark codacy_light
codeclimate .codeclimate.yml codeclimate_dark codeclimate_light
codecov codecov.yml, .codecov.yml codecov_dark
codekit kit codekit_dark
codekit config.codekit, config.codekit2, config.codekit3, .config.codekit, .config.codekit2, .config.codekit3 codekit_dark
coffeelint coffeelint.json, .coffeelintignore coffeelint_dark
coffeescript coffeescript coffeescript_dark
conan conanfile.txt, conan_dark
conda .condarc conda_dark
config plist, properties, dotenv, env config_dark config_light
config .tool-versions config_dark config_light
commitizen .czrc, .cz.json commitizen_dark
commitlint .commitlintrc commitlint_dark
commitlint commitlint.config.js, commitlint.config.cjs, commitlint.config.ts, .commitlintrc.json, .commitlintrc.yaml, .commitlintrc.yml, .commitlintrc.js, .commitlintrc.cjs, .commitlintrc.ts commitlint_dark
compass compass_dark
composer composer.json, composer.lock composer_dark
chef_cookbook cookbook chef_cookbook_dark
confluence confluence confluence_dark
coveralls .coveralls.yml coveralls_dark
cpp cpp cpp_dark
cpp2 cpp cpp2_dark
cpp3 cpp cpp3_dark
cppheader hpp, hh, hxx, h++ cppheader_dark
crowdin crowdin.yml crowdin_dark
crystal crystal crystal_dark crystal_light
csharp csx, csharp csharp_dark
csharp2 csx, csharp csharp2_dark
csproj csproj csproj_dark
css css css_dark
csscomb .csscomb.json csscomb_dark
csslint .csslintrc csslint_dark
cssmap cssmap_dark
cucumber feature cucumber_dark
cuda cuda, cuda-cpp cuda_dark
cython cython cython_dark
cypress cypress.json, cypress.env.json, cypress.config.js, cypress.config.ts, cypress.config.cjs, cypress.config.mjs cypress_dark cypress_light
cypress_spec cy.js, cy.mjs, cy.cjs,, cy.ts, cy.tsx, cy.jsx cypress_spec_dark cypress_spec_light
cvs .cvsignore cvs_dark
dal dal dal_dark
darcs .boringignore darcs_dark
dartlang dart dartlang_dark
dartlang_generated g.dart, freezed.dart dartlang_generated_dark
dartlang_ignore .pubignore dartlang_ignore_dark
db db db_dark db_light
dependabot dependabot.yml dependabot_dark
dependencies dependencies.yml dependencies_dark
delphi pascal, objectpascal delphi_dark
devcontainer devcontainer.json, .devcontainer.json devcontainer_dark
dhall dhall dhall_dark dhall_light
django djt, django-html, django-txt django_dark
dlang d, dscript, dml, diet dlang_dark
diff diff diff_dark
docker .dockerignore, compose.yaml, compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml, docker-compose.yml,,, docker-compose.override.yaml, docker-compose.override.yml, docker-compose.vs.debug.yaml, docker-compose.vs.debug.yml, docker-compose.vs.release.yaml, docker-compose.vs.release.yml, docker-cloud.yaml, docker-cloud.yml, dockerfile docker_dark
docker2 .dockerignore, compose.yaml, compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml, docker-compose.yml,,, docker-compose.override.yaml, docker-compose.override.yml, docker-compose.vs.debug.yaml, docker-compose.vs.debug.yml, docker-compose.vs.release.yaml, docker-compose.vs.release.yml, docker-cloud.yaml, docker-cloud.yml, dockerfile docker2_dark
dockertest docker-compose.test.yml dockertest_dark
dockertest2 docker-compose.test.yml dockertest2_dark
docpad eco docpad_dark docpad_light
docz .doczrc, docz.js, docz.json, .docz.js, .docz.json, doczrc.js, doczrc.json, docz.config.js, docz.config.json docz_dark
dojo .dojorc dojo_dark
doxygen doxygen doxygen_dark
drawio drawio, dio .drawio.png, .drawio.svg, .dio.png, .dio.svg drawio_dark
drone .drone.yml, .drone.yml.sig drone_dark drone_light
drools drools drools_dark
dotjs dotjs dotjs_dark
dustjs dustjs dustjs_dark
dvc .dvc dvc_dark
dylan dylan, dylan-lid dylan_dark
editorconfig .editorconfig editorconfig_dark
earthly .earthlyignore, Earthfile, earthfile earthly_dark
edge edge edge_dark
edge2 edge edge2_dark
eex eex, html-eex eex_dark
ejs ejs ejs_dark
elastic es elastic_dark
elasticbeanstalk elasticbeanstalk_dark
elixir elixir elixir_dark
elm elm-package.json, elm elm_dark
elm2 elm-package.json, elm elm2_dark
emacs el, elc emacs_dark
ember .ember-cli ember_dark
ensime ensime ensime_dark
eps eps eps_dark
erb erb, html.erb erb_dark
erlang emakefile, .emakerfile, erlang erlang_dark
erlang2 emakefile, .emakerfile, erlang erlang2_dark
eslint .eslintrc, .eslintignore, .eslintcache, .eslintrc.js, .eslintrc.mjs, .eslintrc.cjs, .eslintrc.json, .eslintrc.yaml, .eslintrc.yml eslint_dark
eslint2 .eslintrc, .eslintignore, .eslintcache, .eslintrc.js, .eslintrc.mjs, .eslintrc.cjs, .eslintrc.json, .eslintrc.yaml, .eslintrc.yml eslint2_dark
excel xls, xlsx, xlsm, ods, fods, xlsb excel_dark
excel2 xls, xlsx, xlsm, ods, fods, xlsb excel2_dark
expo app.json, app.config.js, app.config.json, app.config.json5 expo_dark expo_light
falcon falcon falcon_dark
fauna .faunarc, fql fauna_dark
favicon favicon.ico favicon_dark
fbx fbx fbx_dark
firebase .firebaserc firebase_dark
firebasehosting firebase.json firebasehosting_dark firebasehosting_light
firestore firestore.rules, firestore.indexes.json firestore_dark
fla fla fla_dark fla_light
flareact flareact.config.js flareact_dark
flash swf, swc flash_dark
floobits .flooignore floobits_dark
flow js.flow flow_dark
flow .flowconfig flow_dark
flutter .flutter-plugins, .metadata flutter_dark
flutter_package pubspec.lock, pubspec.yaml, .packages flutter_package_dark
font woff, woff2, ttf, otf, eot, pfa, pfb, sfd font_dark font_light
formkit formkit.config.js, formkit.config.mjs, formkit.config.cjs, formkit.config.ts formkit_dark
fortran fortran, fortran-modern, FortranFreeForm, FortranFixedForm, fortran_fixed-form fortran_dark
fossa .fossaignore fossa_dark
fossil ignore-glob fossil_dark
fsharp fsharp fsharp_dark
fsproj fsproj fsproj_dark
freemarker ftl freemarker_dark
fthtml fthtml fthtml_dark
funding funding.yml funding_dark
fusebox fuse.js fusebox_dark
galen galen galen_dark
galen2 galen galen2_dark
git .gitattributes, .gitconfig, .gitignore, .gitmodules, .gitkeep, .mailmap, .issuetracker, git-commit, git-rebase, ignore git_dark
gamemaker gmx, gml-gms gamemaker_dark
gamemaker2 yy, yyp, gml-gms2 gamemaker2_dark gamemaker2_light
gamemaker81 gml-gm81 gamemaker81_dark
gatsby gatsby-browser.js, gatsby-browser.ts, gatsby-browser.tsx, gatsby-ssr.js, gatsby-ssr.ts, gatsby-ssr.tsx gatsby_dark
gatsby gatsby-config.js, gatsby-config.ts, gatsby-node.js, gatsby-node.ts gatsby_dark
gcode gcode gcode_dark
genstat genstat genstat_dark
gitlab .gitlab-ci.yml gitlab_dark
gitpod .gitpod.yaml, .gitpod.yml, gitpod.yaml, gitpod.yml gitpod_dark
glide glide.yml glide_dark
glitter .glitterrc glitter_dark
glsl glsl glsl_dark
glyphs glyphs glyphs_dark
gnuplot gnuplot gnuplot_dark
go go go_dark
go_package go.sum, go.mod go_package_dark
goctl goctl goctl_dark
godot gdscript godot_dark
gradle gradle gradle_dark gradle_light
gradle2 gradle gradle2_dark
graphql .gqlconfig, graphql graphql_dark
graphql_config .graphqlconfig, .graphqlconfig.yml, .graphqlconfig.yaml graphql_config_dark
graphviz dot graphviz_dark
greenkeeper greenkeeper.json greenkeeper_dark
gridsome gridsome.config.js, gridsome.config.ts, gridsome.server.js, gridsome.server.ts, gridsome.client.js, gridsome.client.ts gridsome_dark
groovy groovy groovy_dark
groovy2 groovy groovy2_dark
grunt gruntfile.js,, gruntfile.ts, gruntfile.babel.js,, gruntfile.babel.ts grunt_dark
gulp gulpfile.js,, gulpfile.ts, gulpfile.mjs, gulpfile.esm.js,, gulpfile.esm.ts, gulpfile.esm.mjs, gulpfile.babel.js,, gulpfile.babel.ts, gulpfile.babel.mjs gulp_dark
haml haml haml_dark
handlebars handlebars handlebars_dark
handlebars2 handlebars handlebars2_dark
harbour harbour harbour_dark
hardhat hardhat.config.js, hardhat.config.ts hardhat_dark
haskell haskell, literate haskell haskell_dark
haskell2 haskell, literate haskell haskell2_dark
haxe haxelib.json, haxe, hxml, Haxe AST dump haxe_dark
haxecheckstyle checkstyle.json haxecheckstyle_dark
haxedevelop hxproj haxedevelop_dark
helix .p4ignore helix_dark
helm chart.lock, chart.yaml, helm helm_dark
hjson hjson hjson_dark hjson_light
hlsl hlsl hlsl_dark
homeassistant home-assistant homeassistant_dark
horusec horusec-config.json horusec_dark
host hosts host_dark
html html html_dark
htmlhint .htmlhintrc htmlhint_dark
http http http_dark
hunspell hunspell.aff, hunspell.dic hunspell_dark
husky .huskyrc, husky.config.js, .huskyrc.js, .huskyrc.json, .huskyrc.yaml, .huskyrc.yml husky_dark
hy hy hy_dark
hygen ejs.t hygen_dark
hypr hypr hypr_dark
icl icl icl_dark
idris idr, lidr idris_dark
idrisbin ibc idrisbin_dark
idrispkg ipkg idrispkg_dark
image jpeg, jpg, gif, png, bmp, tiff, ico, webp image_dark
imba imba, imba2, imba imba_dark
inc inc, include inc_dark
infopath infopathxml, xsn, xsf, xtp2 infopath_dark
informix 4GL informix_dark
ini ini ini_dark ini_light
ink ink ink_dark
innosetup innosetup innosetup_dark
ionic ionic.project, ionic.config.json ionic_dark
jake jakefile, jakefile.js jake_dark
janet janet janet_dark
jar jar jar_dark
jasmine jasmine.json jasmine_dark
java java java_dark
jbuilder jbuilder jbuilder_dark
jest jest.config.json, jest.config.base.json, jest.config.common.json, jest.config.ts, jest.config.base.ts, jest.config.common.ts, jest.json, .jestrc, .jestrc.js, .jestrc.json, jest.config.js, jest.config.cjs, jest.config.mjs, jest.config.base.js, jest.config.base.cjs, jest.config.base.mjs, jest.config.common.js, jest.config.common.cjs, jest.config.common.mjs, jest.config.babel.js, jest.config.babel.cjs, jest.config.babel.mjs jest_dark
jest_snapshot js.snap, jsx.snap, ts.snap, tsx.snap jest_snapshot_dark
jekyll jekyll jekyll_dark
jenkins jenkins, declarative, jenkinsfile jenkins_dark
jinja jinja, jinja-html, jinja-xml, jinja-css, jinja-json, jinja-md, jinja-py, jinja-rb, jinja-js, jinja-yaml, jinja-toml, jinja-latex, jinja-lua, jinja-properties, jinja-shell, jinja-dockerfile, jinja-sql, jinja-terraform, jinja-nginx, jinja-groovy, jinja-systemd, jinja-cpp jinja_dark
jpm .jpmignore jpm_dark
js javascript js_dark js_light
js_official javascript js_official_dark
jsbeautify .jsbeautifyrc, jsbeautifyrc, .jsbeautify, jsbeautify jsbeautify_dark
jsconfig jsconfig.json jsconfig_dark jsconfig_light
jscpd .jscpd.json, jscpd-report.xml, jscpd-report.json, jscpd-report.html jscpd_dark
jshint .jshintrc, .jshintignore jshint_dark
jsmap,, jsmap_dark jsmap_light
json jsonl, ndjson, json, json-tmlanguage, jsonc json_dark json_light
json_official jsonl, ndjson, json, json-tmlanguage, jsonc json_official_dark
json2 jsonl, ndjson, json, json-tmlanguage, jsonc json2_dark
jsonnet jsonnet jsonnet_dark
json5 json5, json5 json5_dark json5_light
jsonld jsonld, json-ld jsonld_dark jsonld_light
jsp jsp jsp_dark
jss jss jss_dark
julia julia, juliamarkdown julia_dark
julia2 julia, juliamarkdown julia2_dark
jupyter ipynb jupyter_dark
io io io_dark io_light
iodine iodine iodine_dark
k k k_dark
karma karma.conf.js,, karma.conf.ts karma_dark
key key, pem key_dark
kite .kiteignore kite_dark kite_light
kitchenci .kitchen.yml, kitchen.yml kitchenci_dark
kivy kivy kivy_dark
kos kos kos_dark
kotlin kotlin kotlin_dark
kusto kusto kusto_dark
latino latino latino_dark
layout master, layout.html, layout.htm layout_dark
layout layout.html, layout.htm layout_dark
lerna lerna.json lerna_dark lerna_light
less less less_dark
lex lex lex_dark
license enc, license, lic license_dark
license license, licence, copying, copying.lesser, license-mit, license-apache,, license.txt,, licence.txt,, copying.txt,, copying.lesser.txt,, license-mit.txt,, license-apache.txt license_dark
licensebat .licrc licensebat_dark
lighthouse .lighthouserc.js, .lighthouserc.json, .lighthouserc.yaml, .lighthouserc.yml lighthouse_dark
lisp lisp, autolisp, autolispdcl lisp_dark
lime hxp lime_dark
lime include.xml lime_dark
lintstagedrc .lintstagedrc, .lintstagedrc.json, .lintstagedrc.yaml, .lintstagedrc.yml, .lintstagedrc.mjs, .lintstagedrc.js, .lintstagedrc.cjs, lint-staged.config.mjs, lint-staged.config.js, lint-staged.config.cjs lintstagedrc_dark
liquid liquid liquid_dark
livescript ls livescript_dark
lnk lnk lnk_dark
locale locale_dark
log log, tlg log_dark
log log, tlg, log log_dark
lolcode lolcode lolcode_dark
lsl lsl lsl_dark
lua lua lua_dark
luau luau luau_dark
lync crec, ocrec lync_dark
makefile makefile, makefile makefile_dark
manifest manifest manifest_dark
manifest_skip manifest.skip manifest_skip_dark
manifest_bak manifest.bak manifest_bak_dark
map map map_dark
markdown mdown, markdown, markdown markdown_dark
markdownlint .markdownlint.json markdownlint_dark
markdownlint_ignore .markdownlintignore markdownlint_ignore_dark
marko marko marko_dark
markojs marko.js markojs_dark
matlab fig, mex, mexn, mexrs6, mn, mum, mx, mx3, rwd, slx, slddc, smv, xvc, matlab matlab_dark
maxscript maxscript maxscript_dark
maven maven.config, pom.xml, extensions.xml, settings.xml maven_dark
maya mel maya_dark
mdx mdx mdx_dark mdx_light
mediawiki mediawiki mediawiki_dark
mercurial .hgignore mercurial_dark
meson meson meson_dark
meteor meteor_dark
mjml mjml mjml_dark
mlang powerquery mlang_dark mlang_light
mocha mocha.opts, .mocharc.js, .mocharc.json, .mocharc.jsonc, .mocharc.yaml, .mocharc.yml mocha_dark
modernizr modernizr, modernizr.js, modernizrrc.js, .modernizr.js, .modernizrrc.js modernizr_dark
mojolicious mojolicious mojolicious_dark
moleculer moleculer.config.js, moleculer.config.json, moleculer.config.ts moleculer_dark
mongo mongo mongo_dark
monotone .mtn-ignore monotone_dark
mson mson mson_dark
mustache mustache, mst mustache_dark mustache_light
ndst ndst.yaml, ndst.yml, ndst.json ndst_dark
nearly nearley nearly_dark
nestjs .nest-cli.json, nest-cli.json, nestconfig.json, .nestconfig.json nestjs_dark
nest_adapter_js adapter.js nest_adapter_js_dark
nest_adapter_ts adapter.ts nest_adapter_ts_dark
nest_controller_js controller.js nest_controller_js_dark
nest_controller_ts controller.ts nest_controller_ts_dark
nest_decorator_js decorator.js nest_decorator_js_dark
nest_decorator_ts decorator.ts nest_decorator_ts_dark
nest_filter_js filter.js nest_filter_js_dark
nest_filter_ts filter.ts nest_filter_ts_dark
nest_gateway_js gateway.js nest_gateway_js_dark
nest_gateway_ts gateway.ts nest_gateway_ts_dark
nest_guard_js guard.js nest_guard_js_dark
nest_guard_ts guard.ts nest_guard_ts_dark
nest_interceptor_js interceptor.js nest_interceptor_js_dark
nest_interceptor_ts interceptor.ts nest_interceptor_ts_dark
nest_middleware_js middleware.js nest_middleware_js_dark
nest_middleware_ts middleware.ts nest_middleware_ts_dark
nest_module_js module.js nest_module_js_dark
nest_module_ts module.ts nest_module_ts_dark
nest_pipe_js pipe.js nest_pipe_js_dark
nest_pipe_ts pipe.ts nest_pipe_ts_dark
nest_service_js service.js nest_service_js_dark
nest_service_ts service.ts nest_service_ts_dark
netlify netlify.toml netlify_dark
next next.config.js, next.config.mjs next_dark next_light
nginx nginx.conf nginx_dark
nim nim nim_dark
nimble nimble nimble_dark
ninja ninja_dark
noc noc noc_dark
nix nix nix_dark
njsproj njsproj njsproj_dark
node .node-version, .nvmrc node_dark
node2 .node-version, .nvmrc node2_dark
nodemon nodemon.json nodemon_dark
npm .npmignore, .npmrc, package.json, package-lock.json, npm-shrinkwrap.json npm_dark
nsi nsis, nfl, nsl, bridlensis nsi_dark
nsri .nsrirc, .nsriignore, nsri.config.js, .nsrirc.js, .nsrirc.json, .nsrirc.yaml, .nsrirc.yml nsri_dark
nsri-integrity .integrity.json nsri-integrity_dark
nuget nupkg, snupkg, nuspec, psmdcp nuget_dark
numpy npy, npz numpy_dark
nunjucks nunj, njs, nunjucks nunjucks_dark
nuxt nuxt.config.js, nuxt.config.ts nuxt_dark
nyc .nycrc, .nycrc.json nyc_dark
objectivec objective-c objectivec_dark
objectivecpp objective-cpp objectivecpp_dark
objidconfig .objidconfig objidconfig_dark objidconfig_light
ocaml .merlin, ocaml, ocamllex, menhir ocaml_dark
ogone ogone ogone_dark
onenote one, onepkg, onetoc, onetoc2, sig onenote_dark
openscad scad openscad_dark
opencl cl, opencl opencl_dark
openHAB openhab openHAB_dark openHAB_light
org org org_dark
outlook pst, bcmx, otm, msg, oft outlook_dark
ovpn ovpn ovpn_dark
package pkg package_dark
paket paket.dependencies, paket.lock, paket.references, paket.template, paket.local paket_dark
patch patch patch_dark
pcl pcd pcl_dark pcl_light
pddl pddl pddl_dark
pddl_plan plan pddl_plan_dark
pddl_happenings happenings pddl_happenings_dark
pdf pdf pdf_dark
pdf2 pdf pdf2_dark
peeky peeky.config.ts, peeky.config.js, peeky.config.mjs peeky_dark
perl perl perl_dark
perl2 perl perl2_dark
perl6 perl6 perl6_dark
pgsql pgsql pgsql_dark
photoshop psd photoshop_dark
photoshop2 psd photoshop2_dark
php php1, php2, php3, php4, php5, php6, phps, phpsa, phpt, phtml, phar, php php_dark
php2 php1, php2, php3, php4, php5, php6, phps, phpsa, phpt, phtml, phar, php php2_dark
php3 php1, php2, php3, php4, php5, php6, phps, phpsa, phpt, phtml, phar, php php3_dark
phpcsfixer .php_cs, .php_cs.dist phpcsfixer_dark
phpunit phpunit, phpunit.xml, phpunit.xml.dist phpunit_dark
phraseapp .phraseapp.yml phraseapp_dark
pine pine, pinescript pine_dark
pip pipfile, pipfile.lock, pip-requirements pip_dark
pipeline pipeline pipeline_dark
platformio platformio.ini, platformio-debug.disassembly, platformio-debug.memoryview, platformio-debug.asm platformio_dark
plantuml pu, plantuml, iuml, puml plantuml_dark
playwright playwright.config.js, playwright.config.ts playwright_dark
plsql plsql, oracle plsql_dark
plsql_package pck plsql_package_dark
plsql_package_body pkb plsql_package_body_dark
plsql_package_header pkh plsql_package_header_dark
plsql_package_spec pks plsql_package_spec_dark
pnpm pnpmfile.js, pnpm-lock.yaml, pnpm-workspace.yaml pnpm_dark pnpm_light
poedit po, mo poedit_dark
polymer polymer polymer_dark
pony pony pony_dark
postcss postcss postcss_dark
postcssconfig .postcssrc, .postcssrc.json, .postcssrc.yaml, .postcssrc.yml, .postcssrc.ts, .postcssrc.js, .postcssrc.cjs, postcss.config.ts, postcss.config.js, postcss.config.cjs postcssconfig_dark
powerpoint pot, potx, potm, pps, ppsx, ppsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, pa, ppa, ppam, sldm, sldx powerpoint_dark
powerpoint2 pot, potx, potm, pps, ppsx, ppsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, pa, ppa, ppam, sldm, sldx powerpoint2_dark
powershell powershell powershell_dark
powershell_psm psm1 powershell_psm_dark
powershell_psd psd1 powershell_psd_dark
powershell_format format.ps1xml powershell_format_dark
powershell_types types.ps1xml powershell_types_dark
powershell2 powershell powershell2_dark
powershell_psm2 psm1 powershell_psm2_dark
powershell_psd2 psd1 powershell_psd2_dark
preact preact.config.js preact_dark
precommit .pre-commit-config.yaml precommit_dark
prettier .prettierrc, .prettierignore prettier_dark prettier_light
prettier prettier.config.js, prettier.config.cjs, prettier.config.ts, prettier_dark prettier_light
prettier .prettierrc.js, .prettierrc.cjs, .prettierrc.json, .prettierrc.json5, .prettierrc.yml, .prettierrc.yaml, .prettierrc.toml prettier_dark prettier_light
prisma prisma prisma_dark prisma_light
processinglang pde processinglang_dark
procfile procfile procfile_dark
progress abl progress_dark
prolog pro, P, prolog prolog_dark
prometheus prometheus prometheus_dark
protobuf proto3, proto protobuf_dark
protractor protractor.conf.js,, protractor.conf.ts protractor_dark
publisher pub, puz publisher_dark
puppet puppet puppet_dark
pug .jade-lintrc, .pug-lintrc, .jade-lint.json, .pug-lintrc.js, .pug-lintrc.json, jade pug_dark
purescript purescript purescript_dark purescript_light
pyret pyret pyret_dark
python python python_dark
pytyped py.typed pytyped_dark
pyup .pyup, .pyup.yml pyup_dark
q q q_dark
qbs qbs qbs_dark
qlikview qvd, qvw, qlik qlikview_dark
qml qml qml_dark
qmldir qmldir qmldir_dark
qsharp qsharp qsharp_dark
quasar quasar.config.js, quasar.conf.js quasar_dark quasar_light
r r r_dark
racket racket racket_dark
rails rails_dark
rake rake rake_dark
rake rakefile rake_dark
raml raml raml_dark
razor razor, aspnetcorerazor razor_dark
razzle razzle.config.js razzle_dark razzle_light
reactjs javascriptreact reactjs_dark
reacttemplate rt reacttemplate_dark
reactts typescriptreact reactts_dark
reason reason reason_dark
red red red_dark
registry reg registry_dark
rego rego rego_dark
rehype .rehyperc, .rehypeignore, .rehyperc.cjs, .rehyperc.js, .rehyperc.json, .rehyperc.mjs, .rehyperc.yml, .rehyperc.yaml rehype_dark rehype_light
remark .remarkrc, .remarkignore, .remarkrc.cjs, .remarkrc.js, .remarkrc.json, .remarkrc.mjs, .remarkrc.yml, .remarkrc.yaml remark_dark remark_light
renovate .renovaterc, renovate.json, .renovaterc.json renovate_dark
replit .replit, replit.nix replit_dark replit_light
rescript rescript rescript_dark
rest restructuredtext rest_dark
retext .retextrc, .retextignore, .retextrc.cjs, .retextrc.js, .retextrc.json, .retextrc.mjs, .retextrc.yml, .retextrc.yaml retext_dark retext_light
rexx rexx rexx_dark
riot riot riot_dark
robotframework robot robotframework_dark
robots robots.txt robots_dark
rollup rollup.config.js, rollup.config.cjs, rollup.config.mjs,, rollup.config.ts, rollup.config.common.js, rollup.config.common.cjs, rollup.config.common.mjs,, rollup.config.common.ts,,,,,,,,,, rollup_dark
ron ron ron_dark
rmd rmd rmd_dark
rproj rproj rproj_dark
rspec .rspec rspec_dark
rubocop .rubocop.yml, .rubocop_todo.yml rubocop_dark rubocop_light
ruby ruby ruby_dark
rust rust rust_dark rust_light
rust_toolchain rust-toolchain rust_toolchain_dark rust_toolchain_light
sails .sailsrc sails_dark
saltstack sls saltstack_dark
san san san_dark
sas SAS sas_dark
sass sass sass_dark
sbt sbt sbt_dark
scala scala scala_dark
script vbscript script_dark
scss scssm, scss scss_dark
scilab scilab scilab_dark
sdlang sdl sdlang_dark
sentry .sentryclirc sentry_dark
serverless serverless.yml, serverless.json, serverless.js, serverless.ts serverless_dark
sequelize .sequelizerc, .sequelizerc.js, .sequelizerc.json sequelize_dark
shaderlab unity, shaderlab shaderlab_dark shaderlab_light
shell fish, shellscript shell_dark
siyuan sy siyuan_dark
sketch sketch sketch_dark
slang slang slang_dark
slashup slash-up.config.js slashup_dark
slice slice slice_dark
slim slim slim_dark
sln sln sln_dark
sln2 sln sln2_dark
silverstripe silverstripe silverstripe_dark
skipper eskip, eskip skipper_dark
smarty smarty smarty_dark
snapcraft snapcraft.yaml snapcraft_dark
snort snort snort_dark
snyk .snyk snyk_dark
solidarity .solidarity, .solidarity.json solidarity_dark
solidity solidity solidity_dark solidity_light
source source_dark
spacengine spe spacengine_dark
sparql sparql sparql_dark
sqf sqf sqf_dark
sql sql sql_dark
sqlite sqlite, sqlite3, db3 sqlite_dark
squirrel squirrel squirrel_dark
sss sss sss_dark
stan stan stan_dark
stata dta, stata stata_dark
stencil stencil, stencil-html stencil_dark
stryker stryker.conf.mjs, stryker.conf.cjs, stryker.conf.js, stryker.conf.conf, stryker.conf.json, .stryker.conf.mjs, .stryker.conf.cjs, .stryker.conf.js, .stryker.conf.conf, .stryker.conf.json, stryker-config.mjs, stryker-config.cjs, stryker-config.js, stryker-config.conf, stryker-config.json, stryker4s.mjs, stryker4s.cjs, stryker4s.js, stryker4s.conf, stryker4s.json stryker_dark
style style_dark
stylelint .stylelintrc, .stylelintignore, .stylelintcache, stylelint.config.js, stylelint.config.json, stylelint.config.yaml, stylelint.config.yml, stylelint.config.ts, stylelint.config.cjs, .stylelintrc.js, .stylelintrc.json, .stylelintrc.yaml, .stylelintrc.yml, .stylelintrc.ts, .stylelintrc.cjs stylelint_dark stylelint_light
stylable stylable stylable_dark
styled source.css.styled styled_dark
stylish_haskell .stylish-haskell.yaml stylish_haskell_dark
stylus stylus stylus_dark stylus_light
storyboard storyboard storyboard_dark
storybook story.js, story.jsx, story.ts, story.tsx, story.mdx, stories.js, stories.jsx, stories.ts, stories.tsx, stories.mdx storybook_dark
subversion .svnignore subversion_dark
svelte svelte svelte_dark
svg svg svg_dark
swagger Swagger, swagger swagger_dark
swift package.pins, swift swift_dark
swig swig swig_dark
symfony symfony.lock symfony_dark symfony_light
systemd systemd-unit-file systemd_dark systemd_light
systemverilog systemverilog systemverilog_dark systemverilog_light
t4tt t4 t4tt_dark
tailwind tailwind.js, tailwind.cjs,, tailwind.ts, tailwind.json, tailwind.config.js, tailwind.config.cjs,, tailwind.config.ts, tailwind.config.json, .tailwind.js, .tailwind.cjs,, .tailwind.ts, .tailwind.json, .tailwindrc.js, .tailwindrc.cjs,, .tailwindrc.ts, .tailwindrc.json tailwind_dark
tauri tauri.conf.json tauri_dark
teal teal teal_dark
tt tt2, tt tt_dark
tcl tcl, exp tcl_dark
tera tera tera_dark
terraform tfstate, terraform terraform_dark
test tst test_dark
testcafe .testcaferc.json testcafe_dark testcafe_light
testjs test.js, test.jsx, test.mjs, spec.js, spec.jsx, spec.mjs testjs_dark testjs_light
testts test.ts, test.tsx, spec.ts, spec.tsx, e2e-test.ts, e2e-test.tsx, e2e-spec.ts, e2e-spec.tsx testts_dark
tex texi, tikz, tex, latex, bibtex, doctex tex_dark tex_light
text csv, tsv, plaintext text_dark
textile textile textile_dark
tiltfile tiltfile tiltfile_dark
tfs .tfignore tfs_dark
todo todo todo_dark todo_light
toit toit toit_dark toit_light
toml toml toml_dark toml_light
tox tox.ini tox_dark
travis .travis.yml travis_dark
trunk trunk.yaml trunk_dark
tsconfig tsconfig.json,, tsconfig.base.json, tsconfig.common.json,, tsconfig.development.json, tsconfig.e2e.json, tsconfig.eslint.json, tsconfig.node.json,, tsconfig.production.json, tsconfig.server.json, tsconfig.spec.json, tsconfig.staging.json, tsconfig.test.json, tsconfig.lib.json, tsconfig_dark
tsconfig_official tsconfig.json,, tsconfig.base.json, tsconfig.common.json,, tsconfig.development.json, tsconfig.e2e.json, tsconfig.node.json,, tsconfig.production.json, tsconfig.server.json, tsconfig.spec.json, tsconfig.staging.json, tsconfig.test.json, tsconfig.lib.json, tsconfig_official_dark
tslint tslint.json, tslint.yaml, tslint.yml tslint_dark
ttcn ttcn ttcn_dark
tuc tuc tuc_dark
twig twig twig_dark
typedoc typedoc.js, typedoc.json typedoc_dark
typescript typescript typescript_dark
typescript_official typescript typescript_official_dark
typescriptdef d.ts, d.cts, d.mts typescriptdef_dark
typescriptdef_official d.ts, d.cts, d.mts typescriptdef_official_dark
typo3 typoscript typo3_dark
unibeautify .unibeautifyrc, unibeautify.config.js, .unibeautifyrc.js, .unibeautifyrc.json, .unibeautifyrc.yaml, .unibeautifyrc.yml unibeautify_dark unibeautify_light
unlicense unlicense, unlicence,, unlicense.txt,, unlicence.txt unlicense_dark
vagrant vagrantfile vagrant_dark
vala vala vala_dark
vanilla_extract css.ts vanilla_extract_dark
vapi vapi vapi_dark
vash vash vash_dark vash_light
vapor vapor.yml vapor_dark
vb vb vb_dark
vba vba vba_dark
vbhtml vbhtml vbhtml_dark
vbproj vbproj vbproj_dark
vcxproj vcxproj vcxproj_dark
velocity velocity velocity_dark
verilog verilog verilog_dark
vhdl vhdl vhdl_dark
video 3g2, 3gp, asf, amv, avi, divx, qt, f4a, f4b, f4p, f4v, flv, m2v, m4v, mkv, mk3d, mov, mp2, mp4, mpe, mpeg, mpeg2, mpg, mpv, nsv, ogv, rm, rmvb, svi, vob, webm, wmv video_dark
view view_dark
vim .vimrc, .gvimrc, viml vim_dark
vite vite.config.js, vite.config.ts vite_dark
vitest vitest.config.ts, vitest.config.js, vitest.config.mjs vitest_dark
vlang v vlang_dark
volt volt volt_dark
vscode .vscodeignore, launch.json, tasks.json, vscodeignore.json vscode_dark
vscode2 .vscodeignore, launch.json, tasks.json, vscodeignore.json vscode2_dark
vscode3 .vscodeignore, launch.json, tasks.json, vscodeignore.json vscode3_dark
vscode-insiders .vscodeignore, launch.json, tasks.json, vscodeignore.json vscode-insiders_dark
vsix vsix vsix_dark vsix_light
vsixmanifest vsixmanifest vsixmanifest_dark vsixmanifest_light
vue vue vue_dark
vueconfig .vuerc, vue.config.js, vue.config.cjs, vue.config.mjs vueconfig_dark
wallaby wallaby.json, wallaby.js, wallaby.ts,, wallaby.conf.json, wallaby.conf.js, wallaby.conf.ts,, .wallaby.json, .wallaby.js, .wallaby.ts,, .wallaby.conf.json, .wallaby.conf.js, .wallaby.conf.ts, wallaby_dark
watchmanconfig .watchmanconfig watchmanconfig_dark
wasm wasm, wasm, wat wasm_dark
webpack webpack.base.conf.js,, webpack.base.conf.ts, webpack.common.js,, webpack.common.ts, webpack.config.js,, webpack.config.ts, webpack.config.base.js,, webpack.config.base.ts, webpack.config.common.js,, webpack.config.common.ts,,,, webpack.config.development.js,, webpack.config.development.ts, webpack.config.staging.js,, webpack.config.staging.ts, webpack.config.test.js,, webpack.config.test.ts,,,, webpack.config.production.js,, webpack.config.production.ts, webpack.config.babel.js,, webpack.config.babel.ts, webpack.config.base.babel.js,, webpack.config.base.babel.ts, webpack.config.common.babel.js,, webpack.config.common.babel.ts,,,, webpack.config.development.babel.js,, webpack.config.development.babel.ts, webpack.config.staging.babel.js,, webpack.config.staging.babel.ts, webpack.config.test.babel.js,, webpack.config.test.babel.ts,,,, webpack.config.production.babel.js,, webpack.config.production.babel.ts,,,,,,,,,,,,, webpack.main.config.js,, webpack.main.config.ts, webpack.mix.js,, webpack.mix.ts, webpack.plugins.js,, webpack.plugins.ts, webpack.renderer.config.js,, webpack.renderer.config.ts, webpack.rules.js,, webpack.rules.ts, webpack.test.conf.js,, webpack.test.conf.ts webpack_dark
wenyan wenyan wenyan_dark
wercker wercker.yml wercker_dark
windi windi.config.ts, windi.config.js windi_dark
wolfram wolfram wolfram_dark
word doc, docx, docm, dot, dotx, dotm, wll word_dark
word2 doc, docx, docm, dot, dotx, dotm, wll word2_dark
wpml wpml-config.xml wpml_dark
wurst wurstlang, wurst wurst_dark
wxml wxml wxml_dark
wxss wxss wxss_dark
xcode xcodeproj xcode_dark
xfl xfl xfl_dark xfl_light
xib xib xib_dark
xliff xliff, xlf xliff_dark
xmake xmake xmake_dark
xml pex, tmlanguage, xml xml_dark
xquery xquery xquery_dark
xsl xsl xsl_dark
yacc yacc yacc_dark
yaml yaml, yaml-tmlanguage yaml_dark yaml_light
yamllint .yamllint yamllint_dark
yandex .yaspellerrc, .yaspeller.json yandex_dark
yang yang yang_dark
yarn yarn.lock, .yarnrc, .yarnrc.yml, .yarnclean, .yarn-integrity, .yarn-metadata.json, .yarnignore yarn_dark
yeoman .yo-rc.json yeoman_dark
zeit now.json, .nowignore, vercel.json, .vercelignore zeit_dark zeit_light
zig zig zig_dark
turbo turbo.json turbo_dark turbo_light
doppler doppler.yaml, doppler-template.yaml doppler_dark
zip zip, rar, 7z, tar, tgz, bz, gz, bzip2, xz, bz2, zipx zip_dark
zip2 zip, rar, 7z, tar, tgz, bz, gz, bzip2, xz, bz2, zipx zip2_dark